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Saratoga Springs

A town in upstate N.Y., home to horse racing, Yaddo (an artist's colony where "In Cold Blood" was supposedly written), and my mom's side of the family. She was born and raised up there and my uncle's family still lives there. It's a nice little town, though it gets a bit crowded in August during the horse races.

L: My bro Mike at Yaddo; R: A statue in the main park downtown

L: Flowers in the park downtown; R: The old casino, where my mom had her prom

L: Fountain in a park downtown; R: The old spa

L: Shadows at the spa; R: Statue at spa

L: More shadows at spa; R: A fountain statue at the spa

L: Statue at Yaddo gardens; R: Statue in a pool at Yaddo (I think is where the former owner's daughter drowned)

L: The main house at Yaddo; R: A fountain in the gardens of Yaddo

L: The Adelphi Hotel downtown; R: A church downtown

Some condemned building downtown
