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A Michael Jackson Fan Fiction Site

Hey everyone, and welcome to the main index for my Michael Jackson Fan Fiction. Right now, I have two stories up on this page, one of which I have been working on for a while and the other brnad new as of last night (6/21/01)

Disclaimer: I have rated the stories on this page R, for it is intended for mature fan fic readers, due to strong adult content. If you can't handle it, then please leave now. These stories are purely works of fiction. All the characters and the plots are figments of my imagination, and in no way, shape or form am I connected with Michael Jackson or anyone around him. Anything related to these stories is purely coincidental.

I would like to take a moment and thank all the wonderful people who have sent me emails with kind words about my writing. I know I haven't writen alot of you back, but I have gotten your emails. I thank you all. Alot of you have asked me when my stories will be updated. Well, now you can find out without having to come back to the page everyday to check. The link below is a link to my yahoo updates mailing lists. By joining this list, you will get emails when I have added something new to the page.

Once again, I thank you all for your great emails and comments and please continue to let me know what you think of the stories


My Personal E-mail, for comments