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Carnivorous Plants

Click HERE for a picture list of various Nepenthes pitchers!

Below is a list of all the Nepenthes that I currently grow.


Alata Updated! 11/06/05
Albomarginata Updated! 11/06/05
Albomarginata Penang Red Updated! 11/06/05
Merrilliana Updated! 11/06/05
Rafflesiana Updated! 11/06/05
Ramispina Updated! 11/09/05
Sibuyanensis Updated! 11/09/05
Truncata Updated! 11/09/05
Veitchii - Bareo Updated! 11/09/05
Ventrata (ventricosa x alata) Updated! 11/09/05
Ventricosa Updated! 11/09/05
Ventricosa- Black Peristome Updated! 11/09/05


Coming Soon! Sarracenia

Venus Fly Trap

Coming Soon! Dionaea

Local Clubs:

Tampa Bay Carnivorous Plant Club

Publication: Trappings (free copy available on request) (English, bimonthly, 20 pages annually)
Meetings: Monthly, plus shows
Other benefits: Plant sales and trades, field trips
Profile: Local enthusiasts in expanding club
Subscription: $12 USA

Tampa Bay Carnivorous Plant Club
4202 E. Fowler Ave. USF 3108
Tampa, Florida 33620