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About This Site

Troop 140 Web Site

Troop 140 has finally finished the basic layout of our site here on the World Wide Web. Although "outing" makes up the better part of "Scouting," a troop Web site can provide access to useful information to a variety of people. Providing a detailed calender and an on-line photo album will serve the troop members as well as the community. Any donations of digital imaging equipment (cameras or scanners) would be greatly appreciated. Contact Assistant Scoutmaster Jeff Highsmith for details.
While I (ASM Jeff Highsmith) am actively looking for a scout to take on part of the responsibility of running the web site, I will continue to keep it up to date until a more permanent solution is found. I've had no trouble managing it myself, but I believe that one of our scouts could greatly benefit from the responsibility inherent in maintaining such an enterprise. So, keep coming back for more news and features, I anticipate some exciting new additions once our service provider (who provides the service at no monetary cost in exchange for displaying those popup ads) allocates us more space to use.
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This page was last modified 2/6/00 12:06.
