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11:51 AM 3/27/01

OK, so we got a cple more members, theyre not on the website as of yet due to failure to e-mail me. There are a cple full songs in our members sect now and I will be adding more from my HD as time permits.
The new armpatch page is not yet a reality because I forgot to send myself the actual pics to edit from work so I'll prob be workin on that next weekend. If you want to ladder e-mail Mojo to get that up and running or have Orc and Sewey do it. However, there must be 2 pple EVERY day that ladder for the clan, win or lose I'd hate to lose rank just because we DIDN'T play.
11:17 AM 3/20/01

I'm back and mean as ever. With the merger a new clan name has been suggested and will be adopted. I have sent out mail requesting your Zone names be changed 1 last time. PKC_Hagii is on the prowl. The site will get its facelift soon.
10:39PM 3/11/01

Bad News....RRR Maps have hosed Rogue Spear on my Comp. It seems that it has affected some other stuff too. Piece of shit, it happened to Blur -=MI6=- also, he had to reformat to play.Radion u suck!!!I will either be buying a new HD ( I need to get an additional one anyway) or will have to get a win 98 cd to reinstall the OS. U guys keep the Clan name strong and kick ass out there for me. I will also be setting up and armpatch site. the armpatches will be renamed from the last original one in RS up so all u have to do is download it directly to the armpatch folder in RS. The following was sent to as he did the review for RRR Maps.
"10:39PM 3/11/01 Bad News....RRR Maps have hosed Rogue Spear on my Comp. It seems that it has affected some other stuff too. Piece of shit, it happened to Blur -=MI6=- also, he had to reformat to play. What happens is you try to launch a game (either in multiplayer or single ) and it starts to do something but nothing happens , like a command line is gone.Is there a patch for it, I'd hate to have to reformat my comp for this. This is the only map we had both recently installed, anyway I Will stay away from those conversions from now on, the only reason I did install is because of your review, but I know better now, can't trust everything, will stick to the server side maps from now on. Maybe you should have a poll and see how many computers that crap screwed up. Later man. Zone Name UTAS_PsycoXTC (not that Ill be able to use it for Rogue Spear)"
1:08 PM 3/10/01

The merger going along well, still do not have ||EKC|| e-mails yet. Psycoxtc Elite Killin Crew ||EKC||*PXTC* will be recruiting in the near future, contact Devil for tryout. Demon is MIA, gotta find out whas going on with that. gonna start with Galleo's stat recorder in the near future. The new intro will be up in a couple days. MUST DOWNLOAD.... RRR Maps from Radion, they are client/server like Mint and it does overwrite certain text files so that it can be played at all. Excellent total conversion map that is pretty much lag free.
It can be obtained from Radion's page or from Blur -=MI6=- page. Gravedigga's link has been updated, but his weap mod is not there for some reason. as usual lemme know what's going on so I can add it here. After reading reviews from Rougue Spear Database, I will see about getting De Dust and Assault maps. If I do install, I will create a Zip file with all of the conversion mods that we will use in our games for easier downloads. I am also going to make download accelerator available to all at the downloads section.

Busy with the family as usual, seems like I only get time to play and not update the site. ||EKC|| Elite Killin Crew & *PXTC* PsycoXTC have merged. ||EKC|| Devil *PXTC* is the Liason Officer who is ironing out the details, he is of course the co-founder of *PXTC*, so we can trust that everyone concerned will be happy. *PXTC* & ||EKC|| must now consider how we will sign up for and if we will Ladder. I will be doing a new intro for our Site and I need Dev to get word to Mojo and the rest of the guys at ||EKC|| to e-mail me their addresses (e-mail) and their ideas on what they want in the new intro, u guys too. That is goin to take me a week or two at best. I have been playing with ||EKC|| and they are very good, I think the result is that we are going to have even more fun playin together kicking everyone else's ass! I'am going to see if ||EKC|| will continue to post regular news, I will discontinue entries here unless its very important.
Been missin playin with some of you guys, we'll see about the Zone names ( I know it's a bitch to change em) but I think it's gonna end up like this ||EKC||_Hagii_*PXTC* . I think that will fit. Dev, I'm gonna e-mail this, forward it to ||EKC||side 4 me please . Have them go to our members sect and see what I want in the "Bio's " Sect and sent that to me. As always from Wed- Sat reply to this e-mail and CC it to or .

sometimes I think I'm wasting my precious time in this sect, anyway we have 3 new members since Demons entry to the clan. Most of the guys are really good, we just need to work on our teamwork, pairs get killed less than solo's.

Ok, I know I've been slackin in the news Dept, but PsycoXTC Members do not ask me to post anything and I don't get paid for I'll be looking to make this more interactive soon.So much to d and ao little time. I'll be on less frequently late at night, when I go to sleep at 3am EST I have to get up at 6am and I get no rest for the rest of the day.I'm am trying to get sooo many things, I need to win the lotto ! The zone is getting more messed up by the minuite, I think whoever runs it is allowing Microsoft to touch it and that's why it screws That's all 4 now...l8r

Well..... the dreaded day is here. I have finally split from the PsycoXTC Clan, Founded by myself and Devil. We were great in our time but unfortunately we do not play together for one reason or another and that is the purpose of having a Clan. I have joined the MI6 Clan and will be doin most of my work there. The PsycoXTC Site will still exist but will probably be moved to a link on the MI6 site as an Ally. Hopefully we can get Devil to come into MI6 if I can get in touch with him. If PsycoXTC Clan wants to retain me as their webmaster, I'll do it so u guys just send ur requests to me. That's all for now folks....


10/22/2000 at 11:16 pm my son Garion was born. He weighed in at 7lbs 8 1/2 ozs at birth and measured 19 " long. It has been a very hectic week. I was up from 5:30 am to 2 am the foll day and 20 of those hours were dedicated to Labor. I am constantly trying to make the site better, but I could use a lil feed back.


Yowee !!!, Munki was on last night. Although he was a little rusty at first he came back true to form and let the lead out into some heads. Devil's still MIA and hasn't answered any e-mails for a week or so, so I dunno whats up wit dat. I will try to work on the downloads page today (no promises). I will also see about making the word file that I have modified, available to download with install instructions. It is the one that includes the changed countdown sequence that use. The Baby is almost here so I am on a kind of 24 Hr standby. Can't wait till he's here.As for the Fants=asy League, the team is 0 - 3, with losses in all 3 games by less than 10 points. Between Brunell and Alsott giving away the ball, everyone else but my tight end is doin well. Ltr for now.....


Well Well, Ive seen Master Blaster on, however he's not been able to play due to tech difficulties. We hope you can join us soon so I can take u off retired list. As u well know the latest intro is up and running, and I will be testing and adding Sapper's mods to the download sect.Devil should be on tonite, at least thats what he led me to believe, and were still awaiting the Munkis return. Roger Wilco is too laggy for gameplay so if someone out ther knows of another prog we can use...drop me a line.I'm keepin this short and sweet cause I got some surfin to do but will be back.


Hey, hey, ok if you click on the above images, you should see some preliminary tests with flash. I'm ironing out the details and music so it's still under production and review. Carnival was a BLAST, people from all over the world flew here to PARTAY! I had too much fun, I ran wit "Mad Crew" and we all had a good time. It's a must do every year people. So next year you gotta plan to "play mas" as we Trini's say or "jump wit ah band" as some Jamaicans say.Revamping (and retiring) of PsycoXTC Clan commences today. Don't be surprised by what you see. As always e-mail me with questions/comments and believe that I will respond as quickly as possible. Ltr all.....and Happy Hunting.


Working on the new intro for the site.Got to revamp the roster and open up recruiting. I believe at this point applications are subject to review, we are going to be looking for elite people who can show up at certain times and I believe we have to restrict applicants to those with cable from now on as we will eventually begin to join the ladder games.I suffered a loss in Fantasy Football thanks to an int and a fumble by M Brunell, however I've negotiated some trades and we will rebound. I can't wait till Munki and Devil get back on, I got the Maddest Modz for you guys to enjoy. Gonna enjoy Carnival Tommorrow, in Miami, I had to build up my crib for the impending arrival of my newest son, he's due any day guys! Dev I hope yours is going well (u kno wat I mean) and I hope Crash can get his hands on a computer soon. Tell him that the link to Computer Deals is one of my buddies and he may be able to give him a nice price (and a warranty). Munki I hope that your situation getz better too. Thatz all for now pple, see yas in my crosshairs! P.S. Password is still " hag ".


Okay, PsycoXTC has gotten involved in an NFL Fantasy Football League. I'm gonna represent the murderaz wayz of the Clan and although we started in week 5 and seem to have the toughest schedule, I wouldn't have it any other way. Been doin some wheelin and dealin and am looking forward to the first game. I need some kool sounds to put on our "Over 18" section, so if ya got anything interesting lemme know so I can check it out! I've added us to the top 100 Rogue Clan sites so tell your buddies to vote! I'm still just learning Flash so the site will get a facelift in a cple months, expect us to only add more cool stuff. Have been testing out Gravediggaz Modz, 5 Stars, the maps seem to take a little extra time to load but there is NO apparent lag, also, the ammo mod for those of us who hate reloading doesnt seem to add any lag to the game. Of course Roosters Maps are a Must Have. Of course they are Server only and can be obtained from our downloads section. I have yet to try out the CQC mod. When I can get someone to put it in their Mods folder in UO and activate it, I'll let yas all know.


Cable is here! I ordered my new vid card (Savage 4 32mb) from the "Computer Deals" link on Thurs morn and recieved it Sat eve! Talk about quick service. It was in the box and came with Drivers too. I had been having a lot of probs with my installation of Millenium but as soon as I installed that card and the proper drivers for my monitor...... things have been running excellently. I uninstalled my modem completely and installed my NIC card ( I still can't get over on how easy Hardware installaion on Millenium is) and hooked up Cable. I actually would recommend you all to go out and pick up a copy (especially if you got a USB system.

For those who have been in the rooms I have hosted, the ammo and map Mods are courtesy of gravedigga and you can find the link ( and very easy install) at the downloads section. The win2000 and Roosters maps are also highly recommended but read the win2000 install carefully or it will only work in Rogue and not UO. Dye Queen, Weed and Master Blaster have branched off to form a ladder Clan..... wish them luck, if I can't ladder with Devil & Munki lookin out for me, I won't do it at all. They will still be members of the PsycoXTC Clan but not the new members they recruit for "In Tha House" Clan. Those would still have to go up against the "formidable three". If you know of a server side Mod that deserves to be mentioned or linked at my site, e-mail me. Those of us in the Clan with Cable I think will start utilizing Roger Wilco because it laggs up 56k really Badly.From now on if my Game Room has a password on it, it will be "hag" (without the qoutes of course). E-mail me with your feelings on a family pics page too. Thatz it for now, ltr.


Just three more days until I get cable hooked up (again), this time I don't care if Roadrunner can get me to host games, Weed can do that. Hopefully I get my new vid card by Sat. It'll be new to me as I have a trident 4 mb 3yr old card right now.Still searchin for the Munki, and Devil has until 29th to play until he disappears for 3 weeks. Master Blaster has been hiding and Dye wont let little ole 56k me play in her rooms. So much for Clan Loyalty. Psyko is always busy and Crash ain't got a 'puter yet. Man the Clan is sufferin for the next cple months.Hopefully we can survive this and begin some real training on team play. I've noticed that the Clan has some excellent individual players but we need to work as a team in team games or else we get shutdown and embarrassed. Once I get cable hooked up I think we'll go ahead and get Roger Wilco on the Guys who got cable to ensure better communication. I'll be seein yas ltr !!!


Well well, the news section iz finally up and the PsycoXTC Site has been fully renovated. We now have a download section and the members section may recieve a password depending on the feedback I get from everyone. If anyone has anything they want put on (or removed from) the site, e-mail me. I still need Weeds and Master Blasters e-mail addresses. We also need to see about tracking our kills/losses but we can wait until Dye gets her own Computer as she cannot download anything on the one she's got right now.Also Snakes Guns Mod didn't work out too well, so I want to try one that doesn't overwrite any files and you can activate and deactivate it at any time. CQC seems to fit the profile and I'd like to find someone who can make a server side gun mod. I've tried playing with the RS Editor but it doesn't seem to save properly. Oh yeah, I caught the problem with the e-mail link, so thats working now also.Well thats all for now folks, keep in touch.