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My Home Page

I like to cook. Which is a good thing since its my occupation. I love all food but especially like german, thai and vietnemese cuisines. I like to read, mainly babylonian mythology and similar subjects. Studying akkadian on my own. Musically my tastes vary. I like classical, the Moody Blues, pop, and dance. Speaking of dance. I do like to go to clubs and dance for hours. Although some may argue that i don't dance so much as wiggle violently. I still enjoy it. Other than that i go to the gym when i can and ride my bike most places. Good cardio. I used to be in the Army, active duty i was 19E, tankcrewman. A 19E is a M60A3 crewman, not the M1. Got out, joined the guard in a fit of patriotism as 11B, infantry. Total time in was 8 years, so i have quite a few stupid army stories. In case you ever wondered, tanks DO slide on ice. The trees eventually stopped it. Also thanks to a friend i found out that a bayonet WILL go through a flak jacket. (got a week of light duty out of it.)

My Favorite Web Sites

a few pics
a few more pics
Stupid army stories
A very useful site, Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanies.
yet a couple of more pics