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Sharon's Medical Information

My Information

Vital Statistics

Date of Birth: May 24, 1947

Place of Birth: Miami, Florida

Gender: Female

InSearchOf: Birthmother/Birthfather/Family/Siblings

Birth Name: Infant Perkins

Birthmother Name: Jean W. Perkins (Per Dr. Katherine Cole)

Birthfather Name: George W. Perkins (Per Dr. Katherine Cole)

Hospital Name:(Dr. Cole's Clinic) 4725 SW 8th Street,Coral Gables, Florida
However, per the Consent for Adoption lists 716 N. Miami Ave., Miami, Fl (which was a flop house next to a bar as my place of birth)

Dr. Katherine Cole told HRS I was born in route to her Clinic)

Birth Cert. Number: 109-47XXXXXX

Adopted Name: Sharon Mitchell

Adoption finalized: Miami, Florida (Dade County)
Date of finalization: April 1,1948

Adparents residence: 2355 NW 80th St.,Miami, FL

Agency Name: None

Attorney Name: Troy C. Davis

Comments: (Per Dr. Katherine M. Cole)
Birthmother Jean W. Perkins, age 19 at time of my birth

Birthfather: George W. Perkins, age 22,at the time of my birth

Married July 26, 1946, Pittsburgh, PA

Address given 716 N. Miami Avenue,Miami. FL

One birth announcement lists George Wilbur Perkins as my birth father,
at 716 N Miami Avenue, Miami, Fl

The second George W. Perkins, 716 N. Miami Ave., Miami, FL

Both birth announcements list me as a son, not a daughter.

Of course Dr. Cole also supplied all of this information.

I was a Blackmarket "Cole" baby purchased for $100 cash on 5/24/47 on the front steps of Dr. Cole's Clinic.

Personal Story ~

Contact Information: Sharon ~

babyperkins-dob 5.24.47
Miami, FL

Medical Information

Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
Ostio Arthritis
Spondolosis of the Spine
Fibro Myalgia
Carpel Tunnel
Tumor right index finger
Congenital Birth Defect-Arterial Sepal Defect-repaired at age 32
Endometriosis, adhesions and cysts-due to hemorrhaging
total hysterectomy 1989
Minor Stroke
Allergies to perfumes, bleach, mold, pollen. etc
I have been in AA since I was 26, I cannot drink
I cannot take codeine, or many other pain killers
I have an ulcer due to arthritis Medications
My little fingers have always been curved inward and I am double jointed
My toe nails are curved in a U shape, which leads to ingrown toe nails and I have corns starting from the curvature of the bone on my little toes
I had my tonsils out and appendix
I also had an intolerance to milk until age six
I had skin cancer removed from my nose on both sides at age 12

General Information

I spent my summer vacation three years ago calling PA--
You have to know the county where the license was issued to obtain the marriage license,
not where they were married. I called all surrounding county court house
and came up with a big fat zero, Nothing was on computers--all in books.
All clerks searched and found nothing.

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The Growing Years

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If you have any information regarding Dr. Katherine
Cole or my birth family please email me :



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We all hold each other's fragile hopes in our hands.
We all touch other's hearts."