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Birthday Wishes To My Special Man

*I made this page with my heart and soul*
*I Love you Ben*
Do you realize how much we have been through together?
How many more birthday's we will spend with eachother?
As you flew through your teenage years...I hope you will realize that they have helped to build a better person
As you reach this point or haven in your must also realize that you are no longer a child anymore and must accept all responsibilites life may bring forth to you
You are a Man now...hard as it may seem to beleive...soon you will have children who will look up to you as their father and a wife who will look up to you as her husband
I hope to be that wife and have those children with you...
It may be hard to beleive coming out of someone's mouth so young as mine...but true love always wins the fight
Are you ready to be a Man? Ready to accept all the responsiblilites?...or in reality...are you just a teenager still?
In my heart...Deep in the pit of my heart...I truely beleive you are ready to take the next step.
I love you with all my heart
Happy my best boyfriend...and my future husband
Have a great day full of joy and laughter and keep this with you forever and ever
*dedicated to the man I love*
*July.2nd 2000*