My FUN page
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"Turns out not where you are but who your with that really matters"~ DMB

Barretts wedding

old pictures

Mel Jennings Me!

Its crazy

Scott Ali Me and Jon

One drink to remember And another to forget

PDT pics

Mel Dave and Me

Mel and Kara

Ali and ME!!!!

All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream. --Edgar Allen Poe

Mike keepin it real

Lean upon me, I'll lean upon you, We'll be okay ~ dmb

Asher and Me!

The tears we cry Is the laughter keeps us coming back for more~dmb

LCA xmass party 2001

Too sexy!!!

Kevin and Aliiiii!!!

"Once in a while you'll get shown the light, in strangest of places, if you just look right." *Grateful Dead*

how cute


My Boy and Me

Jason and my Bro

He says take what you can from your dreams Make them real as anything It takes the work out of the courage --dmb

Steph and Me

"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you." -WtP

Beavis and I

The Space Between What's wrong and right Is where you'll find me hiding, waiting for you The Space Between Your heart and mine Is the space we'll fill with time The Space Between... ~dmb

Andrew and Will

Aim for the moon, even if you miss you'll land among the stars


if your lost you can look and you will find me... time after time

My kittie!!!

My Buddy JED!!

If its meant to be it Will....

Excuse me, think I've mistaken you for somebody else Somebody who gave a damn, somebody more like myself *jewel

Adam checking out the biker babes

The future is no place to place your better days - dmb -

just another night!

"everyday things change, but basically they stay the same" seek up

More Quotes

Some cool pages... check them out

brams page
five wise
Howie Day
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and if u hold on tight to what you think is your thing, you may find your missing all the rest

What you are is a puzzle to me - DMB
