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EarlAsleepBIll.jpg (41544 bytes)

Earl C. & Bill M. Asleep at the switch. At Deerfield Beach, FL show.

LayoutTent.jpg (81403 bytes)

Inside the tent at the Deerfield Beach, FL show.






FrankJailbird.jpg (91885 bytes)

Jailbird, Frank P. at Deerfield Beach, FL show.

Show1.jpg (67605 bytes)

The tent's at Deerfield Beach, FL show.

JanTheJailbird.jpg (54347 bytes)

Jan M., Jailbird at Deerfield Beach, FL show.



Earl & JohnRubin.jpg (58284 bytes)

Earl C. & John R. at Deerfield Beach, FL show.

Show3.jpg (66870 bytes)

More tent's at Deerfield Beach, FL show.

Tent.jpg (75143 bytes)

Outside of tent at Deerfield Beach, FL show.