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My Ironic Utopia


Welcome to Jenny-World!!!

Welcome to my humble home! J/K. You have entered My Ironic Utopia: one the weirdest, quirkiest pages you've seen in your life. Email me to tell me if you like or dislike this webpage- I really want to know!
I better give you a little warning about what you will encounter in the gallery. There are two main sections: Munkeyness and Quotes. Munkeryness is full of clubs that me and Erin composed in mutual love of crazy, zany quirks. The initials are members of the clubs, you guys know who you are! At any rate, they make no sense so don't try to make sense out of them. The quotes are not really qoutes, they are useless trivia and funny jokes. But let me warn you about The Mushroom Gallery: it is very coolness and very very senseless.
Well, without further adieu, heeeeeeere's the page!