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Welcome to Travis's April 2000 picture page! The following photos were taken on or around easter 2000.
Having a peaceful moment in a comfy lap
...And a not-so-peaceful moment on the couch. Maybe my new Air Jordans were too tight....ya think?
I wish Mandy would quit tickling me!!!!
Me and Mandy on easter morning
One last picture of me and Mandy on Easter morning.
Was I giving Uncle Adam a fit or what?
Here I am with my Great Grandpa Charlie, my Grandaddy Larry, and my daddy, Ben.
Here I am with all the men in my family. Top row L to R: Grandaddy Larry, Uncle Adam, Cousin Robby, and my daddy Ben. Bottom row L to R: Cousin Kole, Cousin Kody, Great Grandpa Charlie, and Me, Travis!!!
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