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Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2003

OK---I have struggled with this e-mail for a few hours now ---trying to keep a level head yet feeling very saddened, hurt, & angry that this situation has turned into a sick joke. So I'll just say it like it is & be done with it.

This is to EVERYONE that has read the e-mails concerning my ex-husband William Sibley. I got an e-mail from Kay Lee today asking what was going on & telling me that she received information that William is NOW in confinement & had LIED about his situation just to get on her site!!!!

Below---you will see my reply to her. I purposely left out her e-mail to me as it was private & it's up to her to post if she wishes.

I must say however that the "Retraction" that was sent out sickens my heart. It makes it virtually impossible for me to get anyone to help William because now everyone thinks he has lied. It is now "Open Season" on him by these guards.

It is obvious, at least to me, that DOC or someone with bad info has managed to discredit William's situation, by design or accident. I should have expected that, knowing DOC like I do. But that is neither here nor there. People will believe what they choose to believe & that is that.

I have an e-mail from Tallahassee that I intend to post following this message. If you pay attention to the dates you will see that William TRIED to get help BEFORE he ever contacted me about this mess & it was freely admitted by this DOC official that the medical staff was monitoring William DAILY. It is CLEAR there is a problem.

Anyhow, I have e-mailed Kay & she has responded & her site is being changed to reflect my e-mail to Tallahassee & their one response back to me. I would like to thank her now for her effort & deeply apologize for any stress that this mess has caused her. I understand her concern over conflicting stories. Her integrity is at stake so she must do what she has to in order to maintain it. Just as I must do what I have to in order to maintain mine.

I ALSO VERY MUCH APPRECIATE the people that wrote letters for William & gave me advice offline. You will never know how much. But I now ask that NO MORE letters be written for William. Maybe the ones that were received helped. At any rate, the very few people that wrote letters have done all they can do & I thank them DEARLY!! I will take it from here, as usual--- on my own.

With all of that said, I would like to add that I HAVE NEVER went to an outside source to handle my problems with DOC before now. And THIS has certainly taught me a VERY valuable lesson.

If DOC succeeds in killing William, then Kay Lee can put him under the "already dead" section of her site so that the world will know someone tried to stop it. I pray this does not happen.


(a special note to the people that DID NOT write ---who's "sixth sense" told them not to)


Date: Wed, Apr 2, 2003, 12:17pm
To: (Kay Lee)

Dear Kay Lee,
I don't know why this person has told you this. But they were lied to. Yes Billy did get ---I think 1 or maybe even 2 DRs from the offending officers so yes he probably is in lock up NOW. Especially after all the hell that's been raised on his behalf. What better way to hide him, not to mention discredit him?

And truthfully ----yes he probably DID EARN the DRs. He's a loud-mouthed ass!!! But he IS NOT LYING ABOUT THIS!!!

BUT---for this person to say that he lied about it all just to get on
your site---OH MY GOD---Kay---Billy & I have been divorced since 1996.  The man has NO CLUE what I do or that I belong to any prison groups period---much less one that has even a slight connection with your site!!!!!

He asked me for help because in the past I have rode Tallahassee like a rabid dog for him. He HAD NO CLUE THERE WAS OTHER PEOPLE I COULD ASK FOR HELP. I GIVE YOU MY WORD ON MY FATHERS GRAVE ON THAT ONE!!!

I have an e-mail on my computer that was sent to me after I first wrote Tallahassee about this. I will send it to you. You can see
where it is admitted that Billy filed a complaint about this before he
ever contacted me with it.

PLEASE keep me informed about the info you receive from X. Cause they are being lied to in a BIG WAY!! Someone is doing a Cover Your Ass move here.

Tallahassee e-mail follows!!


Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 12:48 AM To:;;;;;;
Subject: William Sibley #626035 & Union Correctional 

To All Concerned Parties, 
I am writing to you today about William R. Sibley #626035. He is
currently at Union C. I. 

I recently received a very disturbing letter from him saying that his life is being threatened. The letter says & I quote, "If I don't get your help I may die. No joke. By the time you get this I will have not eaten since March 4, 2003. They are trying to kill me. I got lucky once but I think they are trying to poison my food. They told me to my face that they would kill me & I need to get out of region 2. I don't care if I go to the Panhandle again or way down South.

I talked to the "crazy doctor" & he said he would write it up & send it where it needed to go but he thinks they are playing head games with me but they are not.

Well, I just talked to the medical doctor & he is pissed off & so is the Lt. because now it goes to Tallahassee & every day they have to tell them what is up with me. I'm scared they will kill me anyway & say I did it myself. Please help me." End quote!!

Now, I know William is not a "perfect" prisoner. In fact, he was just in trouble for disobeying a direct order. And yes, he does have a big mouth that tends to piss people off. But in all the years that I have known him, he has NEVER, NOT ONCE said he was SCARED that he was about to be killed!!!!!

I also know that abuse in the system is rampant. And please let's not insult each other's intelligence & try to debate that ok??

To sum it all up for you, THIS IS NOT A SITUATION that I am prepared to sit casually by and let continue. I personally DO NOT CARE what you do with the people that are doing the threatening. However, William Sibley better not be hurt in any way from all of this.

PLEASE, get him and put him somewhere safe. William needs to be moved OFF OF THAT COMPOUND before these officers or any inmates acting on their behalf can hurt him. I trust that this matter will be handled expediently and with the utmost concern for William's life and well-being.

As always, thank you for your very valuable time. PLEASE keep me informed as to what actions are being taken to insure William's safety. And please send a copy of your response to his wife as well. She is Jennifer Sibley & you can reach her at XXXXXX.

Thank You,
Cynthia Johnson
The Ex-Wife

Date: Mon, Mar 17, 2003, 7:29am
Cc:,, (Secretary Crosby), (Denman, George), (Hanna, Mike),, (Union
CI-Warden Off)
Subject: William Sibley #626035 & Union Correctional

Ms. Johnson (and Ms. Sibley):
Thank you for your message regarding William Sibley, DC# 626035. William alleges that he was threatened by staff at Union Correctional Institution, and you are concerned for his safety. I know how difficult William's incarceration must be for you and certainly understand your concerns for him.

Our files indicate that William previously reported his allegations of threats to prison staff on March 4, 2003. A review was conducted, and William's claims could not be substantiated. However, I am forwarding a copy of your message to the Inspector General's Office for any additional review and follow-up of those concerns.

Medical staff stated that they are very much aware of William's
situation. The Chief Health Officer at the prison saw William this past week, and I am told that he is being closely monitored by staff on a daily basis. William has another appointment with the Chief Health Officer next week. I am also forwarding a copy of your message to our Office of Health Services for their information.

Please be assured that staff will do all they can to see that William
receives appropriate health care and that no harm comes to him. Upon completion of any additional reviews, if staff believe that a transfer is in William's best interest, they will take appropriate action. 

Alberto L. Dominguez
Legislative Director
Florida Department of Corrections
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, Florida 32399 
850-488-7436 (office)
278-7436 (suncom)
850-922-4316 (fax)

From: XXX
To: "Kay Lee" <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 5:49 PM

I don't know what to tell you about your sources. You will have to
decide what & who to believe--I cannot do that for you. You pretty much have to TRUST EVERY inmate that writes to you or THEY would have us believe that they ALL lie wouldn't they??

I do appreciate the help that you tried to give me but I must say that the "Retraction" really hit a sore spot even though I do understand your position. BUT---it makes it almost impossible for me to get Billy any help now cause everyone believes he has lied. It's open season on him now.

I have been fighting DOC for 23 YEARS ----ON MY OWN---& NOT ONCE have I asked for outside public help. I worked my ass off building a "working relationship" with Singletary & Moore. And I can see that asking for outside help is not always smart. I will now start on Crosby ON MY OWN as usual. Because now MY reputation is at stake here just as yours is---& I DO NOT mean with the public.

I will be writing a letter to the groups in just a little while, asking that they not write for William anymore. Please take down your webpage for him & put this letter in it's place. I will handle it MY way from here. Tell your sources not to fret over it.

I have come to trust you a great deal Kay Lee & I wish you the best.

Thank you,


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