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<table width=100% height=385 bgcolor=#000000 cellpadding=10> <tr><td align=center> <font size=7 color=#ff0000 effect=emboss> <marquee><b><i>Webtv Bug!!... Webtv Bug!!... Webtv Bug!!</i></b></font></marquee> <p> <font size=6 color=#22ff22 effect=emboss> <b><i>You have the Webtv Bug, you must reload this page by holding down the cmd key on your keyboard and pressing the letter R key 5 times. The Webtv Bug prevents webpages that use javascript from functioning properly or at all. <br> Thanks....U-L-T-R-A</i></b></font> </table>

"Site Last Updated On 3-16-2001"

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