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Gundam Wing
Dragonball Story
Dragonball Z Story
Gundam Wing 
Dragonball / DBZ 

Gundam Wing
Dragonball / DBZ

Gundam Wing
Dragonball / DBZ

Gundam Wing
Dragonball / DBZ

Bios | Abilities | Power Levels | Jap-Eng Names


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Absorbing - An abilty that Android 19, and 20 use. This allows them to take ones energy away from their hands. This can aso absorb attacks , too.

Assmilation - The ability to absorb a being to use it's strength and abilities. This power is used by mostly Cell.


Barrier - The ability to enseal yourself in a ki barrier to prevent to be hit by attacks. The ki barrier can be broken, depending on how strong it is.

Big Bang Attack - Another one of Vegeta's attacks. It is done by holding your hand in a 90 degree angle. It is a blue beam which is quick and does not take a long time to power up.

Bukujutsu - The ability to fly, almost all character in DBZ has this ability, and is very handy. The only downfall is, it take up some ki. 

Burning Attack - An attack that is used by Trunks. After moving your arms around many times in a pattern, then into a triangle, concentrate the ki and then fire, you get a very powerful attack out of all of it.


Cell Jr. Spawn - An ability that Perfect Cell has that allows his to spit outlittle blue clones of himself called Cell Jr.s. They have basically all the abilities Gohan has and are quite powerful.

Creating Dragonballs - An ability that is used by Kami Samma and Dende. It allows them to create a set of Dragonballs.

Crusher Ball (Fireball) - An attack used by Jeice of the Ginyu Force. A ball of energy that is quite powerful.


Death Ball - An attack used by Freiza and Koola. A ball that looks like it has electricity flowing around it. A very powerful attack. 

Dodonpa - A blue ki attack used by Tienshinhan and Chaozu, it is similar to a kienzan but cannot cut through everything it touches, but it is a good attack to have.

Dragon Punch - An attack used by Goku in Movie 13 against Hildegram. It is one of the most powerful attack ever used and can only be used a few times. It goes through the opponent and a image of a dragon comes out of the other side.


Energy Dan- An attack that forms a giant ki ball around yourself and release it at an opponent. 

Eye Lazers - A fast ability that shoots thin beams from the eyes onto a target. It is powerful and is used to hit opponents right where they want to hit.

Eye Of Freiza - An energy disk used by Freiza that is similar to a Kienzan.


Final Flash - A powerful attack used by Vegeta, which is similar to Kamehameha. The only downfall is, that it is somewhat slow, and takes up precious time to charge up. But even being slow, it is one of Vegeta's most lethal attacks.

Finish Buster - An attack used by Trunks. Is a Medium sized blue ki ball that is quite powerful.

Fist of The Wolf Fang Gale - See Rogafufuken

Furiza Beam - An attack that is used by Koola, Furiza, and Cell. It is a small red beam that was used to finish off Vegeta on Namek.

Fusion (Fusion Dance) - A technichqunie that fuses two beings into one for a period of 30 minutes. The two people who are fusing also have to be near the same age and height. The dance has some interesting and complicated steps. If the Fusion Dance is done incorrectly, the fusion form will be fat, or skinny.


Galactica Donut - Another one of those ridiculous attack used by Gotenks. It is a ki beam that is shaped like a donut. Kinda like a ki beam with a little hold in the middle. 

Genki Dama (Spirit Bomb) - The strongest attack Goku has, 
          and he learned it from Kaio-Sama. You put your arms in the air, and 
          start gathering energy, little by little, from all living things on the 
          planet. It ends up into a ball. This ball has been as big as a soccer ball, 
          and as big as the Earth!!!! Can kill almost any enemy if enough time is 

Genocide Attack - An attack that is used by Buu that hits everybody on Earth. Kills almost everybody on Earth in the Buu Saga, but this doesn't affect people on Kami Samma's Tower/Lookout.


Heavenly Cross - See Tenku-Jiken

Hikou - The Androids use this ability to fly without ki, which is useful for not waisting energy.


Instintanious Movement - An ability that allows you to quickly teleport to any place in the universe. It is done by placing your fingers between your eyebrows and teleporting. You have to lock the ki of something to teleport to it, which is kind of a downfall. But it is very useful.


Kaio-Ken - A power-up that was taught to Goku from Kaio-Sama. It 
          is very effective in speed, more than it is in attack. At large ammounts, 
          your power level will dramatically rise.

Kamehameha (Turtle Destruction Wave) - An extremely 
          strong attack that was taught to Goku from Kame-Sennin. It is 
          charged when you say "KA-ME-HA-ME-HA" and hold your hands into a 
          slightly opened ball near the hip. The fighters use this many times to 
          get them out of many tough scrapes. It is a blue beam.

Ki Beam - A beam that is made with the used of ki, or energy in a different form. A ki beam is that energy in a beam. Almost all of the main characters can shoot ki beams. They can be any of the following colors, and maybe more: Black, blue, purple, red, green, yellow, and others.

Ki Blast -  Like a ki beam except it is not in a beam, but in a form in which your shoot a ball of energy right out of your hand.

Kienzan (Destructo Disk) - A large disk shaped attack that can 
          cut through about anything, even mountain tops. The weaker you are, 
          the slower the attack goes. If you can hit an opponent with it near the 
          stomach, it probably means victory. Kuririn's Kienzan is orange, while 
          Goku's is blue.

 Kikoho- An attack used mostly by Tienshinhan. You place your 
          hands in the shape of a triangle and blast. It isn't as strong as 
          Kamehameha, but it does do quite some damage and gets the job 


"Lassoo-In Gum"- An attack used by Giran in the 21st Budokai, where he spits out gum at Goku and he gets stuck in it. The more you try to get out, the stickier it gets. And quote from Giran " That gum came right out of my own personal gut!"


Mankancousuppo (Demonic Beam Cannon) - An attack that 
          Buu ,Cell , and Piccolo have the skill to do. It is charged in between the 
          eyebrows. It is a yellow beam with energy circles all around it. Being 
          very strong and deadly, it is hard to repel and moves pretty quickly. A 
          real treat to use if your opponent is slow.

Masenko - An attack that Gohan uses many times that was taught to 
          him by Piccolo. Other fighters use this ability. It is basically a version 
       of a weaker Kamehameha that is yellow . It is charged and released overhead.

Merging - The ability to permantly merge with a being to have both strengths and, powers, and minds combined. This is very useful, and causes the being that is the body of the two being merged to be much stronger.

Mind Control - An ability that allows the user to take over somebodies brain and use them to their expences.

Mouth Beam - An attack used by Nappa, Piccolo, and a few other characters. It is a very big and powerful ki attack that comes out of the mouth area. Ussually a giant explosion where it lands.


Oozaru - Oozaru is the giant monkey form of a Sayai-jin. The Oozaru transformation occurs when a Sayai-jin with a tail looks at a full moon. It also multiplies your strength by ten.


Regeneration - The ability to regrow limbs in just a small amount of time, it is very useful, but it takes a lot of your power away from you. Piccolo , Cell , and Metal Koola are among beings who have this ability.

Renzoku Senkoudan - An attack that sends a bunch of ki blast burting at an opponent, it is very powerful, for all the ki attacks hit at once.

Rocket Punch - A very powerful attack used by Android 16. It detaches your hand and some of your arm, and sends it flying at your opponent with great speed and impact. A very strong ability.

Rogafufuken - An attack used by Yamcha in the 21st Budokai. It is a punch that is very concentrated and powerful, which makes it very lethal.


Shape-Shifting - An ability that Oolong and Puar have. It allows you to transform into just about anything for as long as you want. But Oolong can only transform for 5 minutes. Note: If Puar tranformed into Vegita, she WOULD NOT be as powerful as Vegita, she would be as strong as she was before she transformed.

Split Form - A ability used by Piccolo that splits his form into two using very concentrated ki. It is similar to Tribody, but it splits your body into two instead of creating two more of yourself with ki.

Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack - One of my favorite attacks. This is attack used by Gotenks, in which he spits out a bunch of ghosts ( 100 of them, I think) that looks like him, and lines them up. Then he orders them to go at his opponents. It is quite powerful, becuase the ghosts all selfdestruct.

Super Namek - A transformation that can be used by some Nameks to make themselves bigger and stronger. Although you don't get as big as an Oozaru Sayai-jin, your size greatly increases. It is used by Piccolo and Slug.

Satan Special Ultra Super Megaton Punch - An attack used by Mr. Satan. It's just a punch with a big special name.

Super Sayaijin - This can only be used by Sayians. When reaching 
          an extremley angry mood, you get a power-up that can increase your 
          strength and speed by about half of your original strength. This also 
          turns your hair gold. This is used by all the Sayian good guys to defeat 
          many villians.

          Super Sayian Level 2 - A stonger level of Super Sayian. Your 
          Strength improves dramaticaly and you can take on enemies easily 
          that you could in a regular Super Sayian form.Your hair grows as well.

Super Sayian Level 3- An even stronger form of Super Sayian 
          Level 2. Your hair becomes really long and you get  much 

          Super Sayian Level 4 - The strongest form of Super Sayian. The 
          hair is no longer gold or long. It is black, and you are covered with fur. 
          You also grow your tail back and  the form itself looks very evil.Extremley strong, you can beat almost anything.Even if it is slightly above your fighting 
          power. Super Sayian 4 Goku was never defeated at the least.

Swordsmanship - This is the ability where one can skillfully handle a sword and master it. Trunks has this ability and Yadjerobi does as well. (But Yadjerobi is too scared to use his sword against an opponent)


          Taio-Ken (Solar Flare)- An attack were you place your hand in 
          a certain position on your face and the attack realeases. This attack 
          blinds your opponent for an amount of time. It is used for distraction 
          and to power up a time taking attack like Genki Dama or 

Telepathy - An ability that Choazu and Kaio Samma have. This allows them to communicate with others no matter how far away they are, with their minds. Other characters in the series have this ability.

Tenku-Jiken (Heavenly Cross) - An attack used by Namu in the 21st Budokai. It is used by jumping up very high in the air, and crossing your hands like an "X" under you neck. And then land your arms on your opponents neck, hitting a presure point. Goku was barley able to recover from it. Namu quotes "No one who receives a blow like that can awaken in less than ten days."

Time Freeze - An attack used by Guldo to stop time by holding his breath. He can run around and do stuff that he wants and time will still be frozen, as long as he hold his breathe. He uses this when he fights Gohan and Kuririn.

Transformation - The ability to transform allows you to go into another form and become a lot stronger to defeat an opponent. It is powerful and useful, but wastes energy and puts a lot of pain on their bodies.

Tribody - One of Tienshinhan's abilities that concentrates ki so he has create three of himself, that those other forms can make other forms, and so on. It is extremley useful if you are going against one opponent, but overall a great ability to have.


Ultra Buu Buu Volley Ball Attack - An attack used by Gotenks where he seals Buu in a ball of energy and plays around with it.

Ultra Super Sayaijin - A form of Super Sayaijin that causing you to get really tall and muscled up. It's power is in between Super Sayaijin and Super Sayaijin Form 2. Like transformation, though, it put a lot of strain on the person going USSJ. Future Trunks and Brolli have this ability.


Wild Boar Attack - An attack used by Gotenks when he charges at you like a boar and attacks.

Wish Granting - An ability used by Shen Long that allows him to grant wishes when somebody gathers the Dragonballs and makes a wish. But certain wishes cannot be granted because of certain limitations. 


Zanzouken - Also known as "Blur", its is the ability used by many fighters to go from one place to another with great speed, so it looks like you dissapear somewhere and reapear somewhere else nearby. It is very useful and used many times in the series.