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Mission Statement


I believe in GOD the FATHER ALMIGHTY, maker of heaven and earth:

And in JESUS CHRIST HIS only SON, our LORD; who was conceived by the HOLY SPIRT, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; HE decended into hell; the third day HE rose again from the dead; HE ascended into Heaven, and sitteth on the right Hand of GOD, the FATHER ALMIGHTY; from thence HE shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

I believe in the HOLY SPIRIT, the holy Christian Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.



I believe in JESUS CHRIST the LORD,

WHO was promised to the people of Israel, WHO came in the flesh to dwell among us, WHO announced the coming of the rule of GOD, WHO gathered disciples and taught them, WHO died on the cross to free us from sin, WHO rose from the dead to give us life and hope, WHO reigns in heaven at the right hand of GOD, WHO comes to judge and bring justice to victory.

I believe in GOD the FATHER,
WHO raised HIM from the dead, WHO created and substains the universe, WHO acts to deliver HIS people in times of need, WHO desires all people everywhere to be saved, WHO rules over the destinies of people and nations, WHO continues to love people even when they reject HIM.

I believe in the HOLY SPIRIT,
WHO is the form of GOD present in the church, WHO moves people to faith and obedience, WHO is the guarantee of our deliverance, WHO leads us to find GOD'S will in the Word, WHO assists those whom HE renews in prayer, WHO guides us in discernment, WHO impels us to act together.

I believe GOD has made us HIS people,
To invite others to follow CHRIST, To encourage one another to deeper commitment, To proclaim forgiveness of sins and hope, To reconcile people to GOD through word and deed, To bear witness to the power of love over hate, To meet the daily tasks of life with purpose, To suffer joyfully for the cause of right; To the ends of the earth, To the end of the age, To the praise of HIS glory.



I believe in the Holy Trinity: The FATHER, SON, and HOLY SPIRIT. I believe JESUS CHRIST is who HE said HE is, and defeated satan & sin when he died on the cross for us almost 2000 years ago, reconciling us to GOD. I believe in following GOD'S commandments. I believe in living the love of Christ so that all may see the truth of CHRIST. I believe in winning lost souls back to CHRIST. I believe in fighting the good fight, and doing what ever it takes to help others find salvation in JESUS CHRIST, even if it means giving up my physical life. I believe the truth will set us free, and that the truth exists in the HOLY TRINITY. I believe in fighting the war against satan, along with Christ who already won the war, to help those in spiritul darkness see the light. I believe the love of Christ conquers everything, and can move mountains. I believe no one is too hopeless for GOD. I believe in never giving up on people, and interceeding for their safety and salvation until the day I reach Heaven. I believe in being a candle in the darkness. I believe in loving our fellow brothers and sisters in CHRIST, and our jewish family as well, GOD's chosen people, the heritage of JESUS. I believe in supporting the the Holy Land, Israel. I believe that Christians can be CHRIST-LIKE, and that by loving everyone, being compassionate, helping those in need, and being understanding like JESUS was, we can show the world that true CHRISTianity does exist. We can break the deceptive lies and prove to the world that we are not hypocrites, WE ARE CHRISTIANS!!!

JOHN 13:35 "Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples."

GOD knows our hearts and our motivations. GOD is love. Love is the accumlative commandment of Christianity. Therefore, I believe that love can make the difference between salvation and damnation. I believe it's up to us to make a difference.

In JESUS' Precious Name,


By: Angel


"And I believe what I believe

Is what makes me what I am

I did not make it, no it is making me

It is the very truth of GOD and not the invention of any man.

I believe it, I believe it"

By: Rich Mullins

