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11.30.02 Au Revoir From
It has been a fun and interesting few years of hard rockage and hillarity, but all good things must come to an end. As of December 1st, 2002, will be shut down.

So... from us at Footcrust- phrase out.

-Jesse Iden and Ryan Dorries (Creators)

10.26.02 Roast '02
Holy shit.



And then disturbed came on. Let's not even GO there.

Jesse was front row the whole time, i was close but i was so out of energy i foyund myself pushed further and further back until i was like 20 people. I was like "dammit dammit dammit" until i realized that the pit was just behind me. The pit for disturbed. Now, my brothers and sisters, my blood, do i have a choice? Well, i spent prayer, sickness and stupify completely devoted to violence. -R

As soon as Trustcompany broke out into their heart-shaking rendition of "downfall", the four of us were instantly dispersed amongst the crowd. I'm exactly sure where the rest of them went, but I was thrust forward into what the french call "le pit premiere", where I remained for the rest of their set. As soon as they were off and the crowd began to thin out, I began to shove my way forward to where i reached the spot. The spot most concert goers only read about. I was leaning up against the fence seperating the insane public- from the band. Yes yes...i was up front- as front as they come. And there I remained... -J

Well put. Anyway, so then disturbed comes on and delivers a heart-pounding, nut wrenching performance (starting with voices... GET UP! GET UP!) it was so unbelievably sweet. That band knows how sweet they are. Hed be like "Miami." (ROOOOOOOAAAAAR) "Speak to me." (ROOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAR) "SPEEAK TO ME!!!" (this roar is unexpressable by keyboard.) And so on until i expect nothing but sudden death by way of time collapse.

And then they were done. "WE ARE!" (DIIISTURBED!) and so on. "MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS, ARE YOU THE CHILDREN OF THE KORN?" (ROOOOOOOOAAAAAAR [yes]) and they were off the stage and the setup began for korn's set. People were moshing to silence in thier anticipation. It took a long time for them to set up.

So then Munky walks on. (ROOOOOOOOAAAAAR) And begins playing the grungy little intro to 'here to stay'. I dont even think the crowd cheered. As soon as it started up, all i remember is a deafening bass drum kick plus 2 guitars and a bass slamming the lowest note in rock entertainment to date... and then i got busted in the head and the rest is a blur...

And I'm still waiting for the meteor to hit, any minute now.

I was beginning to get a little bit pissed at Zeta. They had pictures of of Nickelback in a tutu moments after the show, but they took forever to post the roast pics. Nickelback! Yeeaa! Haloweenie what?

Anyway, they redeemed themselves and here's a tasty little sample i whipped up for y'all. Peace.
ABOVE: Aparently, John spends

10.20.02 that was gay
The incubus concert is later tonight, should be looking to forward to rocking out to "a certain shade of green"... Its gonna be sweet. We've recently had a loss of our drummer from our band. So, yes, once again...we are looking for a drummer as well as a singer. If you are or know anyone who is or might know someone who can band sticks against shit...please PLEASE e-mail me at

Tonight is only a small taste to wet my appetite for the main course next friday...heheheh holy crap im amped. ERRRRAAAARRGRGGH!!! I love those commercials they play on zeta where there like this halloween is gonna be extra fucking scary then play excerpts from Blind. Yeah.


The following image may be too gruesome, too terrible for most viewers. If you have heart probems, or are pregnant or nursing, plase...I repeat, please do NOT click to following link. For those who wish to continue, do so at your own risk.

I didn't know Mike's made a hard iced tea!


10.7.02 Heeeeeey, kids!
Heeeeeya kids! It's Ryan here, broadcasting live from Computer & business technology class. I'm here with a few friends and bored as all hell! WOOOOA! I have the pleasure of being companied by some very lovely people to me left and right. Say hi, kids!

um... hi.

Yeeeeeaaa! Anyway, we're kickin it, chillin... doing nothing... bored off our asses. Damn this can get boring- we're basically done with the next week of our work... so we sit. And what else is there to do besides keep all the millions (MILLIONS) of fans updated! Shit. Sorry, folks but im outa time.



Oh god...there are no words in the english language to describe the totally sweetness of Disturbed's new CD "Believe" i'll make one up; Scrumptulescent. If this album was a person, i'd be riding it into the sunset by now. I mean, i need to invent an mp3 player thats shaped like a dildo so i can burn this cd on to it, and FUCK MYSELF WITH IT! Buy it! BUY IT!

Oh yes...turn on MTV tonight at 8:00 for a little treat.

8.22.02Whip out the o'l Checkbook

Well, kids, it's time we take a moment to kiss summer goodbye and turn around to the upcomming pistol-in-the-mouth routien of monotonous, redundant (look it up) hassle of organized education. It seems there is lost hope in the revival of summer fun, and all we can do now is sit back and wait for the inevitable. We have no future, so let's take a moment to endulge ourselves into the last months.

It was magical- the movies, the get togathers, and all the fun, fun fun? Well, i dont even have the time to ramble on, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Come september 17th, Disturbed will be finally showing signs of recovering from the year of 2001. Thier short disappearance was due to the recording and production of thier new album, "Believe", featuring hit single Prayer . Also, i got the opportunity to check out the music video for Prayer . I put up a link on the left so you can go ahead and check it out for yourself. Dude! Mike shaved his beard. I was very surprised.

So do please check out the album on September 17th when it comes out- you won't be able to see it on TV because MTV banned Disturbed's new video because "It wasn't pussy enough to make out viewers want to cry and go hug a stranger". I have to split. P.

Happy Abduction,

7.28.02Good God Almighty.

Today is July 28, O AO. Meerely two days ago, a stiff and brilliant landmark was lodged into my life: The day I attended my first godly concert. Jesse, Krista, and I have now attended the best rock-oriented event we ever have or ever will attend for the rest of out short, meaningless lives.

You see, we, and everyone we knew, were unaware of how Ozzfest really works. *Ahem*. Ozzfest is broken into two concerts throughout the day.

My peers and I arrived into the vicinity of Mars Music Ampitheatre at about 9:40 am. To our dissapointment, we could already hear booming music as we reached the one mile radius mark. Panicing, we hurried toward the pulsating noise. Finally we found our way to the ampitheatre. It was closed. WHAT?

We were then informed by some kind hearted (yet battered) people that the Ampitheatre would not open until roughly 4pm, a distant 6.5 hours away. I didn't understand. Where was the ear splitting music comming from? it was time to investigate. We ran through rows of booths and clusters of people, instinctively following our ears. The landscape opened up to a tremendous flat plain, where we were breath taken by an enormous crowd in front of a massive Halloweenie Roast-style stage, just Ripping it UP .

Jesse and I shoved through to crowd, our destiny: the pit. Krista was right behind us. Well, there was a negative side to all this... the voilence took place over not grass, but unforgiving pavement. We learned this crucial fact the hard way (sacraficing out elbows and knees) and decided to aviod the most violent sectors of the crowd. Naturally, we were completely unsuccessful for bands like Flaw, when thier heavy, crunching rythems caused the ENTIRE crowd to erupt into violence. I'm talking about a pit that is so enourmous, it fails to maintain the traditional circular shape and becomes this peanut-hourglass sort of a thing mutant riot.

Oh, yeah... we were just resting behind the stage alone, away from the hell when we noticed that the cars behind us were actually a row of RV's. Cool. Then, out comes the lead singer from Lostprophets. We were like HEY! And he came over for a nice little chat about thier set and signed one of our tickets. We also chatted with the drummer from neurotica as he assembled his purple (yes, sparkly purple) drum set. He was cool. And i also got my ticket signed by the bassist from Ill Nino as he came out to talk to the rest of the bands hanging out. They were just sitting on the bench and only like 4 other people besides us were talking with them... some hot groupies in that crowd... Moving on.

Now, as you can imagine, it was about 4:00 and we were hurting, both from excessive stress to the muscles and ultraviolet overexposure.

Needless to say, we were more than happy to head into the shady, cool ampitheatre and take our seats with hands full of food and large cups of sweet lemonade. It was these very seats where we witnessed some of the most spectacular performances i could ever have imagined. Bands like POD and Adema gave a good performance and all, but it really started up when Rob Zombie came out and had a bunch (50-60) of chicks come from the audience onto the stage to dance around like idiots whily they did songs like Never Gunna Stop and Dragula. The most interesting part there was one of the guitars was actually clear, hollow, and filled with blood. Periodically, the guitarist would hold it over his head, tipping it over and pouring blood over himself, then spitting it out into the seats.

System of a Down gave a kickass performance but (Jesse and Krista will NEVER let me forget this) i dont know completely. You see, it was towards the beginning of thier set when i was like "ok i reeeaaallly have to piss and im not going to miss anything spectacular because they have a 1 hour set and its like the very beginning"... so i told them id be right back and ran out to relieve myself. So there i am in the stall taking care of buisness when i hear the Chop Suey intro blast over the land. After pissing all over myself and the stall, i ran out of the bathroom and began my death sprint twords the ampitheatre. It was too late. Yes, I, Ryan Dorries MISSED CHOP SUEY FOR THE SYSTEM OF A DOWN SET. Why the hell did they play it for like thier 3rd dong? At least i caught Toxicity and Arials and the rest of thier album.

Anyway, at the end, Zakk Wylde strolled out onto the stage for the second time that night, only to be greated with a deafening roar of applause. Then, after they were ready, Ozzy stumbled out into view and the blast of cheers was awesome in itself. He broke right into a long, long loooong set of songs and Zakk just went nuts on that poor, innocent les paul. Speaking of nuts with the poor innocent les paul:

After one of the songs, the rest of the band dashed off stage, leaving Zakk Wylde alone and ready. With his left hand only, he busted into a low note solo while simultanuously using his right hand to drink a beer, smoke, flick off the cowd, etc. Then, he put both hands into action and broke into the most rapid, ear splitting solo in all of my memory. He would hold the guitar vertically, behind his back and play with his teeth, etc. The crowd was nearly silent in Awe, until he would hit a note somewhere six harmonic octaives over d and hold it while the crowd cheered one more.

After that, the band came back on stage and played a few songs before reaching that oh, so beautiful part of the set... you should know- when Zakk began that famous pinched intro to "Crazy Train"... that was a beautiful, beautiful moment. After crazy train, they finished off with a few Black Sabbath songs like Paraniod and Mom I'm comming home. During which the crowd sang along and displayed a sparking view of >10,000 lighters held high. After the end, I was utterly speechless.

Ozzfest 2002 concured both types of concerts- Violent and Spectacular -to make itself all around the best concert I, and i'm sure Jesse and Krista, have ever seen and will hold itself as a landmark in my life.

Happy Rocking,

7.16.023 Strikes, We're Gone.

How y'all doing today? Good? Good. Well, if you recall with me (scroll to some older updates for proof) i have attempted unsuccessfully again and again to get myself and my trusty guitarist into Ozzfest. I first failed thanks to all of us delaying until post-golden-circle-sellout. Then, i devised an evil scheme that would have gotten us in for aboslutely nothing... once again, i failed bitterly. Just recently, (this morning),I failed for the last time by losing track of an ebay auction. This caused a tragic loss of extraordinarily vaulable tickets at an incredible price.

I fail no more. As of 2 hours ago, I have endulged myself with 3 tickets to Ozzfest 2002 in West Palm Beach, FL. Lawn? Of course not. The problem is... well, of course me and jesse are going... mike said 'no thanks'... who else? Hmm. Tanya? Nah... it's not hard enough for Tanya. Tanya's more of a warped tour person. Oh! I got one! I think i'll take my favorite poser in the whole world.

And so, the deal is closed: Krista, Jesse, and I attend Ozzfest 2002 in reserved seating. Wait a second! Ha Ha! I caught you, Ryan! You can't be getting reserved seating! It's sold out! You're Lying!
Yes, you are correct. Reserved seating is sold out... but express your doubt via email and i'll send you three pictures: The tickets is my philthy hands, a diagram of Mars so you can see that we can spit on Ozzy, and a nice, clean plastic fork.

Y'all take care now.


This presentation is brought to you by Michael's Anus ®. Please allow it to speak for itself.

7.4.02 If God Had An Amp...



7.4.02 A Happy Independence Day...for some.

Well, its the fourth of July. America's day of independance from Great Britain. A day of celebration. A day of rejoice. A day of massive dislplays of pyrotechnology.

Maybe for some, but at the time being, my July 4th consists of vegetating on the couch watching E! specials and reruns of SNL repeatedly. God damnit, someone call me... need... entertainment...

The News page is starting back up again, and this time it will contain actual news. I know, people, this is a big upgrade...but I think we can handle it.


7.3.02 -

Oooo! Nikki! Let me apologize! Please enlighten me on how brutal the Nutcracker Ball was! Forgive me, I had no idea how blood-thirsty those Nickelback fans are! Look! I can fit the mosh-pit in my pocket!

Oh, I'm sorry... was that mean of me to say that? Pwease don't send me another scawy pwivate message! Anything but that!

Get a fucking hobby.


7.2.02 Finally! Bonzai pics arrive!

Yo! I promised the pics for Bonzai '02 and unfortunately, they came out like ass smeared out over an 5x7, so i robbed the pics off of Zeta. As you know from previous updates, this concert was insanely cool...way better than any of us expected. Now with the help of this webpage, we can share than *sniff* magical experience with you.

Yes, already a year has passes since Halloweenie Roast '01, and, don't worry, ryan and myself WILL bethere. Enjoy the pictures. Rock on!


Click pics for a larger version.

7.1.02 ALRIGHT!!

Damn! I can't take it anymore! If i get one more whiny entry telling me to update the page ill go on a two-week bitch slapping rampage until every one of you kids gets a back-hander across the face.

Anyway, i've got plenty of steam to blow off. First of all, my genious surprise plans for Ozzfest were just blown out of the water yesterday so i'm a short fuze ever since. It was gunna be perfect: I give this kid my shitty old guitar and a penis amp and his aunt (who i spoke to) gets me a pair of floor (yes, FLOOR) tickets to Ozzfest '02 at Mars Amp. Well, i talked to her and (supposedly) she can hook me up with anything... ANYTHING... Oh yeah. Except Ozzfest. @%$@!#%$! The Result: Come July 26th, Ill be scratching my ass hole while >20,000 others get thier heads ripped off in rythem to Toxicity.

On a lighter note, I've aquired myself a Warlock. It's no les paul, but it's an improvement from my not-even-squire. Also, my trusty guitarist is expecting god's own amp to arrive shortly. It will have the power of a smaller-class nuclear submarine and i anticipate it's arrival. I can't imagine how he feels.

Linkin Park needs not to have existed. -Ryan

5.05.02 Ozzfest '02

Well, you can see from the date that Bonzai was just days ago. What can i say? Rob Zombie was godlike. Sevendust was phenominal. During Sevendust's set, right at the first boom of thier first song of the set , 'Denial', the concert went from awesome to out of control... and awesome. Let's define my use of out of control. I don't mean 'woa that guy has a bloddy nose' out of control. I mean 'there are ambulances driving through the crowd taking people away' out of control. We were right up front for Sevendust, so you weren't getting hurt, just getting crushed. Moving on:

I threw a guestbook and i'm curious if anywone ever comes so relieve my torturous suspense and drop me a line. Moving on:

Ozzfest 2002 will be held in Mars Music Amphitheater on July 26th. Tickets are $45.00-$75.00 and go on sale May 4th. See the set list all around.

4.25.02 (damn early) Update from Hell

It is exactly 2:33 am and yes, i do have school later this morning. Naturally, i was completing a download of any random concert when i remembered that i had a website. After a little brainstorm, i remembered the address and came to have a look. It's been about two months since jesse updated and about four since i have. Im glad to find it up.

Well, as you can see from the date, it is one day until Bonzai. What can i say? My veins are clogged with battery acid, ready to tear into an unsuspecting Adema fan. The very thought of Rob Zombie on stage not 50 feet away gives me a premature ringing in my ear. The rest of the world is becoming quieter and quieter... i cant even hear my teachers anymore. I have to concentrate in order to keep a steady breathing pattern. Shit. It's 2:46. Shit.

I'm still waiting... Rob Zombie, man. Rob Zombie.

3.9.02 Pop Disaster

Yo. We've had a recent delicious turn of events. First of all, I'm writing this update with one arm...mainly due to the fact that the other one is broken. I'm in a gay cast and I itch like your mother. Frankly, I'm not happy.

Blink 182 and Green Day released their updated "Pop Disaster" tour date make note that on May 16th, 2002, I will be at Mars Amphitheater in Tampa, FL(basically whether my arm is healed or if my severed arm is hanging by a strand of flesh.)

Well its difficult to type... Phrase -j

2.15.02 Guestbook Addition

Hey... Ryan here. It's 7:26 am on a school day... But Ryan, shouldn't you be at school? actually, yes, i should. the only problem is I woke up this morning feeling like a (Mrs. Hendry, this is for you) steamy, smokey, brown, warm pile of nutty dog shit. Fortunately, I was able to overdose myself on Tylenol, so I feel well enough to work on the ol' site. First things first... even if there is a rising of the fires from hell, I am going to Banzai with Jesse, Mike, and Phil. Second, we have finally thrown in a guestbook, so don't hesitate to sign it. We also added a little poll to the side bar so take a look at it. I think the Tylenol is wearing off so I'll be passing out soon. If I die, bury me under a Hooters.
Peace- Ryan

2.11.02 Bonzai!!!

Hey hey HEY! Its that time of the spring, where the planets align just right, and the heaven's pour down its glory to earth, all on the event of one concert. Yes Zeta's Bonzai Concert is finally here, and i've already scratched a hole in my calender on April 26th. Sevendust, Adema, Puddle of Mudd, Apex Theory. Kid Rock, Local H, Rob Zombie, and 18 bands in total playing on 3 stages...all in beautiful downtown Miami. Tickets go on sale this Wednesday nd are $25 in advance. I know Ryan, Phil, Mike, and I will be there,tearing it up. All in all, I'm pretty damn stoked, dude!

Blargh! Florida Writes is tommorrow, and personally, i think it is a major waste of time and tax dollars. How the hell can you grade someone on creativity? And how can you measure creativity if you can't even think up the topic on your own. Its placed in front of you. Screw you JEB! See you in hell!

Numba one in the hood G! -Jesse

2.10.02 Drugs, Sex, and Rock and Roll

A few things happened in the many days past...first of which was Krista's birthday party. Which was up in the top 25 funnest things i've ever done. Chicks, trampeline, and lots and lots of soap. A very good time. After that, mike, ryan, and I went back to his house(ryan) and had a hell of a jam session...recording at least 5-6 songs. Nothing serious of course(being it was 2:30 in the morning, thus we couldn't play the drums) but we pounded out some melodic tunes that are pretty funny. Maybe I'll post the songs later, but for'll have to live with this.
1.21.02 A New Look

I hope everyone had a very merrry Christmas, a happy Channukah, and a crrrrazy Kwanzaa! As for me, I got a Sega Dreamcast for Channukah (I quickly sprang to my feet and hugged my parents, whom took it out of their hearts and souls to spend $30 on a game system.) In addition, that was my only gift.

Now, now, enough the holiday cheer crap, there was a bright side of coming back from the Winter Break... I just have to think of it.

Our band "Sonaris", is looking for gigs to play at, and we will be making a band newsletter. If you'd like to be on the mailing list, send an e-mail here with the subject line reading "Newsletter". It should be up in a couple of weeks.

Bid For Power; a Q3 Mod, just released on Friday, and if you have Quake III, I strongly urge you to download it here.

I changed the way the updates will be appearing, and I hope you all like it as much as I do. Coming attractions: links, band site, flash page.

Phrase out, y'all!

11.30.01 Playing Hooky

An idea hit me about 11:30am, when I was waking up. I know what your thinking! "Jesse! Why aren't you at school on a friday?" There i a simple explanation to that! As you see, I was skipping...I mean I was deathly ill (Cough! cough! wheeze!). I decided that another way to make this already super cool page even cooler, would be to write my comments and reviews about games, shows, movies and such. I will be starting my first review on Quake III Arena which I must say is a respectable game, but its not perfect. Stay tuned my loyal zombies, for it shall not be long! And why is always down? I'm about to confront Tom Fulp with an assault rifle and gouge out his eye balls. Amen.
10.27.01 Halloweenie Riot

Me and Ryan got home at about 4:00am last night, and the Halloweenie Roast '01 was soo awesome! I thought i knew the meaning of "mosh pit" when I came to this concert. The bad thing is that Sevendust never showed up, and someone let out tear-gas in the park, but the good things are that we got lots of pictures of the bands that did show up. That was probably the best day of my short life.

10.20.01 Costume Ideas

Halloween is nearing which means two things, one of which is good. First of all, I'd to let you all know that i'm going to the Zeta Halloweenie Roast, on Oct. 26th. For those of you who don't know, Disturbed, Adema, Sevendust, Stereo Mud, and Systematic, will be appearing, and apparently...i'm pretty damn stoked. Second thing, Halloween Day is nearing and i don't have a costume. I was thinking about being "The Anthrax Fairy", but I didn't think the neighbors would like that too much. So if you would drop me a line here with an idea for a costume (and nothing that will get the FBI on my ass) send it. Thats about it. Im gonna post some pics from the Weenie Roast, so keep checking for updates. And I will finish the band page, I just have to wait for inspiration. Phrase out. -J

Since September 10, 2002