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Quantum Business Visions, Inc.

Quantum Business Visions, Inc.
Reggie and Debbie Higgins
Independent Distributors

The Way Nature Intended

-- And a Business Opportunity, too!

*** No More Paycheck to Paycheck!! ***

125,000 people each week are starting home-based businesses. Are you tired of the status quo? Are you ready to keep all you earn instead of the "boss" getting his cut first? We're positioned to help you change your financial future.

Listen to a 3-minute message about the success that's possible with the phenomenal opportunity our company has to offer by calling
Real People -- Real Stories
24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Hello and welcome to our Web site! We're pleased that you have taken the time to stop by and see what's going on. There is a lot of information here, but please don't be intimidated by it all. Simply start by browsing through the OVERVIEW INFORMATION TOPICS table below for what we're all about. You can pick and choose what you want to read based on your interests and the time you have available.

(To view, click on topic of interest.)
    1. The Indoor Air Pollution Story
    2. The Indoor Air Solution Story
    3. The Water Problem
    1. Why MLM?
    2. Support
    3. Need More?
    4. Income Potential

Basically, we offer people two things:

  1. Advanced proprietary technology that treats air and water pollution occurring in homes, commercial, and industrial settings -- products that are manufactured by the #1 air and water purification company in the United States.

  2. Opportunity -- for individuals or couples looking for an honest wealth building home-based business plan with exclusive products and unmatched benefits. If you want to set your own hours, establish your own income, and enjoy financial security beyond a 40-hour-a-week paycheck, then this is the right time and the right place.
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We have so many reasons to praise the air purifier. Reggie's mother is to be credited for getting us to try a unit. She was confident that Reggie would benefit from the system, because she had had such a great experience with it. It took her six months, but we finally agreed to let her friend (and ultimately our sponsor) Diane ship us a unit to try.

About the same time it arrived, our cat was seen stalking the kitchen, a place she is not allowed to enter. She would dart in and out quickly whenever she saw something, despite the danger in being caught by one of us. We decided that there must be a mouse in the house and set a couple of traps.

As a bit of background, we had a neighbor that had a grapefruit tree and did not maintain it properly. There was always fruit on the ground, so many of the surrounding homes suffered the consequences of the fruit rats that result from this lack of care -- a typical Florida problem.

Well, the traps didn't result in any action, however, we started smelling what we thought was a dead mouse -- location unknown. We decided it was time to unpack the air purifier and set it up. Within a short time, the odor was totally eliminated. We thought the dead critter was gone (via the cat), not understanding that the air purifier was doing its job.

Debbie was more sensitive to ozone than Reggie was and had to turn it down to be comfortable. We had left the house for a couple of hours after turning down the ozone, and upon returning could smell the dead mouse again. We decided it was time to turn the unit off so we could locate the critter. It turns out a fruit rat had crawled up behind the refrigerator and electrocuted itself. We removed it and cranked the unit up again. The odor was gone in about 15 minutes. A note here...Debbie has since adjusted to the ozone and is completely comfortable whether it is set on high or low. We both breathe much better.

We now have five dogs and two cats and Reggie smokes. No one who comes into our home ever smells anything but clean, fresh air. They can't believe that our house doesn't reek of pet odors and smoke smells.

We have more stories about our experiences, but it would take pages to cover. Our personal experiences sold us completely on the quality of the product. Life is much more comfortable with an air purifier in our home.

That's the product side of the story. Diane continued to try and convince us to check into the business, but we were resistant because of our own past experiences with MLMs. Because of Diane's persistence and the proven quality of the product, Reggie continued to investigate the company. We viewed the "10 Years of History" videotape, and that was the clincher. It was the quality of the individuals who run the company that convinced us that this company was different. The sales plan speaks for itself, so we decided to invest in the business and bought a Success Pack.

We are now Distributors and are very pleased with our decision.

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Our "unique" products provide advanced environmental technology for homes and commercial structures. We are distributors for the #1 manufacturer of air and water purification units in the United States. The air and water purification systems are the products that showcase our proprietary technology.

The air purification systems work in a way and to a degree that's turning environmental issues -- allergies, asthma, odors, smoke, dust, mold, bacteria, and fumes, etc. -- upside down. Purification is MUCH, MUCH more than filtration. For any environment to be fully filtrated, "all" of the air must be pushed through the filter. No home or business is designed (architecturally) in a way that permits air to be filtered through a single filtration system. That's what makes our units so invaluable.

We have the most technologically advanced patented system of air purification on the market today with no viable competition. A single home unit covers approximately 3,000 square feet. They also use the least amount of electricity compared to the filtration systems on the market. There are no expensive replacement filters to purchase each month. Every unit is covered by an extensive 3-year parts and labor warranty. With proper maintenance, the average lifespan of a unit is 10 years, making the purchase price and operational costs just pennies a day. Isn't the health of your family and pets worth a few cents each day?

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The news is all around us -- sick building syndrome, allergy and asthma increasing in children, dust mites in our homes a hidden danger, mold and mildew causing serious illness and even death.

The EPA has rated indoor air pollution as the #1 environmental health concern. Our homes became energy efficient with the oil embargo of the 70s, literally sealing in our air supply. This has led to increases in mold, mildew, dust mites being trapped in our breathing space, and off gassing from cleaners, carpet, furniture and building materials. The air we breathe has become an invisible enemy of our immune systems.

Recent quotes:

Prevention Magazine
"Each day, each of us breathes in two heaping tablespoons of pollutants -- dust, pollen, mold, carbon, tar, bacteria, smoke, and countless chemical hazards."

USA Today
"Indoor air pollution is widespread. You are more likely to get sick from pollution in your home or office than from the pollution in the air outside."

"Pollutants are up to 100 times worse indoors than outdoors -- [because] scientists now recognize that pollutants, even at safe levels, when trapped in an indoor environment combine [with each other] and have a multiplying effect [of toxicity]."

Journal Gazette-Fort Wayne, Indiana 1996
"About 64,000 people in major American cities may be dying annually from lung or heart problems aggravated by breathing the gritty air pollution known as particulates, according to a study released by a national environmental group. Recent research by The Harvard School of Health, after tracking the health of thousands of participants, concluded that particulates shorten lives by one to three years. The biggest risk faces the elderly and people afflicted with asthma, angina, pneumonia or other lung and heart ailments. Several recent scientific studies have indicated that the EPA's current standard is not stringent enough to safeguard health."

No matter how clean your home is, it contains one or more of these problems. You may have mild symptoms, such as a runny nose, congestion, sneezing, fatigue, headaches, dizziness, and eye or skin irritation. You may be on allergy or asthma medications because of your environment. The problem is clear. We must consider ways to improve the air quality in our home or suffer the consequences.

All of this may seem hard to believe, especially since bad air is invisible and we tend to think of our home as our refuge. But the things in our indoor air are affecting everyone from infants to seniors. This silent, serious, and long-term health threat is in nearly every home, office, and indoor environment. It consists of invisible particles, gases, and microbiological organisms. Even though the research is overwhelming, there are many health professionals who are only just beginning to become aware of the problem. The average person may never suspect that many of their symptoms may be caused or aggravated by these slow acting, invisible, and stealthy toxins. Take a look at these recent articles on the problems of indoor air quality. It's astonishing what we are breathing in!

  • "Is Your Office Killing You"
  • "EPA on Indoor Air Quality"
  • "Mold: A Health Alert"

    As these problems began to evolve, a few scientists realized their presence but couldn't suggest a really good solution. Most companies and scientists only contributed to the problem by recommending more chemicals and cleaners that were ineffective, contributed to the problem, or only masked the problems. We were the first company to provide an affordable and sensible solution.

    So, this is our first challenge; to educate and inform (and the media is doing a good job helping us) about the problems of indoor air pollution and the discovered solution.

    Are you tired of doctor's appointments, medical bills, taking pills or injections, not sleeping well because of sinus/congestion, runny/itchy eyes and stuffy nose, sore throats, animal odors, or lingering smoke smells in your home? Is a dollar a day too much to spend to protect your family's health?

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    There was a revolutionary discovery that occurred in approximately 1982. A young engineer in Minnesota accidentally discovered an electronic system that effectively addresses this serious health threat. He still feels that this was a "divinely inspired gift" to mankind and it was, indeed, a tremendous breakthrough. A small portable box (about the size of a small speaker) that, amazingly, electronically replicates the cleaning agents that Mother Nature has used for millions of years (i.e., sunshine, lightning, and wind) to remove outside pollutants -- an all-natural system that may give dramatic results for an entire house or for a wide spectrum of indoor pollution problems. It even passes through walls and goes 60 feet in all directions.

    And now there are over 4 million of these units currently in use by individuals, professionals, and commercial establishments. Our technology is so advanced many people can't understand that we have just duplicated Mother Nature. It isn't until they evaluate a unit in their home that they understand the true capabilities of this remarkable invention. Seeing is believing! Most people notice a difference in their environment within 48-72 hours.

    There is a tremendous problem and we are the only company addressing the issue with a proven solution -- a solution that will save you money in the long run and ensure the quality of the air your family breathes, as well as the water they drink!

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    Our water purification systems protect your family from all of the unseen dangers in our water supply today. Whether you have city water or a well system, no one is safe from the dangers of contaminated water. Accidents happen and it's up to us to be prepared. It is no different than wearing a seat belt. There have been many recent examples of city water containing E-coli, which has cause severe illness and even death (Canada and Colorado). There are also reports of those who felt they were safe living in the beauty of a country setting until masses of bacteria were found in their well water (over 55 contaminated wells in Riverview, FL). The problem has existed for months and the county's solution (so far) is "boil your drinking water until we find the source," and providing residents with a source for portable drinking water at a central location. In the meantime, they are bathing themselves and their children in water loaded with E-coli and other contaminants.

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, GA, between 900 and 1,000 people die and another million become ill annually from microbiological illnesses linked to contaminated drinking water. Other estimates have deaths as high as 1,200 and illnesses at more than 7 million, many of which are never reported to doctors.

    You could save money and purchase a simple filter system similar to those that sit on a pitcher, but what would you get? The possibility that you could be creating a greater problem than what you already have. Simple filters may improve the taste of your water, but they actually increase your exposure to waterborne microorganisms. A Yale University study showed that standard carbon filters had average effluent heterotropic plate counts of more than 2,000 colony-forming units per milliliter (CFU/ml), while incoming tap water plate counts were below 100. To put this in perspective, the EPA considers water with plate counts of more than 500 CFU/ml unfit for human consumption.

    The reason for this is quite simple. The carbon in these filters removes chlorine from the water, but is also a food source for many bacteria. When chlorine is removed, there is nothing left in the water to inhibit bacterial growth. As a consequence, the bacteria grow happily and readily on the food-supplying filter. The 5-stage purification process in the water purification unit ensures that this won't happen.

    60 Minutes aired an investigative report on January 16, 2000 about the dangers of MTBE, a gasoline additive, leaking into our water supplies. The government had allowed 2% MTBE to be added to our gasoline as part of the Clean Air Act to increase gas mileage by using this oxygenating agent. 100 million Americans were exposed to the chemical (MTBE) before the toxicity was revealed. Ten years of MTBE approved by the government as an additive even though the toxicity was either known or questionable. An internal study by Chevron showed that MTBE contaminated ground water in 80% of the 400 sites the company tested.

    Dr. Bernard Goldstein, a toxicologist, said that studies should have been done before the government allowed huge quantities of MTBE to be put in gasoline. He said, "This is a classic case of how not to protect the public." He went on to say, "If I wanted to be sure I poisoned as many Americans as possible, I'd put something in gasoline." This approach would create air quality issues as well as water issues if it leaked into the water supplies like MTBE did.

    A well in Glennville, CA tested 20,000 parts per billion of MTBE in ground water (1,000 times greater than the EPA recommends). MTBE was also found in the water in Santa Monica and Lake Tahoe, and present at some level in 20% of all urban wells.

    The government issued an advisory two years ago to test for MTBE. When asked when testing would begin, the be response was "maybe next year. Even if we stop putting MTBE in gasoline and start testing all the water supplies, it will still be in the ground water."

  • "EPA Information on Water Contaminants"
  • "National Primary Drinking Water Standards"
                      Charts on Types of Contaminants, Sources, Health Effects and Levels the Government Allows

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    Once people try this technology, many get very excited and want to tell others about what they have found, and many choose to make it their part or full-time home-based business.

    The Company has setup a program that rewards people handsomely for their own efforts AND for helping others start their businesses as well. The Company been reviewed by several national media, including Success Magazine, Inc 500, The Marketeer and many others, as well as "Business Bits 'N' Pieces," a business journal that gave the Company a "five coin rating," the highest rating ever given to any company two years in a row (1998 and 1999). In addition, celebrities like Crystal Gail and Fran Tarkenton support our program.

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    WHY MLM?

    This Company has been nationally recognized as the fastest growing home-based business in the United States, and has secured a prominent standing because of the progressive sales/marketing plan and unique products.

    Why This Company? Because there is a definitive need and this Company has the only viable solution. The products are more advanced than anything else on the market, don't require expensive filter replacement, cover a much broader area, use less electricity, and last an average of 10 years with proper maintenance, therefore costing just pennies per day to operate. We are on the ground floor of a revolution in indoor air and water purification.

    This Company stands above the rest with a sales plan that is more lucrative than any other MLM. The sales plan was meticulously created to ensure that even a "casual" dealer could profit from selling the product from day one. That's what makes this Company different from any other MLM created in the past; it's not just the top producers that profit in this company. Business builders who build a strong downline can easily earn a six-figure annual income. With this Company, everyone wins -- the customer, the Company, and the dealer.

    Why MLM? Most startup companies prefer to use the standard retail venue to market their products. This limits the profit because there are advertising expenses, the middleman to pay, and a variety of other expenses that add to the price of the product.

    Multi-level marketing (AKA network marketing) has been around for years and, unfortunately, has earned a bad rap. Many companies took advantage of this marketing tool and abused the public trust. This Company went out of their way to create a sales plan that would justify the public trust and enable motivated individuals to earn an honest and substantial income.

    Let me give you some facts about network marketing that may offer you some insight. Network marketing is an alternative method of distributing a product or service to the consumer. Network marketing is not a business itself -- it is a way of doing business. It is a marketing method, and each marketer is an independent distributor, not a company employee. Each has his or her own business.

    It is the most effective, powerful marketing system in the world, and it is the perfect vehicle for home-based business and the decentralization of business, which is rapidly approaching by way of the Internet. Yet, while more and more people are enjoying its benefits, most are still unfamiliar with it or have had a sour experience.

    Traditionally, 80% of the cost of getting a product or service to the consumer is marketing related. MLM/network marketing companies eliminate the wholesalers, eliminate the high cost of having a sales force as employees, eliminate the high cost of centralized advertising, and deliver the product or service directly to the consumer with the assistance of independent contractors, i.e., distributors. This greatly reduces the expense of getting the product or service sold, and the increased profits are shared with the distributor network.

    There are many reputable and established companies that use network marketing, as well as traditional marketing, to reach the public. Here is list of just a few of those companies:

  • AT&T
  • Avon
  • Bausch & Lomb
  • Bell Atlantic
  • Bell South
  • Campbell Soup
  • Chrysler Corporation
  • Coca-Cola
  • Colgate/Palmolive *
  • Corning
  • Fieldcrest Cannon
  • Ford Motor Company
  • Fruit Of The Loom
  • GTE
  • General Electric
  • General Mills
  • General Motors
  • Gillette *
  • H. J. Heinz Company
  • IBM
  • Litton Industries
  • MCI *
  • Motorola
  • NCR
  • Quaker Oats Company
  • Sharp Electronics
  • Sprint *
  • Texas Instruments
  • Whirlpool Corporation
  • Xerox Corporation
  • Zenith Electronics
  • * While most of the companies listed provide goods and services through an MLM organization, these also operate one.

    Network marketing is a 50-year-old industry whose time is come. Currently 7.7 million people in the U.S. are involved with a network marketing company. Over 150,000 people worldwide are joining a network marketing company each and every week. With corporate America downsizing at an ever-increasing rate, job stability is close to non-existent.

    Network marketing/MLM is the perfect vehicle for us all to make the transition from trading our time for money in the traditional work a day world, to the total freedom that can come with financial independence.

    Even as franchising transformed the way business is done, so will network marketing usher in the age of decentralization in which everyone contributes to the whole through doing that which they enjoy, in their own way, in their own time and in surroundings of their own choosing.

    This Company is the most promising vehicle for you to achieve the financial security you desire for your family. We have established ourselves as a leader in the industry. We have created a product with no viable competition, in a market place that is overwhelmed with a need for our products. If you are tired of other people making it big while you work more and more just to stay caught up with the bills, then this could be the right time and the right place for you. Are you ready to take a "calculated" risk so you will never have to "rob Peter to pay Paul?" It's time to enjoy the fruits of your labor!

    There is a worldwide health threat in need of a solution, and our company has a totally new approach to the problem; no one else in the world has been able to duplicate this technology and, believe me, many have tried! These two simple facts make this the incredible opportunity that it is. By simply sharing this information -- at your own pace -- being your own boss -- and really doing something significant and important -- you create personal growth, immediate cash, and serious royalty type income for years to come. can simply use the products and share with those you care about. Either way, it's up to you.

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    The Company provides you with quality marketing materials for recruiting and retailing. We have customer support lines, order lines, troubleshooting, and promotions departments, all available at 800 numbers for your convenience. We have proven training tools to help you build the type of business you desire.

    The Company also has individuals who have had success in this company leading training seminars and conventions. A variety of audiocassettes and videotapes are available to each new dealer to provide in-depth training.

    We also have upline management that are genuinely concerned about your ability to succeed and will provide you with three-way calling, updates on products and promotions, and conference calls.

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    The fact that people are just now becoming aware of the air and water problems, and since these products are so incredible, it seems difficult for most people to believe at first. Remember...all new ideas, from the light bulb to the automobile, initially were met with tremendous skepticism...even hostility. Yes, we have received our share of false and misleading statements stated by people who either don't understand our technology or by competitors whose technology is now outdated.

    This is why we offer a trial evaluation program for our products -- to let the machines do the talking -- they just sell themselves. And, ultimately, this is why we search for people of honesty and integrity to spread the word one on one, but only after they have personally experienced the technology and have "seen for themselves."

    Two facts make this a "once in a lifetime" opportunity.

    1. The HUGE market need, and
    2. Our exclusive hi-tech products
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    If this sounds exciting to you, we can begin an ongoing relationship of training and support. However, you must realize that this is not a "get rich quick scheme." Although immediate retail type income of $250 to $2,000 per month or more is fairly easy to do, it takes time (typically 1-2 years) and dedication to achieve a six figure annual "royalty type" income. Income benefits cover a range of fast cash retail income, monthly bonus dollars, free travel dollars, car of your choice, and annual "profit sharing."

    For those who select this option, the reward level depends totally upon their desires and effort. It can range from a low of $250 on your first day to a six-figure income within 12 to 24 months. We can show you the 1099s of average individuals who have achieved these levels in wealth and time, as well as documented averages for the entire company.

    If you are a people person, are teachable, honest, sincere and hard working, you will find that this is, by far, the "hands down," "slam dunk" best home-based opportunity in the world today. It is unique, it is fast building, and it is all based on a real market need and an honest-to-goodness real product.

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    We have, for your convenience, a series of brief audio messages through the The Company that includes the following categories:

  • Company Overview
  • Guaranteed Prospect Training
  • Product Line
  • Nutritional Product Line
  • Sharing the Opportunity
  • Company Events

    To find out how to hear these important messages, call us at 727-593-1999 or send an e-mail by clicking on the e-mail icon at the bottom of this page (Click here to go to bottom of page.)

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    We hope that this overview has been sufficient for you to determine your interest. We know there are other questions that you must have so, your next step is to contact us personally so we can begin to visit and get to know one another. Also, we can provide you with any other informational materials that you might need (printed, videos, cassettes, etc.).  If after reviewing this site, you desire to contact us, you can:

  • Call 727-593-1999, or
  • Send an e-mail by clicking on the e-mail icon at the bottom of this page (Click here to go to bottom of page.)

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    To order, call 727-593-1999. All of our products come with a 3-year parts and labor guarantee and are designed to run continuously for 10 years. Simply call for any questions or support. To request brochures or information, click on the e-mail icon at the bottom of the page.
    (Click here to go to bottom of page.)

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    * * * SPECIAL OFFER * * *

    Free In-Home Trial -- Too Good To Be True?

    The Company is conducting a massive survey of one million homes in the United States and Canada. The purpose of this project is to create public awareness for those families suffering from breathing problems, allergies, asthma, mold, and other environmentally related health problems.

    In addition, we know that the only way for anyone to truly know if our devices will work for them is to personally experience this discovery for themselves. It is for this very reason that we have started the 3 to 5 day evaluation program. Here's how it works.

    STEP 1 -- If you have reason to think that you might have allergies, asthma, odors, musty smells, pet dander, tobacco smoke, mold, dust, pollen or other airborne pollution problems, give us a call at 727-593-1999, or you may contact us via e-mail by clicking on the e-mail icon at the bottom of this page.

    STEP 2 -- We will then contact you and briefly try to determine if your concern might be helped by this device.

    STEP 3 -- If we agree that it might, we'll send you a short videotape describing the evaluation procedure (it's easy and fun to do), some informational brochures, an evaluation form and a short security form.

    STEP 4 -- If you like what you see on the video, you fill out the 'check box' form indicating your willingness to do the evaluation, your specific air "problem" and the size of your house. Mail the completed form back to us; you may keep the video for the duration of the test.

    STEP 5 -- After receiving your forms and if everything still looks like we might be able help you, we will send you an evaluation unit sized to the square footage of your home or office (up to 3,000 sq. ft.) We will also send easy instructions on how to place and operate the unit. And, of course, we will be standing by to answer any questions that might arise.

    STEP 6 -- Five days later, you return the unit and the completed evaluation form to us. (The form must be complete to receive the filter.)

    STEP 7 -- Finally, when everything has been returned, we will send you a certificate for a top quality, lifetime guaranteed, electrostatic filter custom made for your own A/C system. This filter is valued at $70 to $100 and it's yours no matter how you feel about our purification unit.

    You have nothing to lose but pollution!

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