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Hi, and welcome to the page where I get to talk all about myself. It's my favorite topic, but I will try to keep it down to a minimum, as I understand that some people just don't know a good thing when they see it. Below is my picture, just so you can get a visual of the crazy girl who runs the site.

So anyway, where was I? What do you mean that looks a lot like J-Lo? Yeah, I get that all the time. People say I should star in movies, come out with a cd or two, and date a rapper. I don't know about the first two, but I'm working on the last one...(so DMX, if you're out there...). What do you mean you don't believe me? Ok, caught me. Here's a real picture of me and my amiga Melissa (I'm the cute one with the glasses!)

Basically, my name is Jess(ica), but you may address me as Princess. I'm a part-time college student living in Santa Barbara (soon to be moving to Tucson Arizona). Actually, I'm only part time when I can afford it. To make ends meet I work for a temp agency while I wait to be discovered by a talent agent. ;-)

I *love* to sing and dance and a few of the artists I idolize are: Bob Marley, Erykah Badu, Lauryn Hill, Ella Fitzgerald, Tracy Chapman, The Cranberries (well, their last cd sucked!)Luther Vandross, Mariah Carey, Dakota Moon (hey seriously, I had never heard of this group but I just picked up the cd on a whim...I'm tellin' ya, you need to buy it!), Jennifer Lopez, 10,000 Maniacs/Natalie Merchant, STEVIE WONDER, Michael and Janet Jackson, and lots more.

A few hobbies include, annoying my neighbors as I sing to the soundtrack of 'Rent' at the top of my lungs while cleaning, and appears this is my only hobby. But I'm great at it! If you've read this far...I congratulate you. I'm sorry I can't be more serious about all this...Naw...I'm not really sorry. I hope you've at least cracked one smile while looking through my pages, and if you haven't...let me know and I'll try harder! But below is one of those survey things so you can learn everything you (didn't) want to know about moi!

1. LIVING ARRANGEMENT? I have two other roomates in a small one-bedroom where we pay outrageous amounts of rent. I think it's time for a tenent uprising!

2. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW? Maggie-Now by Betty Smith (She is the author of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.)

3. WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? A rainbow colored Google logo.

4. FAVORITE BOARD GAME? Balderdash and Trivial Pursuit.

5. FAVORITE MAGAZINE? Vibe, Irish America and US

6a. FAVORITE SMELLS? Roses, Irish Spring soap, FOOD!

6b. LEAST FAVORITE SMELLS? I'm not going there.

7. Favorite SOUND? Um, money? No favorite sound is laughter.

8. WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD? Disappointment.

9. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU THINK OF WHEN YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING? How much I hate getting up at the butt-crack of dawn.

10. FAVORITE COLOR? Blue or green.

11. HOW MANY RINGS BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE PHONE? Me, answer the phone? Yeah right. I usually let the answering machine pick up (yes I screen my calls so you better leave a message).

12. FUTURE CHILD'S NAME? OK, I can't even decide what I want to do tomorrow, and you want me to pick kid's names?


14. FAVORITE FOODS? Anything southern...grits, black-eyed peas, cornbread, fried chicken...or mexican is good. Carne Asada burrito...yum!

15. CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA? You gotta be kidding right? Who in their right mind would choose vanilla over chocolate???????

16. DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE FAST? I don't drive, but I like to ride fast! I'm always the one egging people on..."Come on, don't be a candy ass, show me how fast this car can go!"

17. DO YOU SLEEP WITH A STUFFED ANIMAL? Yep, a seal named Seabert who I've had since the third grade. I ain't ashamed I tell ya!

18. STORMS - COOL OR SCARY? Most definitely cool. If I'm inside that is.

19. WHAT TYPE WAS YOUR FIRST CAR? Technically, I bought my dad's Nissan Sentra, but sold it before I moved to Ca b/c I didn't have a license.

20. IF YOU COULD MEET ONE PERSON DEAD OR ALIVE? The Pope, Jesus, Janis Joplin, oh darn, I just realized only one, I guess it would have to be the Pope.

21. FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK? Jose Cuervo 1800 tequila, Goldshlagger (ok, know I'm not spelling that right) and midouri sours (hiccup).


23. DO YOU EAT THE STEMS OF BROCCOLI? I try to avoid broccoli at all costs.

24. IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY JOB YOU WANTED WHAT WOULD IT BE? A Singer of course...probably pop although I can belt like an opera singer! :) I'd have a huge entourage...Or better yet, a Broadway star (Don't cry for me Argentina)!

25. IF YOU COULD DYE YOUR HAIR ANY COLOR? Hot pink to match my Spice Girls shirt!

26. EVER BEEN IN LOVE? Affirmative!

27. IS THE GLASS HALF EMPTY OR HALF FULL? Half full of course...but I think I need a bigger glass because I'm thirsty!.

28. FAVORITE MOVIES: Forrest Gump, The Outsiders, Glory, Shawshank Redemption, Sense and Sensibility, Little Women, The Color Purple, many, many more.

29. DO YOU TYPE WITH YOUR FINGERS ON THE RIGHT KEYS? Heck no...that only slows me down! It's all helter skelter on my keyboard baby!

30. WHAT'S UNDER YOUR BED? What isn't under my bed? A suitcase full of shoes, odds and ends that I couldn't fit anywhere else...although everything is very nicely arranged down there.

31. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE NUMBER? Can't say that I really have one.

32. FAVORITE SPORT TO WATCH? Is there really any other sport than basketball worth watching? Go KNICKS!!


37. FAVORITE TV SHOW? The X-Files, The Young Riders, SeaQuest, any reality shows (well except the stupid ones that are coming out now since they're trying to jump on the bandwagon), ER, Who's Line Is It Anyway...I watch waaay to much tv.

38. EARLIEST MEMORY? My older brother cutting off all my hair when I was about three.

39. DO YOU CRY AT THE MOVIES? Yeah, after I realize that I've spent 7 bucks on a movie that totally sucked. Seriously, I cry all the time. I cried at the Nutty Professor.

40. Name as it appears on your birth certificate Jessica Marie Abernethy

41.. Nicknames: Jess, J, Fuwakateema (looong story)

42. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? I really can't recall because of the alcohol induced haze...but I'm told it was 21.

43. Date that you regularly blow them out? June 29th...(cash, gift certificates, jewellery and flowers preferred...sorry, no personal checks.)

44.Pets: Two turtles...Otis and Cleatus.

45. Height: 5'9

46. Eye Color: Green

47. Hair Color: Plain 'ol mousy brown. Well, something about me has to be understated.

48. Piercing: Just the ears...used to have an eyebrow ring, but then I entered the real world and needed a job, so out came the wire cutters. *sniff*

49.Tattoos? NEVER!

50. How much do you love your job? Sitting on my hind parts all day on the phone and the 'net. Me thinks I like it a lot!

51. Birthplace: Pensacola, Fl (the cultural backwater!)

52. Current Residence: Santa Barbara, Ca

53. Been to Europe? No, but I plan to!

54. Been toilet papering? Are you kidding? Do you know how much toilet paper costs???

55. Been toilet papered? I don't think anyone has that big of a death wish.

56. Loved somebody so much it made you cry?: Yup.

57. Been in a car crash? One, but I was the passanger.

58. Croutons or Bacon Bits? croutons.

59. 2 doors or 4 (on a car)? 4...because you can't get out of a 2 door gracefully.

60. Coffee or Ice Cream? Hmmmm...a caramel frappucino from Stabucks is pure heaven!

61. Blanket or Stuffed Animal: Both of course.

62. Dumper or Dumpee? Been both

63. Salad Dressing: Ranch or Italian

64. Color of socks: White

65. Quote from a movie: Run Forrest Run!

66. Day of the Week: Friday -- the weekend's ahead!

67. Song playing at the moment: Nelly Furtado "I'm like a bird"

68. Toothpaste: Whatever's on sale at K-Mart baby!

69. Flower: Rose

70. Fast Food Restaurant: Carl's Junior.

71. When was your last hospital visit? As the injured party...about 5 years ago. Otherwise, last week.

72. Favorite drink? Barq's rootbeer, Dr. Pepper, sweet tea (the house wine of the south)

73. What color is your bedroom's carpet?: yucky brown

74. How many times did you fail your Permit and/or Drivers test? Passed the written part on first time, never took the driving part because I'm pathetic!

75. What do you think of Ouija boards? Never played with one and never will.

76. Where do you see yourself in 10 yrs? If I'm not in prison, then I'll be living large in a mansion on a hill with servants...ehhhh...realistically, probably still working on a degree in something.

77. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?: Unless being gorgeous is a crime, then no. LOL

78. Which single store would you choose to Max your credit card? book or music store.

79. What do you do most often when you are bored? Hey, when you've got a jukebox in your head, you're never bored. I simply sing all day to reduce the monotony.

80. What words or phrases do you overuse? "That is triflin'!" (or scadalous)
"Know what I'm sayin'?"
"Now you know..."
"Her friends were wrong for letting her walk out of the house like that!"

81. Most annoying thing? People who talk loud. Come on now, let's use our inside voices, folks. Or people who interrupt others. Makes me wanna pimp slap 'em.

82 Best thing: Hope and faith.

83. Bedtime: As much as I hate to admit it, around 11...morning comes very early for me!

84.Any regrets? Ask me that again in ten years. Right now, I look on everything (good and bad) as life experience.