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Keeping Your Cool-Stressed Out


1. Getting Acquainted

  • Luke 10:38-42
    Lesson Bible Truth: Believers must turn to God's Word to find answers for living in todays society.

    2. Stress from Worry

  • Matthew 6:25-34
  • James 1:2-11
    Lesson Bible Truth: Believers must first seek the Kingdom of God and then all things will be given to you.

    3. Stress From Work

  • Matthew 20: 1-16
  • 2 Cor. 11:16-33
    Lesson Bible Truth: Jesus speaks about the relationship between work and stress and offers ways to minimize stress in the workplace.

    4. Stress from Failure

  • Luke 22:54-62
  • Romans 7:7-25
    Lesson Bible Truth: Peter failed miserably, but because of his dedication to God, he became the rock upon which the Church was built.

    5. Stress from Conflict

  • Mark 11:15-19
  • Romans 12:9-21
    Lesson Bible Truth: Believers must bravely stand on the word of God,and do what is right and just, so that all may see His grace.

    6. Stress from Loss

  • Luke 24: 13-35
  • Romans 12:9-21
    Lesson Bible Truth: Believers can find strength, peace and solace when a great loss occurs, if they turn to God.

    7. Stress from Overload

  • Matthew 26:36-46
  • 2 Cor. 1:3-11
    Lesson Bible Truth: Believers make a difference in their world when they stay focused on God's promises.

    **End of Second Session**

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