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For Immediate Release
May 29, 2003
For More Information
Contact: Public Affairs Office
(850) 488-0420

Two Inmates Attack Correctional Officers at Washington Correctional Institution

Chipley, Fla.-Two inmates attacked correctional officers at approximately 6:00 PM Wednesday on the recreation yard at Washington CI. The inmates believed responsible are Tracy Wright DC#361209 and Darrell Jenkins DC#306233. The Department of Corrections is investigating the attack and both inmates have been relocated to Florida State Prison.

Preliminary details indicate that the incident began when an officer was struck from behind in the head with a baseball bat. As fellow correctional officers responded to assist the fallen officer, two inmates began to fight using a baseball bat and horseshoes as weapons. Several inmates attempted to help the officers being attacked. Chemical agents were used to subdue the attackers. Five officers were transported to two hospitals in the area. All have serious injuries. Four of the officers have been released from the hospital, one remains in critical but stable condition.

"Florida's correctional officers put their lives on the line everyday, working with a dangerous prison population," stated Secretary James V. Crosby. "These two inmates have a history of violence in the Florida prison system. They deliberately attacked the officers while they were performing their duties. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and the officers as they recover from their injuries. I am proud of the way our brave corrections professionals handled this senseless attack, minimizing the risk and danger to all of those involved."

Inmate Jenkins is serving life on a first degree murder charge out of Duval County and Inmate Wright is serving 32 years for various offenses including armed robbery, assault and battery on a law enforcement officer out of Polk, Pasco and Miami-Dade Counties.

Assault Advisory is issued by the Department of Corrections whenever a correctional officer or probation officer is attacked in the line of duty.


Interesting sideline to the stories below is that all of the inmates named on this page were transferred from UNION CI as part of the DOC's POPULATION ADJUSTMENT MOVEMENT that turned UNION CI into an old folk's prison (mostly)

The WASHINGTON STORY As (barely) Reported:

On WEDNESDAY, May 29, 2003, at 6:00 at night, a riot began when one prisoner clubbed an officer in the head 'from behind' with a baseball bat. Four more officers jumped in to help with pepperspray and two more inmates grabbed bats and horseshoes and beat them off. Several inmates tried to help the officers.

Anyway, the five officers were transported to two hospitals in the area. All have serious injuries. Four of the officers have been released from the hospital, one remains in critical but stable condition.  At least two of the inmates have been sent to FSP.




May, 2003:
"On Wednesday, the day before Warden Wellhousen took over, there was a riot at Washington CI. It was the sad, but predictable result of poking defenseless people with sticks for too long. The incident involved five guards and two prisoners swinging baseball bats who took down five C/Os. All that is known at this time about the cause of the incident is that the five guards were "making remarks and taunting" the two inmates. Letters are coming in. More will be posted as we learn it.

The whole prison was put on lockdown until June 2nd; Some were allowed out for 45 minutes daily. Softball and Horseshoe equipment has been taken away from all prisoners. The two inmates were sent to FSP. We have a history of FSP guards handling prisoner who 'attack an officer" that tells us that the two men, Darrell Jenkins #306233 and Tracy Wright #361209, will be beaten within inches of their lives. (Remember the Hamilton Five? The beaten inmates Frank Valdes was killed for defending?)



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