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*~* Justin Timberlake*~*

Justin is the HOTTEST guy that has ever walked the earth!! Anyone agree???

Full Name: Justin Randall Timberlake

Nick Names:Curly, Shot, Bounce(becasue of b-ball), The Baby, Mr. Smooth, baby spice, curly spice

D.O.B:January 31st, 1981

P.O.B:Memphis, Tennessee.

Current Residence: Orlando, Florida

Age: 18 Then he can go clubbin'

Height/weight: 6'0", 75 kg(approx)

Eye color:Blue

Hair Color:Blond Highlights in dirty blonde hair

Likes:shopping, b-ball

Dislikes:smoking girls, fake people

School Status: graduated high school

Hobbies:b-ball, watching the Orlando Magic, singing, and dancing

Previous Credit: Sang and acted on the Mickey Mouse Club(MMC)

Musical Influences:Stevie Wonder, Brian McKinght, Jimi Hendrix

Disgusting Habit:Burping and clearing his throat constantly

Proudest Bodily Bit:His hands because he plays b-ball

Bodily Bit He Dislikes: His hair because it's so curly

Gets Annoyed When: You mess with him in the morning, he won't say anything till he eats

Fave Food:Spaghetti, and Apple Jacks

Fave Drink:Milk

Fave Cereal:Apple Jacks

Fave Animal: Dog

Fave Word:Crunk (it means crazy)

Fave Movie: Scream

Fave Babe:Sandra Bullock, and Tyra Banks

Fave actor/actress: Brad Pitt & Sandra Bullock

Idol: Michael Jordan

Fave Spice Girl:Mel B, Emma

Fave color: Baby Blue(north carolina stuff)

Fave Author: John Grisham

Family Members:His half-brother Jonathan, Mother Lynn and stepdad Paul stepmom Lisa, and his dad Randall his stepmom Lisa had baby boy Stephen Robert August 14, 1998

Any suggestions or questions? Tell me what you think!!