Happy Birthday!
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My Son,...

From the day you were born
You were so Special
So smart, So sensitive, So good.

It was fun to be with you
As you grew
You became your own person
With your own ideas
With your own way of doing things

It was exciting to watch you
As you grew more
You became independent
Still Special, Still smart
Still Sensitive, still good.

I am proud of the person you are
And I want you to always know
That I devotedly love you

It seems like just a little while ago
You raised your tiny head
And smiled at me for the first time
And I smiled back with tears.

I loved you so much then
Though you are older now
Living your dreams
Pursuing your own goals.

I still look at your beautiful smile
To know that things are all right with you
And I am so very proud of you
And I love you even more now.

Happy Birthday!
I love you Mom.

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Joe-age 2!

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Joe-age 15!

Backgrounds by Pat