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Always Under Construction

I am a Transsexual, this page hopefully will help you learn that we are all just normal People with a Gender Disorder.

From birth I have been uneasy with birth gender. I over the years have learned about my disorder. The internet is a great way to learn and share what I have learned with others.

You may want to bookmark this page and come back often as I will be upgrading it with new information as I locate it.

If you feel that you may be transgendered, transsexual, transvestite, or whatever T* label I think you can start here. Several on-line tests. By no means are these tests are 100% but use them as a guide to see just how you fit into these labels.

Then there are wonderful resourses at to be found and examined at your leisure.

You can e-mail me

Other stuff

Something I wrote to allow my feelings out


I have also added my story to this site the original was on Genderweb and I have added to it. I have lots going on in my life right now and hope to edit this soon.

My Story

Stop by again soon!

The Photo Shop !

Don't Crack Your Screen here !

Photo's of me.

#1 My original web photo I think I have come a long way since then.
#2 In Thought
#3 Yech
#4 On-line in IRC
#5 Snicker
#6 Full Concentration
#7 My First Webcam Photo
#8 My first attempt to be sexy
#9 5-27-2000 Cute shot in Overalls
#10 Just playing and Posing
#11 Dreaming of my future

Where my first Transgendered Homepage lived Thanks Julie.

© 2011 by Patricia Susan Martin