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Chapter Thirteen

“Don’t you think Kevin looks like Captain Hook?” Nick cackles. “If he grew his hair back out again, and curled his mustache up in the morning, he’d be the spitting image.”

I shake my head at him and nudge him to give me a sip of his beer. He hands the cold, green bottle to me and I take a sip. The sour taste fills my mouth, and I am instantly reminded why I don’t like beer.

“Nick, you’ve had too much to drink,” I say, trying to swallow the mouth full of fizzy liquid before I spit it all out.

“Amber, one beer isn’t too much to drink.” He laughs again. “I’m just a little keyed up on driving all day.”

“Do we have to watch this movie, though?”

Peter Pan? It’s a classic.”

“I’m very aware, Nick.”

“No, this is the best version though.”

“The Disney cartoon?”

“I hate the one where the chick plays Peter. That’s just wrong.”

“The chick? That chick is Mary Martin.”


“Mary Martin!”

“I always thought it was Julie Andrews, you know, Marry Poppins?”

“I know who Julie Andrews is.”


“Mary Poppins, Nick, isn’t Peter Pan.”

“I know that, sweetie.” Nick grins at me. “Don’t get me wrong, hunny. This chick does good as Peter, though I’m not quite sure why exactly they needed to cast a chick in his role, but I love Julie Andrews. I mean, who else could sing, a-hem,” He clears his throat. “A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down, medicine go down, medicine go down.” He sighs. “If it weren’t for that song, I would not be here talking to you today.”

“Pray, tell me why,” I snicker.

“Because my grandmother used to sing it to me when I had to take medicine. That’s the only way she could get me to take it.”

“That’s a sweet story.”

“I know, and came up with it on the spot too, pretty brilliant, don’t you think?” He grins.

“Nickolas, I thought you were serious.”

“Sorry, I thought I’d see if I could get you all choked up.”

“Thanks a lot.”

“Anyway, I think Peter Pan is one of my favorite Disney movies. Really, I mean it has it all. Action, humor, romance! What more could a guy ask for.”

“Don’t all Disney movies have that?”


“Don’t shush me. And where’s the romance?”

“Peter and Wendy.”

“They’re like five!”

“Are you saying that love only matters when you’re older?” He smiles.

“No, Nick.”

“And in Hook Peter and Wendy are married, aren’t they?”


“And Wendy’s all jealous when Peter rescues Tiger Lily, remember?”


“There’s romance in it.”

“Whatever you say.”

“I fell in love when I was five,” Nick sighs, leaning his head against the head of the bed and gazing at the ceiling. “She was absolutely amazing, in bed and out.”

“NICKOLAS?!” I pull the pillow out from behind him and shove it into his face.

“Calm yourself down, pretty lady. I was just playing around,” He takes another deep sip of beer and his lips fold up into a smug smile.

“No kidding, Nick. I thought you were serious....”

Capitulito XIII--->