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Copyright & Terms Of Use

Copyright & Terms Of Use

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Layout,Images,& Graphics.
All logos and graphics found on this site are copyrighted to The DMX Dogg Pound. You may not use any graphics or any part of the interface without permission from the webmaster. Linking to graphics stored on our servers are strictly prohibited.

Text,Links To Our Pages & Information.
You may not "copy & paste",or in any way,shape,or form duplicate text from our site without permission from the webmaster.You may not link any of our pages from our site from your page or site directly for audio use or such without permission.You may not steal any information including Discography,Biographies,or such without permission.

Audio Disclaimer from
The audio on this site are put here for promotional purposes only. If you like what you hear, please be sure to purchase the album from the site. In no way are we trying to bring down the hard work of these artists and/or record labels. You are welcome to listen to the audio but please do not link them without permission. All audio found on this site are encoded by Desiboyz for Desiboyz network.The DMX Dogg Pound links audio from DesiBoyz with permission.

Your Rights When Visiting This Site
This site respects and enforces the laws of the United States of America,as well as the Bill of Rights.However,when visiting this site,you are entitled to your own rights and respocibilities.They are:

Terms of Service:
These are sperate rules you must follow in order use some,most,or all of our services availible.
Guestbook Rules:
1.You may sign/view the guestbook at any given time,place,or event.
2.When signing,you may use foul language as long as it does not qualify under U.S. harrassment laws or such.
3.Individual harrassment,sexual harrassment,threats,pornographic material,or such is NOT tolerated.
4.Again,you MAY NOT display any such pornograpic material,such as pictures,graphics,links,text,or such when singing our guestbook.
5.You may not use other's e-mail addresses as a link to use as a way to SPAM their e-mail boxes.You may issue a complaint to your e-mail host or provider,you may not issue a complaint to me,where as there is nothing i can do.
6.You may not sign our guestbook more than once with the same exact message,for example,you may click SUBMIT only ONCE,if you accidently clicked it twice,i will delte the entry.
7.About my power: I may delete any entry that i feel is a threat to me,my website,visitors,or such.I may edit any entry if i feel it is appropriate to do so.I may rearrange any entry in any fashion whatsoever.However,i feel all of my visitors are subject and entitled to their own opinion about me,my site,and its its visitors,so i may just leave any entry alone if i feel it is not nessary to edit and/or delete an entry.

One rule:
1.You are entitled to your own opinion,and you may view results whenever you wish.Past surveys are currently not availible.I appologize for this.

Chat Room & Bulletin Board:
1.You are entitled to your opinion.
2.You have the right to freedom of speech.

Disclaimer One:

You must agree to the following disclaimer before using content of this site:

I, under penalties of perjury solemnly declare and affirm the following: I am not accessing this material to use against the site operator or any person whatsoever in any conceivable manner. I will not redistribute this material to anyone nor will I keep it longer than 24 hours. I am not a law enforcement officer, nor a postal inspector, nor operating under an assumed name or in cooperation with the RIAA, FBI, or any criminal investigation; nor am I seeking out evidence which may serve as the basis for any charge of violating federal, state, or local laws. I understand and state that I am retrieving material from a location where it does not violate any federal, state, or local law or community standard, and agree to bear the full, complete, and sole responsibility for bringing such material into whatever community I choose to do so. Furthermore, I agree to review the material before retrieving it and assure the operators that any material which I retrieve will not violate the federal, state, or local laws or community standards for the community into which I choose to bring the material. I will only use the files for informational purposes. I will not download any files unless I live in a country that allows me to legally use them. I will not testify to what I saw on this page. I will not download anything that is copyrighted here. I will not contact this system's administrator without proof that what is on this page is illegal and proof that I entered this site legally.

Disclaimer Two:

I am not respocible for any profanity on this site.We are not trying to offend anyone.We are NOT DMX nor members of the Ruff Ryders or involved in production.We are simply fans,and are not claiming anything whatsoever.WE DO NOT KNOW THEM PERSONALLY!And,please,don't e-mail me personal messages for DMX and/or the Ruff Ryders.You may write personal messages for them in our guestbook,as they may somehow actually read it,but there is no gaurantee they will.Sorry for any confusion caused in the past.

©2000 DesiBoyz Network.Some text used with permission.
©2000 The DMX Dogg Pound