New's Archive


One Week Trip-Dec/25/00-
Starting December 26th I will be going on a one week trip, and will be returning on Sunday, so I may not have any recent updates untill then, but if I get to a computer I will try.

Merry Christmas-
Merry Christmas,Happy HolODDays, and Happy New Year from Mudos.

Oddworld Site Updated-Dec/20/00- has been updated. It talks about the Oddworld Inhabitants crew celebrating for the upcoming holiday.

Oddworldian and Oddworld-Web have joined up to make "OddChat" and recently after its opening Paul O'Connor was in it to chat! Go to Oddworldian or Oddworld-Web to read the chat transcript.

Daliy Radar has recently wrote a letter telling readers that they now understant why Oddworld Inhabitants made its move to X-Box. Click here to read it.

New OddSquad-Dec/18/00-
The Oddworld Inhabitants Site has added there latest OddSquad for this week. It talks about what a Realtime Artist is and dose, as well as the torture you have to go through.

Desiner Diary Updated!!-Dec/15/00-
The 14th entry in Paula O Coners Desiner Diary has been updated it talks about the choices you can make in Munches Oddysee and the things that can come out of the choices.

Oddworldyo has added a new feature to there site called the voting room where you can vote in ceveral catigories for your favorit site, and Mudos is listed in two!

New OddSquad-Dec/11/00-
This weeks OddSquad features Aimee Smith. She is the creator of a new comic called "Ice Cream for Breakfast". Strangley the Oddworld Inhabitants site calls her the Art Rangler. To find out what this is go to the latest OddSquad.

Official Site Updates-Dec/4/00-
Oddworld's official site has undergone alot of updates! The What's New section now talks about December, along with some new pictures and another OddSquad entry, but the BIG news is about Kristen (Abe Babe, creator of Oddworld-Web)visiting the Oddworld Inhabitants studio!!!! On the Alf's Rehab and Tea page it awards her as fan of the month!! Congradgulatios Abe Babe, you are the envy of every Oddworld Fan.!
Source: Oddworldian

Mudos Videos-Dec/3/00-
My site now has a Videos Page. But seince I am new at this I have to make a seperat page for every video, and you probably won't be able to download them.


New OddSquad-Nov/27/00-

This week has interviewed Rob Brown again for their latest OddSquad. He talks about why we are fans of Oddworld and talks about how he pictures the characters. Rob Brown also mentions that Elum spelt backwards is mule!

X-Box questions and answeres-Nov/24/00-
Recently the X-Box official site has posted a questions and answeres page on its new and upcommig system. It answeres almost every nagging question on X-Box from price range, to realese date. Go there and check it out.

Mudos Poll results-Nov/23/00-
It appeares that the mighty Scrab won! I now have a new poll, so go check it out.
Here are the results from the last poll:
Scrab 11(22%)
Slig 4(8%)
Mudokon 8(16%)
Glukkon 2(4%)
Elum 7(14%)
Paramite 2(4%)
Slog 4(8%)
Fleech 2(4%)
Slurg 7(14%)
Greeters 3(6%)

OddChat opening times-Nov/23/00-
Due to everyone going to my OddChat at different times, I decided to have a special time for everyone to go on. So now my OddChat will be open every day from 7:00pm to 11:00pm (EST).

New Odd Squad-Nov/20/00-
At Oddworld's official site the weekly Odd squad has been updated. Go there and check it out!!!

Josh Ryan Evens movie-Nov/16/00-
The actor Josh Ryan Evens is a big Oddworld fan, he will be in the movie"The Grinch" 2000 this year.

X-Dome intervews Oddworld-Nov/16/00-
X-Dome recently interviewed Oddworld Inhabitants. Oddworld says the interview was one of the most exstensive interviews ever, Click here to read the interview.

Big Bro Slig Movie-Nov/15/00-
There is a new movie featuring the Big Bro Slig that we saw in some screenshots awhile back. Go to to go and download the new movie.

Lorne Lanning Chat Transcript-Nov/15/00-
Last night at starting at 8:00 est Lorne Lanning had a chat with all Oddworld Fans at the site. The chat had many great questions that where all answered by Lorne himself. Click here to read the chat Transcript.

Daliy has recently updated there Desiner Diary on Munches Oddysee. Diary 1 has some new Munches Oddysee pictures while Diary 2 talks about a Munches Oddysee demo...

Mudos interview-Nov/12/00-
In the Glukkons page I added a page on Vice-President Aslik. Looking at the picture I had put up on that page I got an Idea. So I made up an interview with Vice-President Aslik. As I did this I got the idea of making a new link on my front page that has all interviews with Oddworld Charactors. Look for that link coming soon.

Gameroom's interview on Oddworld-Nov/11/00-
At Exoddus Entertainment Jack of the Gameroom held one of the most in-depth interviews on Oddworld ever. They talk about Lorne as a young boy and more. When you first go there you click on the link that says watch the shows, then after it loads click on shows, choose a resolution for your viewing, and last you click on interview's and you'll know what to do from then on.
Source: Oddworldian

Oddworld chats- Nov/10/00-
On Tuesday, November 14th Lorne Lanning will be chating (go to for rest of update.). To chat you need to download something?. updated-Nov/10/00- has updated there What's New page Alot!!, it now includes new comments on X-Box, a new in-depth interview, and more...

Oddworld-Web visits the U.S.-Nov/5/00-
Oddworld-Web visits the USA, all the Oddworld fans sites hopes she has a great time.

Alf's Rehab and Tea-Nov/5/00- has upgraded the Alf's Rehab & Tea page, it now inludes a new fan of the month which the origanal Alf was named after, another new thing it includes is some new fan sites and one of them is MUDOS!!. I would like to thank Oddworld Inhabitants for this.

October New's is Archived-Nov/5/00-
All of Octobers news has been archived, although I had some problems and not all the news was archived.

Oddworld-Web and Oddworldian had the privledge to ask Lorne Lanning some questions on the move to X-Box.


Oct/20/00 Just when PS2 is about out Oddworld Inhabitants swiches to X- Box. In the latest interveiw Lorne said "It would have been an outstanding game on PlayStation 2. However, on the X- Box, it's going to be even better. Even better looking, better playing, and it will have more characters in there as a result on any one level" this is truly a dissapointment for fan's that where planning on buying a PS2 for Munch's Oddysee, but Lanning says that he wanted to tell fan's about the change first before they went and bought a

Oct/20/00 Just when PS2 is about out Oddworld Inhabitants swiches to X- Box. In the latest interveiw Lorne said "It would have been an outstanding game on PlayStation 2. However, on the X- Box, it's going to be even better. Even better looking, better playing, and it will have more characters in there as a result on any one level" this is truly a dissapointment for fan's that where planning on buying a PS2 for Munch's Oddysee, but Lanning says that he wanted to tell fan's about the change first before they went and bought a

Oct/16/00 Yet again, I have added something new to the trivia page. When you go there you will find a scroll board where messages and other stuff scroll by...

Oct/16/00TV star Josh Ryan Evens was seen whearing an Oddworld T-Shirt in an interveiw, Check for more updates.

Oct/14/00 I discoverd that my hit counter was causing all my tecnacal difficulties, so I am going to get rid of it for a while(but not forever!)

Oct/13/00 I had some MORE!!!! tecnecal difficulties with my web page,and as a result my hit counter reset , it used to read 123. Just thought I should tell ya just incase you thought my site wasen't popular, keep visiting for more updates :)

Oct/13/00 On my trivia page I have add my "Oddworld Quotes" where on the bottom of the page you will find those fun quotes from Abe's Oddysee and Abe's Exoddus, I will add more of these quotes soon.

Oct/8/00 I have upgraded the creatures section, I will also update Abe's page and Mullucks page soon.

Oct/6/00 I have now got the option to have polls on my page, and I soon will add it to my page.