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Hi! Welcome to the fanfiction! So far, all the stories are mine...unless you didn't like them, and in that case, I don't know who the author is! ;-) SeaQuest is the property of Amblin Entertainment, and I am just a lowly fan who makes no profit, so please don't sue.

WRITTEN IN THE STARS(Jess)--Set during the second season. How will Bridger and Lucas react when Kristin returns to the SeaQuest, and what is she hiding? ENCHANTMENT PASSING THROUGH (Jess)--Kristin Westphalen returns to the SeaQuest for a routine mission, but when do things ever go as planned?
THE ABDUCTION (Jess)--Milos Teslov puts in an appearance...will the SeaQuest crew sacrifice one of their own to save a child? AMONG THE ASHES (Jess)--Commander Ford loses his memory in an will he cope with the loss, and what secrets will he reveal?