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TygerLilly's Cafe

Welcome to my homepage!

Within this lovely site you will find Tyger's Poetry Corner and (soon!)short stories of mine (and hopefully other people's writings as well!!)
I have also created (thru an e-mail Poetry group for poets, writers, and artists to share their work & give/receive feedback! You will find a form within to join, if you so choose.
I plan, also, to keep a journal going, which I will try to update regularly!
I have also added a Psychic Advice page, Astrology, Numerology, & Wiccan pages.
Maybe I'll even put my pic on here one day, but don't get your hopes up!!!
Please click on the link below to enter the Cafe!

I'm putting in a free-for-all link page for everyone to submit links to their own web sites (pending my approval, of course!). So, check out the "Free-For-All Links" page at your convenience! I'm sure I'll have plenty of sites to list soon!

If you would like to submit any of your writings please feel free!! Just e-mail them to me and I'll put 'em in if they are any good!!! LOL...

I'm also adding a chat room feature to my site...which will be available to all "regulars" at the cafe...You will find a form within to become a regular!

Hopefully, with the help of dear friend, I'll be able to make this site attractive and interesting enough for all of ya! And please feel free to give me lots of feedback! I always appreciate it! Well, have fun! I should have more to look at in the near future! >^..^< tyger....

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