A Wish For My Child(ren)


A Wish for You, My Child(ren)

If there could be only one thing
in life for me to teach you,
I would teach you to love...

To respect others so that you may
find respect in yourself.

To learn the value of giving,
so that if ever there comes a time
in your life that someone
really needs, you will give.

To act in a manner that you would
wish to be treated, to be proud of yourself.
To laugh and smile as much as you can,
in order to help bring joy back to the world.

To have faith in others,
to be understanding...
To stand tall in this world and
to learn to depend on yourself.

To only take from this earth those
things which you really need,
so thee will be enough for others.

To not depend on money or material
things for your happiness, but
To learn to appreciate the people
who love you, the simple beauty
that God gave you and to find
peace and security within yourself.

To you, my child(ren),
I hope I have taught all of these things,
for they are love.
~Source Unknown~

*This I Dedicate To My children*
Love you Mom
