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Home Of The Patriots!!


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Copyright © 1999-2000 Miramar Patriots

Home Of The Patriots!! MHS Army JROTC Home Of The Patriots!!

"Home Of the Patriots!"
Welcome to the MHSJROTC Home Page, we give the opportunity for the people to be informed of the organization in know as JROTC. We have information on the organization, people, ranks, Miramar High, and extra goodies for cadets in the MHS Patriot Battalion. Last updated: 09/10/00

Posted by:Webmaster
As the new year begins we see faces that have long since been seen. Since I have been in Miramar's Patriot Battalion I have had nothing but good experiences I hope we have a great year. To all the LET I's I hope you hang in there, the 1st three weeks you will be wondering why you signed up for that class, but hang in there. Good luck Cadets!!!!!
P.S. Post up on the MHSJROTC Message Board or Chat-Room.

Need to contact us?? Check out or contacts page...

Where is Miramar High School??
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3601 SW 89th Avenue

Miramar, Florida 33025

Battalion Email

Official Business Email ROTC

Telephone: (954) 437-0661

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Snoop around and chat to the cadets that make the organization trive. Chat Now!!!

The Web-Master
This site was created by Cadet Roman. If you have any questions or comment please email me. Feedback is wanted.If you need to contact me promply, you may send me a AOL Insta-Message to Wilmersaxo.
Web Ring

Copyright © 1999-2000 MHS Army JROTC

Home Of The Patriots!!

Patriot Teams

Drill Team

Honor Guard

Iron-Man Tm.

Color Guard

Rifle Team

BN Leadership

Patriot Teams

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