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Hello and welcome to my little corner of the web. I am so glad that you have taken the time to stop by and visit me. There are many paths you can take here, so grab something to drink, sit back, and enjoy the journey.

And remember:


I am a 40 year old Christian wife and mother. I go by Ladigrace online. My husband Tim, goes by timk. He is 41 and also a Christian. He is one of my gifts from God, a true blessing. Tim is my best friend and I love him more and more each day. We are on an adventure with God together. Life around the "Kelly House" is never boring or dull and God always has something new in store for us. A new trial, a new lesson. Praise God!

We live in Ocala, Florida.

On Sunday, February 7, 1999 we became members of New Testament Baptist Church, in Ocala Florida. We have been blessed to have gone through personal discipleship.

We have a new Pastor, Frank Par-Due and God is really working within our Church. Right now Tim and I are both in the discipleship training classes, along with our oldest daughter Mandy. God is awesome and never ceases to amaze me with all HE is doing in our lives.

God has blessed us with three beautiful children. Amanda who is 18 just recently graduated from Norhin Marion High School. Amanda (Mandy) plays the flute and piccalo and enjoyed her time with the NORTH MARION HIGH SCHOOL MARCHING COLT BAND. And we really enjoyed working with all the band students and parents.

This fall she will be attending Florida Southern College to pursue her education with a major in Sports Medicine. This will be a BIG change for all of us.

She adores anything Pooh and loves Piglet. We are blessed as she is not a normal "WORLDLY" teen and would rather live for the Lord than the world.

Nicholas is 11 and will be in Junior High this fall. He is really an active young man. Nick is a wonderful student. He enjoys video games, computer games and is learning to golf. He also loves playing baseball. He keeps both Tim and I on our toes at all times!

Samantha is 9 and will be in fourth grade this fall. She is our baby and daddy's "PRINCESS!" Samantha is mommies little "Christmas Angel" as she was due on Christmas Eve....but came early. She had some problems at birth but God worked it all out.

Both Amanda and Nicholas are "SAVED" and "BAPTISED." We praise GOD for this and give HIM all the praise and the glory.

Samantha accepted Jesus as her Savior during vacation Bible school (1998). She also has been baptised. We are so thankful to God for bringing all three of our children to Him.

It is my prayer that this site will encourage, lift, and help Christians and non-Christians alike. Please take your time and look around. If you have a question please feel free to email me anytime. Also if you have any comments or suggestions please let me know. Thank you.

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This site last updated June 20th, 2001

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