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Welcome to Nance's Cyber-World...

dedicated to...

my "2nd Dad"...
Very Best Friend...
and my long time Hero...


~ ~ ~ ~

Gone, but not forgotten.

I will always love you, Lou...
And I miss you big time!

Mimi Lazzaro, the youngest of Lou Lazzaro's six children, lives in Schenectady now.


Click on the buttons below to view
a few of my personal photos of Lou's racing career throughout the years
friends and family photos
and a few (OF MANY) news articles from my scrapbook.



If you like my animations, or any of the photos within my pages, please email me and request my permission to use them...
and please add my link to your site
Thank you...

Maybe you'd like to learn more about me
and Lou's homeplace of Utica, NY?
If so, then click onto my "Cyber-menu" below to open the list...
and then onto the page you wish to visit within the list

Click the menu below for more racing sites

I would also like to send my deepest sympathies out to

family, friends and fans!
He and Lou are now driving side by side at "Heaven's Track of Champions"
in "Paradise"... forever being WINNERS

Click onto Dale's #3 to visit Nascar's official website!