Specal Thankyou's

I'd like to give a special thanks to Oddworld.com, Oddworlidian.net,and all the other oddworld sites for inspiering me to make this site for what it is and for some of the great picture's.I'd also like to give a specal thanks to my family for helping me build this site and for rasing me like I am, and thanks to my friends, to thank one of my friends I will put up a special link to his site wich is about skateboarding.THANK YOU .P.S. I'd also like to give a very speical thanks to Oddworld-Web you should go there it's a great site!!!

Great Sites

Oddworld - official oddworld site- http://www.oddworld.com
Oddworldian- http://www.oddworldian.net/
Oddworld-Web- http://www.oddworld.au.com/
Oddworld Yo- http://www.oddworldyo.homestead.com/
Shortys got Pop- https://www.angelfire.com/fl4/shortysgotpop
Drews Slig Page- http://drewsligpage.cjb.net/
OddSmack- http://mypage.goplay.com/oddsmack/enter.html/
OddBodd- http://www.oddbodd.net

Email: JDSPSL@AOL.com