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Name: DeiDra Marie UnForgiven

Age: UnKnown

Height: 5'4

Weight: 94 lbs.

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Dark Brown (When she is normal)

Race: Bruxsa (A witch that takes form as a vampire, and she as well strives for the taste of blood)

Family: UnForgiven

Mother: Nemesis

Father: (I have not found out yet about who my father is lol)

Brother: Sauronn

Sister: Tyra, Lara (Sister-in-law)

There are many things about the Dark Mistress you should know... She posses multipul personalitys...Many of which she is very deadly, others she is innocent, very sexual, and one is always looking for a ring that was given to her by her mother that she lost. Among her personalitys she deals with, she is normally under the personality of her anger. She becomes very sexual with males, but very forcefull as well. She never goes to far, no matter what all of her personalitys believe in marriage before sex. DeiDra is very single, for most men are afraid of her. She does not take no for an answer most of the time, it depends on which personality she is dealing with. She carrys with her a dagger attached to her upper thigh, a Katana attached to her waist, and a cross bow attached to her back. She is a very violent person, she has been known to attack for no reason at all. But all in the while, she will defend her family, and the young.