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Brian seeks JUSTICE--Age 13 to Adult in one day


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Governor Jeb Bush,
Mr. Bill Bankhead(Secretary of the juvenile justice.)
Brook Kennerly(Executive Director for The Judicial Qualifications Commission.)
Professional Ethics Commission
And to ALL Parties involved in the case of State of Florida Vs. Brian Woods

I Cheryl Woods, as Brian's mother and someone who wants to see justice prevail, begin this petition to seek JUSTICE.

Brian was a child, age 13 on the day of his arrest 11/22/99

Brian, a child with A.D.H.D.& Borderline/menatl retardation, was lured from his sisters house by a 16 year old, and without permission. Brian was told that they were going to walk over to this house to obtain a nintendo game. Brian was taken and invited into an unlocked residence. Brian at first refused to enter as there was a dog there. Brian was assured that the dog would not harm him. So Brian entered the residence and was told to try to locate a nintendo game. Brian was unable to locate this item and proceeded to the master bedroom where this 16 year old was. Upon entering the room, Brian noticed that the 16 year old had obtained a firearm, and he made a statement to Brian that he was going to have to shoot someone. At this point the firearm discharged right past Brian's right ear. Brian, acting on impulse, wrestled this 16 year old for the firearm, which in the midst of things discharged again. As Brian managed to obtain this firearm, he started backing out of the room, watching the 16 year old obtaining yet another firearm. As Brian looked to the right of him, he noticed a man entering the residence. This man was later identified as the homeowner (a correctional officer)he ordered Brian to put the firearm down. Brian being in the state of mind that(you and I can only imagine)told the man to leave him alone, Brian states that he aimed the gun away from the man as he does not have the guts to shoot anyone. The man exited the residence and the 16 year old orders Brian to shoot out the slidding glass door for exiting purposes. The two boys ran out the back and Brian dropped the firearm, and proceeded to run.

Hundreds of officers surrounded my daughters house to arrest Brian and Eddie. I told these officers repeadedly not to question Brian, and that I was going to call my Attorney. They refused to let me use the phone. After slamming Brian face down on the concrete, they placed handcuffs on him and yanked him up by the cuffs and slammed Brian into my car.The unlaw abiding officers told Brian that if he did not say what they tell him to say when they turn their tape on, that they would make sure that Brian went to the big house for life. They placed Brian into the caged car and proceeded to intimidate him, they obtained a coerced statement from this child who has mental disorders. A Judge has since denied our motion to supress, even though the officer admits that I was on the scene and told him NOT to question my child.

Brian was pushed through all of his court proceedings without notice to parents. He was indicted(WITHOUT COUNSIL)on First Degree Murder charges, and no one was even SHOT!!! The front page of the news paper stated "Boy Accused of SHOOTING homeowner is indicted" That is how we found out that Brian went from age 13 to Adult in one day.

Brian still remains in the county jail and has not been to trial. While Brian (a pretrial detainee)sits for 18 months awaiting for his day in court, he has been subjected to cruel and unusual punishment by CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS as well as paid inmates.(Facts found by a P.I.) Brian lives in solitary confinement, to keep him away from me so that I can not keep up with all of the abuses.

Brian has only seen his Attorney ONE time in 10 months. His Attorney refuses to talk to us, even though he has been paid 13 thousand dollars.

There is a lot more to this story and I do have documentation to substantiate these claims.

If you would like to help in Brian's journey for JUSTICE, please sign this petition.

You may contact me, Brian's mom (Cheryl Woods) at

1- Brian is a child, not an adult.
2- Brian is and has been the victim since day one.
3-Brian's Constitutional Rights have been violated.
4-Brian (a pretrial detainee) should not have to endure the cruel and unusual punishment by correctional officers, (friends and co-workers of my son's accuser)
5-Brian deserves DUE PROCESS
6-Brian's Attorney has failed to comply with professional ethics standards.
7-Brian deserves to be heard in a court of law.
8-Brian seeks JUSTICE.


The Undersigned


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