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4.21.2000 : Site updated

FileTaxi 1.3

FileTaxi 1.3

FileTaxi is basically an easy-to-use, powerful, file launcher. You can store your favorite files in it and click "go!" That's all there is to do. Not only can you store files, but you can also launch folders, URLs, and email addresses. Best of all, ITS FREE

When you DOWNLOAD FileTaxi, read the readme file to learn how to add new files and groups.
Some example groups and files are already edited.


Main Window:
main.gif (2224 bytes)

Editor Window:
editor.jpg (4772 bytes)

menu.gif (2799 bytes)

Download size: 31 kb , ".zip" file

Required Files: Tabctl.ocx, Visual Basic 6 Runtime files : Extract all of these files into your C:\Windows\System Directory.

A full software site is being built and will be posted soon! This was made on the fly so people can check out my program.

Feedback: E-mail me for comments, suggestions, help, bug-detections, etc. at