By: (set-up) xffan_2000, (conclusions) xffan_2000, Jacob Olson, Christina Wilson, Patrick G., and Patricia Demko

E-mail: (xffan_2000) and (Demko)

First printed: More Red Holt Steele #1 & #2

Summary: This appeared as a “complete the scene” activity for More Red Holt Steele with the jump-off point being after the lights went out in Steeled With a Kiss.

Disclaimer: This “Remington Steele” story is not-for-profit and is purely for entertainment purposes. The author and this site do not own the characters and are in no way affiliated with “Remington Steele,” the actors, their agents, the producers, MTM Productions, the NBC Television Network or any station or network carrying the show in syndication, or anyone in the industry.


THE SET-UP (By xffan_2000)

Opening: Ashford Castle, night. Laura is sitting at the large dining room table, holding a steaming cup of tea, but looking off into space, obviously troubled.

Mildred can be heard coming into the room, as she is returning from the party the servants had thrown.


(startled) Oh! Miss Hol...Laura. What are you doing up at this hour? It’s after three.


(distant) Nothing. Just thinking. (pause) How was the party?


It was fun. I can’t believe how excited they all are that the boss gave them the castle. They’ve got big plans to turn it into a bed and breakfast, or something like that. (looks at Laura for a long moment) You okay, honey?


I’m fine, Mildred.


You don’t look fine. Want to talk about it?


Not really.


(not thrilled with the answer, she finally nods) Okay...I’ll just go to bed then. (starts for the door) ‘Night.


I think I’ve made a terrible mistake.


Cut to Remington asleep in the bedroom. For some reason, he stirs awake and realizes that Laura is gone. He looks around the room, and she’s not there. So, he gets up to go find her.


Cut back to the dining room. Mildred is now sitting at the table with Laura.


This whole marriage scam. It’s too risky. I could loose everything if Immigration finds out it’s a fake.


I thought that was all taken care of.


For now. But what happens in two years when they come back and re-examine it? It wouldn’t take a genius to figure out all those documents are fakes.


So the paperwork isn’t real. Who cares? You and the boss are. They can’t argue with that.


Sure they could. Let’s face it, if I’d had more than thirty seconds to think about the situation, I wouldn’t have gotten involved.


Are you telling me you would have sat by while he got deported?


(looks at Mildred) No. And that’s my problem. I mean, look at me, Mildred. I had a grand total of one hour and ten minutes to prepare for my wedding. What’s supposed to be the most important day of my life, and I don’t even get two two hours notice.

What’s worse, I’m not even his first choice. No, I’m runner-up to a rented hooker!


I’m sure Mr. Steele didn’t want it that way...


(sudden realization) God...What do I tell my mother? I can hear it now... “Hello, Mother? It’s Laura. Guess what. I got married, just like you wanted me to. Only, it’s not exactly legal.’s Mr. Steele. was sort of sudden. I wanted to invite you, Mother, but it was a small ceremony. Just him, me, the Immigration representative and a few thousand dead fish.”


You’re overreacting. I’m sure the boss didn’t mean to hurt you.


Cut to the hallway outside the dining room. Remington approaches, hearing their voices. But he stops short to listen when he hears more of the conver- sation.


Cut back to the dining room.


He’d known about the situation for over a month. Why didn’t he come to me in the first place?


I don’t know. Maybe he thought he was protecting you. But, really, he loves you too much to want to hurt you.


(can’t help but let out a laugh) Loves me? Right.


Now what’s that supposed to mean?


Mildred, this marriage hasn’t solved anything between us. We haven’t talked about anything. We’re really no farther along than we were years ago.

(pause) Actually, it’s worse. I’ve compromised my position. I have always said I wanted a commit-ment out of him...confirmation of how he feels about me. But I’ve never gotten it. He’s never directly told me anything.

So, what do I get? A bogus marriage. What does he get? Everything he wanted.

I’ve been screwed, Mildred. Figuratively and literally.


(long pause) Do you love him?


I don’t suppose that really matters anymore.


Yes, it does. Now, do you love him?


(exceptionally long pause) Yes.


Cut back to the hallway. Remington hears that and reacts with a look of surprise and happiness.


Cut back to the dining room.


Have you ever told him that?


Well, not in so many...I have said...(long pause) No.


Well, then. If you don’t mind my saying so, you’re just as much at fault as he is. Quit feeling sorry for yourself and be straight with him.

One of you has to make the first move. It may as well be you.


Cut to the hall. Remington decides to quit listening and go back to the bedroom.


Cut back to the dining room.


(continues) I don’t know what your hang-up is, Laura, but you’ve already said yourself that you’ve compromised your position. So what harm is there in compromising a little more?

It may work out. And if it doesn’t, you’re really no worse off than you are now.


(simply looks at Mildred, not giving any clue to her intentions)


(looks back at Laura. Long pause) I’m going to call it a night. (gets up) Think about it.

Mildred exits the room, leaving Laura with her thoughts.


CONCLUSION (By xffan_2000)

Laura remains at the table, obviously unsure of what to do.

Dissolve to a grandfather’s clock that shows it’s now after 4 a.m.

Laura returns to the bedroom. She stands by the side of the bed for quite awhile, just watching Remington, who is on his side, his back to her.

Eventually, she gets in bed, not saying a word. She, too, turns her back to Remington. She has a look of confusion on her face.

Cut to Remington, who isn’t really asleep. He, too, has the same look of confusion.

Neither says a word.

The scene fades to black.


Time passes and they go back to Los Angeles. Nothing has been said by either of them, and Mildred knows it. They get involved with a case which has very little bearing on the “conclusion,” but it does keep them occupied.

Remington keeps waiting for Laura to say something, but she never does.


Finally, one day he calls her into his office.


Laura, you’ve been acting strangely for weeks. You’re all business at work, and at home you barely speak to me. (looks directly at her) What’s on your mind?


Nothing. I’m just preoccupied... with the case.


You’ve been like this since before the case started.


(looks at him) I’m fine.


(seeming to back off) Okay.


(gets up to leave)






I...uh...I’ve been thinking. If we’re going to pull off this marriage charade, we should at least look official, don’t you think?


(doesn’t give much of a response. Just a shrug of her shoulders.)


So...I went out and got us these...(he pulls out an open ring box which sports two matching wedding bands)


(comes back to the desk to look at the rings, but is unimpressed) Nice.


Don’t you have anything else to say to me?


Like what?


Like what you told to Mildred?


(looks up to him, instantly ruffled) You were listening?


I didn’t mean to...I was just..


How much did you hear?




Enough to prompt you to run out and buy wedding rings? I can’t believe this! You think that a continuation of this bogus marriage is what I want? Didn’t you even...oh...forget it! (she turns to storm out)


Laura, wait. (he chases her, while reaching into his jacket pocket) I got something else, too. (he pulls out a small box, about the size for a bracelet or necklace) I think maybe it can clear a few things up. (he hands it to her)


(shoves it away) I don’t want it. I can’t be bought-off like this.


(pushing it toward her) Just open it.

Obviously angered, she grumbles and frowns as she takes the box. She opens it. Quickly her frown melts into an expression of amazement mixed with love as she sees, not a bracelet, but a ring. More specifically, and engage-ment ring. Only the stone isn’t a diamond. Rather, it’s blue. She takes it out of the box.


(softly) Royal Lavulite.


It seemed a little more appropriate than a diamond. (he takes the ring and slips it on her finger) is made from the gold that was in the chain of the watch Daniel gave me.


(looks up at him, but can’t make herself say anything, although she does try)


(still holding her hand, deliberately he says—) I love you, Laura. I have for a very long time. Lord knows why I didn’t tell you before now. But, believe me, I do love you. (he pulls her into a tight hug)


(trying desperately to maintain her composure, she whispers to him—) I love you, too... Remington

They spend a long moment in the hug. Then, they kiss warmly, lovingly. Laura’s hand is on Remington’s cheek, so when the scene freezes, both their kiss and the ring are in the frame.

Fade to black.


CONCLUSION (By Jacob Olson)

Outside the dining room, Steele is walking up the staircase as Mildred walks out.


Oh! Mr. Steele!


(he turns around, surprised) Ah, yes, Mildred, how are you doing?


Just fine, just fine. You know, I just talked to Mrs. Steele.


How is she?


Not good, hon. You guys really need to talk.


(surprised) Really? What about?


Maybe I ought to let her explain.


If there’s one thing that father taught me, it was to always be prepared.

So, what is it?


Commitment. Now that she’s got it from you, she’s confused about it.


Confused? About what?






Love. Do you love her?


Of course I do. Mildred, Laura is the best thing that ever happened to me. She got me to stay in one place for more than a year. She’s changed my life. Gave me a name. A permanent name. For that, I’ll always be grateful.


Don’t tell me. (nods toward the dining room) Go tell her. And go SHOW her.


Right, Mildred. That’s what I’ll do. (starts to walk to the dining room) I’ll just walk in and... (turns around) How do I show her?


(walks up to Steele) She wants you to tell her you love her. Show her that the marriage wasn’t just to save your bacon, but because you love her. That’s what she wants. So far, you’ve given her bubkis.


(grabs Mildred’s shoulders) Thank you, Mildred! (kisses her forehead) Good night, dear. (heads confidently toward the dining room.

Mildred watches with a smile on her face. Then, she turns around and leaves.


Cut to the dining room. Laura is staring into her teacup. Enter Steele.


Laura. (pauses) How are you?


(looks up, surprised) Oh, fine, I guess.


No, you’re not. What’s the matter?


I don’t think you’d understand. (she stands, turns her back to Steele)


Wouldn’t understand? I’m your bloody husband!


(turns around suddenly) Why?


Why what?


Why are you my husband? (Steele looks confused as she turns her back to him again) Because you need me or because you love me?


Of course I love you.


You’ve never told me that.


Of course I have. Haven’t I? I just did!


Because I told you to! (she storms off toward the door)


(follows her, grabs her and turns her around to face him) I love you.


(melts) I love you, too.

They kiss. Steele picks up Laura and carries her out of the dining room.


Cut to the bedroom. Steele carries Laura in and lays her on the bed.


I love you.


Will you stop saying that and kiss me?

They kiss.


Cut to the hallway outside the bedroom. Mildred walks up to the door. She raises her hand and is about to knock. But she stops.


It can wait until morning. (turns and leaves)


CONCLUSION (By Christina Wilson)

Laura returned to the bedroom. Steele was in bed, his back to her. She got in, laying with her back to him as well. Both were awake, looking off to the opposite sides of the room. Neither said a word.

Laura listened to Steele’s breathing for a long time.

Finally, fidgety and unable to sleep, she got up and walked over to the great window looking out onto the grounds. She thought about everything she and Mildred talked about, and she decided that she made a mistake.

At around six a.m., Laura could tell the sun would be rising soon. She was tired, but when she looked back to the bed—Steele still had his back to her.

Laura shook her head, a little sad and a little hurt. She didn’t want to go back to his bed. So, she put on a sweater over her robe and walked quietly out the door.

Steele, realizing that she left, got up from the bed and walked over to the window. After a few moments, he saw her walking across the estate and toward the water (where Tony took a swim earlier). He threw on his robe and went after her.

Laura walked through the foggy morning to the dock, and walked to the end. She leaned up against a post and started to think.

The sun slowly began to rise over the Irish countryside. She admitted to herself that every-thing there was beautiful, but she couldn’t help but be disappointed. She had hoped for so much more. And what was she left with?

Nothing. Nothing but a sham marriage and a relationship that would never be the same again.

Then, she heard footsteps echoing in the early morning still. She turned toward the castle, but all she could see was the fog, thick and murky, the new sun barely able to penetrate. She watched, still hearing the footsteps. And, finally, a figure appeared out of the fog. It was Steele.

Laura turned her back to him as he approached. She was hurt and upset, but she wasn’t going to let him see that. She had to get the advantage back somehow.

All was quiet, but Laura could feel Steele standing behind her. The water was lapping softly against the wooden dock. Finally, it was Steele who broke the silence.

“Laura,” he began, stepping closer to her and touching her shoulder gently.

She pulled away, knowing that if he got too close, she would give in, and she had already done that...for the last time.

“I don’t understand,” he continued, almost a pleading in his voice. But he did understand. He had heard the conversation between her and Mildred, and he knew what she needed to hear.

It tore at him inside. He wanted to tell her he loved her. But that kind of commitment was too difficult for him to make. All the loneliness and insecurities he had since he was a child came flooding back to him.

He could put on a show for her and for their clients, but never for himself. He knew the truth, and he knew that if he didn’t say something, he was going to lose her forever.

“Laura,” he said again.

She just stood there, not responding. She had again put up the brick wall that they had worked so hard to bring down the past couple weeks.

“I think we should go back to L.A. as soon as we can,” Laura finally said, turning toward him.

The fog was still thick, but he was standing close and she could see the confused expression on his face.

“Why?” He asked. “What about our honeymoon?” A smile was tugging at the corners of his mouth. He was turning on the charm...the suave Remington Steele.

“What honeymoon?” She asked, anger and sarcasm in her voice. She shot the words at him purposefully. “Honeymoons are for people who are in love, not for people who are together out of convenience.”

“Is that all this is to you?” He asked, the anger undeniable in his voice. The words were loud and they echoed over the water. “A marriage of convenience? How can you say that after everything that we have meant to each other?”

“Everything we have meant to each other?” Laura countered, her voice even louder, and full of hurt and disillusion. “What have we meant to each other?”

She had yelled the question, and it rang out across the estate. Remington answered only with silence.

Laura shook her head in disgust and aggravation. She pushed past him toward the castle.

“I’m going home,” she said to him under her breath, too angry now to even look him in the eye.

She only took two, maybe three, steps before she felt a strong hand on her arm. Steele swung her around to face him and pulled her into his arms possessively.

“No!” Laura cried out. She had decided that it was time for her to get back to normal, to be the strong, independent woman she was when she created Remington Steele.

“We have to talk,” he said to her, letting his hold on her loosen.

Laura lifted up her arms and, with all her anger and confusion, pushed him away from her. What she hadn’t realized was that during their argument, they had moved perilously close to the edge of the dock. But, it was too late. Steele, caught off guard by the push, fell backwards into the cold water.

Laura couldn’t help but smile to herself. It was rather satisfying to see him down in the cold water.

“Maybe that will cool you off a bit,” she said sarcastically.

He held out his hand to her. “Please, Laura. Help me up.”

“Well...all right.”

She bent down and took his hand in hers. Only instead of helping him back onto the dock, he pulled on her hand with all his strength and brought her sailing into the water with him.

Laura let out a shriek as her body sank into the freezing water.

When she came back to the surface, Steele had moved over to her and they stared into each other’s eyes.

It was quiet for a moment, and then they began to laugh.

The showdown was over, and there they were. Going for an early morning swim in their bathrobes.

The sun peeked out over the trees, and the fog started to thin, burned away by the warmth of the sun.

Steele pulled Laura into his arms, treading water all the while.

Their laughter died down just a bit, and Steele was finally able to speak.

He pulled her even closer, and smiled at her lovingly, a light coming into his eyes. “You are the most stubborn woman it has ever been my misfortune to be...” He paused and gazed down into Laura’s eyes. “...hopelessly in love with.”

Laura was speechless. He had finally said it. He had finally told her that he loved her. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and kissed him.

When their lips finally parted, she said, “I love you, too. Very much.”

“I know. Come on, let’s get out of here.”

They both laughed and started toward the shore. It was very cold when they got out of the water. Steele put his arm lovingly around Laura’s shoulders to keep her warm, and they started for the castle.

“Why now?” She asked as they walked side by side, across the lawn. “I would have stayed married to you anyway.” She felt Steele give her body a hug as they walked.

“I have always been afraid to let anyone know my true I really felt. I always had to keep up the facade for my own protection. But I realized that it isn’t too much truth that has hurt me all these years...but not enough truth.” They stopped at the huge doors of the castle. Steele turned to Laura. “I wasn’t going to risk losing you, too. I have wanted to tell you that I love you since the first day I knew.”

“And when was that?” She asked, stepping into him and kissing him again.

“Well, you remember that time I came into your office pretending to be Ben Pearson?” He smiled at her warmly and pulled her into his arms.

They were in a deep kiss when the door opened in front of them.

“Boss...Ms. Holt...” Mildred was surprised and delighted to find them standing there on the doorstep, kissing passionately.

They smiled at her when they were interrupted, and they stepped through the door into the castle.

“What happened to you two?” Mildred asked the soaked couple as they walked up the stairs.

“Oh, we just went for an early morning swim, Mildred,” Steele called as he and Laura made their way up the stairs and back to their bedroom.

Once inside, Steele closed the door. He walked over to Laura and began to take off her wet robe and nightgown.

“Shall we go back to bed, Mrs. Steele?”

“I would be delighted, Mr. Steele.”


CONCLUSION (By Patrick G.)

Having heard the conver-sation, Steele tries to think of a way to get Laura to go ahead and say how she feels.

However, a new case begins and suddenly they’re very busy. As the case progresses, Steele starts to drop hints and leave perfect spots in their conver-sations for Laura to say it. But, she doesn’t.

His hints become more obvious, almost to the point of saying “do you have anything you’d like to tell me?”

Until it becomes clear that the current case is about to intersect with his deep dark past in a very dangerous way. It soon becomes apparent to him that if he doesn’t drop the charade and tell Laura about his past, both she and the agency could be destroyed.

In a dramatic scene he tells Laura about his past and admits that he’s in love with her. He also tells her that he has to leave, to prevent his past from destroying her.

They argue briefly, Laura insisting that she can help him work it out. He refuses. They exchange a final kiss, and he leaves.

Not the end.

Laura calls Murphy, now a successful P.I. in his own right. She explains the situation and asks for his help.

Murphy is reluctant at first, but when Laura tells him that she’s really in love with Steele, he agrees.

Working together they man-age to set up a plan that would get Steele out of his current and long-standing jam.

It involves a very elaborate con, a ruse Laura learned from Steele, and it depends on Steele reacting properly when he sees them. But they can’t find a way to tell him in advance.

The plan comes off pretty smoothly, although there’s a hairy moment or two when Steele first sees Murphy posing as a Wall Street broker.

Afterward, Steele and Laura meet and she asks him to come back to his life as Remington Steele.

He agrees, on one condition... that she officially becomes Mrs. Steele.

The story ends at the wedding where Murphy gives the bride away.

In a brief side scene between Murphy and Laura, he says, “But you named him after a typewriter. What are you going to call your first kid?”

Laura’s answer, “How about Smith Corona?”


CONCLUSION (By Patricia Demko)

After Mildred left the room Laura didn't move. She just sat at the table for what seemed like days, thinking and remembering everything she and Remington had been through together over the years, and especially over the past few weeks.

All the times they bailed each other out. All the evenings they spent pouring over cases. All the old movies they’d seen and dinners they had shared together. All those chances he'd had to tell her that he loved her, and never did.

Then again, she hadn’t said anything either.

Maybe Mildred was right. Maybe she should just tell him how she felt.

Laura had done it all night—convinced herself that she was going to march upstairs and tell him. That was when all those old fears crept in again.

The fear of leaving herself open to him, giving him the chance to hurt her. She couldn't do it, she couldn't let herself become so vulnerable again. It had happened too many times before.

First her father.

Then when she moved in with Wilson and he left, it hurt so bad she didn't know what she was going to do.

Then Murphy left too. It wasn't the same as the others, but it just seemed to her that all the men in her life she cared about walked out at some time or another.

She had told herself that she would never let a man hurt her that way again.

It was almost as if while she was falling in love with Remington she didn't even realize it, until it was too late. She was hooked.

The next thing she knew Remington was shaking her gently. Laura awoke. It was morning, she could see that the sun was up, but barely.

"What happened to you? I woke up and you were gone," he said.

Laura looked around the room, trying to fully wake up and get her bearings. She pushed her hair back off her face and looked at him. "I uh...came down to get some tea. I must have dozed off."

"Oh, well then, why don't we go back upstairs?" A smile played across his lips as he spoke to her.

He didn't want her to know that he had heard her and Mildred talking last night. He was just going to pretend as if nothing had happened. Well, at least nothing after they had fallen asleep in each others arms.

Last night had been incredible. And then, when he heard Laura tell Mildred she loved him...he couldn't believe it. He'd always known, in a way, but to actually hear her say took his breath away.

What could he do though? She obviously didn't want to talk about it. He had spent most of the night waiting for her to come back upstairs. He slept off and on throughout the night, but when he woke up and saw that the sun was starting to rise, he decided it was time to go find her.

"I think I'm just going to run upstairs and get a shower. I'd like to see more of the Irish countryside before we have to go back to LA." Laura got up quickly and nearly ran out of the room, leaving Remington standing in the formal dining room staring after her.

Several days later.

Things had been tense for the past few days.

Laura and Remington spent the days pleasantly enough. They wandered about the beautiful landscape, silently for the most part. Neither knowing what to say to change things.

Their relationship had taken the final step they had both wanted for so long, but now that they had, they didn't know what to do next.

Laura was aching to tell him all the thoughts that had been running through her head, that she finally figured out that his past hadn't been the only thing standing between them. Her fear was just as big a part.

Remington was also confused, not knowing what was happening. He knew she loved him, he'd heard her say it. But why was she putting the distance between them?

His own fears were close to the surface. He'd lost so many of the people he loved, he didn't know if he could lose anymore. Still, he knew that if he didn't do something soon, he would lose her anyway.

Even with the icy distance between them during the day, the two spent the nights together. It was as if after waiting so long they could no longer resist one another. They would fall into each other's arms at the end of each day, trying to find comfort from the confusion they were both feeling.

In the morning the same distance was there and the confusion set in once again.

Eventually, the day arrived for them to return home.

Steele was walking the grounds for the last time when he ran into Mildred in the rose garden.

"Hi Chief. How goes it?"

"Huh...oh. Hello, Mildred. I don't know. Have you noticed that Miss Hol...Mrs. Steele...has been acting a little strangely lately." Remington figured that if he couldn't get Laura to talk, perhaps he could drag something out of Mildred.

Mildred looked him over and decided she needed to lay it out for him.

"Well, Boss, Mrs. Steele and I were talking the other night, and I think what you two kids need to do is sit down and have a long talk—with each other instead of me," she said. "It seems to me that you two avoid each other all day, and then spend the nights...ah...umm...not talking. Did you ever think that if you were just honest with each other it might help a little?"

Remington, was obviously flustered by her statement. "Ah, well, yes. I can see what you mean. But every time I try to start a conversation with her she runs off. What does she want from me? I can't spend my entire life chasing her down. And I can't force her to talk if she doesn't want to."

"She just needs to know that you care. She thinks that she's ‘compromised’ herself..."

"Compromised herself? What are you talking about? She's my bloody wife for God's sake!"

"Is she really?" Mildred retorted. "She feels like she's compromised herself because she still doesn't believe that you care about her. Just reassure her that you love her. Sweep her off her feet, make her feel special. You can do that now, can't you?"

"Ummm...uhhhhh. Reassure her that I...uhh...I love her."

"You do, don't you?"

"Well, I care for her a great deal, Mildred. You know that. I've told her that."

"Yes, but did you tell her that you love her?"

"Not in so many words, but I think I've made it clear to her how much she means to me. If it weren't for her I'd be nowhere, with no name, doing God knows what. Of course I've told her how important she is to me."

Mildred, getting ever more frustrated with her boss, shook her head. "It's no wonder she doesn't know how you feel. I'm starting to get confused and I'm not even in the relationship. The real question, Chief, is do you know how you feel about her?"

Mildred turned and walked away, leaving Remington stand-ing in the garden with a confused look on his face.

As he stood watching Mildred walk away, he suddenly remembered that only days before he had stood in that very same spot with his father.

His life was a mess then too, but his life being in danger didn't seem as bad as this did to him. He didn't know what he to do, and he hated that feeling. That feeling of total helplessness.

He sat down on a wrought iron bench and thought about what Mildred had said. Did he or didn’t he love Laura?

Remington decided it was time for him to be honest. Mildred was right. He had to be honest. Not only with Laura, but with himself too.

Of course he loved her. He always had, practically from the beginning. By trying to protect himself for all those years...all he was doing was hurting Laura, and himself, too.

But, what was it that she wanted?


Later that afternoon, Laura and Remington worked on packing their suitcases, preparing to leave Ireland.

Remington, however, was slow to complete his task, as he watched Laura for a very long time. Belatedly, she realized she was being stared at, and she looked up to him.

He smiled, then got an overly-dramatic look of concern on his face.

"Umm, Laura, there's a bit of a problem," he began. "I don't know how you’re going to take this, but I think we're going to have to stay on here another few days. I've just talked to my solicitor and it seems that getting all the bloody paperwork for handing over the castle is going to take a little longer than we thought. I have to wait here until all the paperwork is done so I can read over it and have done with it."

Remington watched her expression, hoping to see something that might tell him what she was feeling.

"Why can't they just fax you the paperwork when it's finished? I don't see why we have to stay on here. This can all be taken care of from LA," Laura responded, trying to remain clam.

"Well, yes, but I think it would just go faster and be simpler if we stayed on another day or two. Wouldn't it be better to just leave all this here instead of bringing it home with us?"

Laura sighed deeply and looked him over, trying to figure what his angle was. She finally resigned herself. "Oh, all right. I guess if it would get this all over and done with."

Remington smiled as Laura started to put her things back into the dresser drawers.


For the next couple days Laura noticed that Remington seemed to be very busy. He kept running into town with some ‘errand’ he needed to do, covering with some flimsy excuse.

She realized that something was definitely going on, something he didn't want her to know about. What could he possibly be up to now? was all she could think.

See, this is exactly it. This is the reason we can never seem to get together. He's always keeping secrets from me. If he would just confide in me and trust me. Just once.

At least we'll be going home soon, and this would all be behind me.

But will it really? Who's home are we going to go to? Are we going to continue with this bogus marriage? What are we going to do once we get there?

Finally fed up with the entire situation, Laura wandered out to the lake to be alone. She sat quietly on the dock, dangling her feet over the edge.

The sun was high in the afternoon sky, but Laura didn’t pay much attention to it. As she absent-mindedly plucked at a flower she had picked up in the garden, she thought about her life and her next move.

Laura looked up when she heard a small noise behind her.

Remington, who had been watching her for several minutes, stood a few feet away from her. Oddly enough, he was wearing a tuxedo.

"Mr. Steele," Laura said, somewhat startled. "How long have you been there? And why are you wearing a tux?" She stood up, brushing off her pants.

Remington looked at her and smiled. When he spoke, his voice is soft and quiet. "I've been here just a few minutes. I couldn't help myself. You looked so lovely sitting there like that. I didn't want to disturb you. It was like I was looking at a beautiful painting, but one that I knew wouldn’t last. So I wanted to take it in while I could."

Laura, taken aback by his sudden statement, blushed and replied "Oh, well, thank you. You look quite nice yourself. What's the occasion?"

Remington was quiet for a while, not quite knowing what to say. He'd rehearsed it for so long, but for some reason, the words just wouldn't come.

"Well, Laura, I've noticed that things are...well...they're different between us now. For days I've been racking my brain trying to figure out how I can fix things between us. I didn't know what you wanted. I didn't know how to make you happy. It wasn't until I was talking to Mildred that I realized what it was I had to do."

"Remington...there's nothing you can..."

"No, Laura, don't interrupt me. I need to say this. Okay? I don't exactly know why you pulled away from me after the first night that we made love, but I assume it was because you were feeling the same way I was.

"You were scared. I know how you felt, because I felt it too. But we're both so worried about being hurt, we're hurting ourselves and each other even more." He paused for a moment, not sure if he should reveal his eavesdropping. "I heard you and Mildred talking that night. I heard what you told her."

Laura took a sharp breath and looked at him, almost fearful. " heard what I said?"

"Yes, I did. I can't say that I was surprised really, but when I heard you say...that you love me, it was incredible. I don't think I've ever felt happier in my life.

"I suppose I should have known then what it was you needed from me, but I didn't. Probably because I didn't want to believe it. I was still afraid. I know now, though. Laura, I love you. I have for such a long time. I was just so afraid of being hurt again I couldn't bring myself to say it. I love you, Laura, I love you." He paused for a very long moment. Slowly, a smile crossed his lips. "It doesn't seem so bad to say it now. I just wish I hadn't waited so long."

Laura seemed to be in shock. She stared at him, her mouth open in disbelief. "You love me? You have for a long time? You were afraid?"

"Yes. Now there's something I have to tell you. I lied to you about having to stay on here because of the legal work involved with the castle."

To Laura’s surprise, Remington dropped to down to one knee and took her hand in his.

"I've been planning some-thing special, something I hope will show you how much I love you." Remington fumbled around in his pocket briefly, then pulled out a small box. "Laura, will you be my wife?"

He opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring.

Laura just stared in disbelief. "We're already married. Remem-ber? The tuna boat, the INS official in attendance."

"No. That's not what I want. I want us to truly be married. I don't want a phony marriage with forged papers. I want a real marriage, in every way. Don't you?"

Laura looked at the ring, and then down at Remington, still kneeling at her feet. "Stand up," she told him, "I...I can't think. I don't know what to say. I mean I never expected this."

"No, I don't suppose I gave you any reason to, and for that I'm sorry. Laura I want us to be together, always. I want you to be my wife. If it's what you want, too."

Laura took the ring out of the box and held it in her hand. She looked at it for a while. Finally, she smiled and said, "About two carats, brilliant cut, nearly flawless. This must have cost you a pretty penny."

"You're learning," Reming-ton said, rising to his feet. "Don't worry, I got it for a steal." A wicked grin raced across his face.

Laura looked up at him. "You didn't!"

Remington laughed, but with that same wry little grin he answered. "Why, Laura, you cut me to the quick. You still haven't answered my question."

"I know," Laura said, a serious look taking over her face again. She walked to edge of the dock to look out at the water. "I...I love you, but I'm scared."

"I know you are. We both are. But wouldn't it be better to be scared together instead of apart? We could help each other get over our fears instead of being on opposite ends all the time."

Laura was surprised by his statement, and she stared at him.

Could he really understand her so well? Her fears and her desires? He seemed so different standing there.

"Yes. Yes, I'll marry you."

Remington quickly spanned the space between them and pulled her to him. He held her close, his arms wrapped tightly around her.

After a long while, he pulled back to look at her. "Well then we have a lot to do." He released her long enough to slip the ring onto her finger before kissing her.

"I think there are some people waiting for you in our room," he said, breaking the kiss.

Laura looked at him, confused. "People in our room waiting for me? What are talking about?"

"Just go. You'll see soon enough."

Laura walked up to the castle, arm in arm with Remington. He escorted her to the door of their bedroom and kissed her again.

"I love you," he told her again, before he turned to leave.

Laura started to open the door. "I love you, too."

She watched him walk down the hall before she entered the room.

"Mother? Frances? What are you two doing here?"

Abigail jumped up from the bed and ran over to Laura, throwing her arms around her. "Oh, Laura, I could hardly believe it when Mr. Stee...Remington called and said you two were going to be getting married! I told him of course I could be on the next flight to Ireland. After all, isn't this what I've been waiting for all my life? I just couldn't believe it when he told me he was sending for Frances, Donald, and the children, too! My goodness, that fiance of yours certainly is extravagant."

"Wait a minute, Mother," Laura said, shaking her head, "when did Remington call you? When did you all get here? Where are Donald and the children? What the hell is going on here?"

"Laura, really. Don't worry about a thing, dear, we have your dress all ready, and the girls are going to be lovely in those beautiful gowns you two picked out for them. Now let's get things going. Your going to be married within the hour and there's so much to do."

"Wait a minute. What are you talking about, Mother? Frances, do you have any idea what she's talking about?"


Remington nervously paced the dining room floor. He glanced at his watch.

Footsteps alerted him to the presence in the room, and a half-smile came to his face. Remington turned to see Murphy Michaels stroll in.

"I wasn't at all sure you would come, Murphy," he admitted. "I must say though, I'm glad that you're here."

Murphy gave Remington the same smile back and stopped a few feet in front of him. He looked Remington over and then spoke.

"I'm not here for you so much as for Laura. I always told her that all I wanted was for her to be happy. I never thought that you were the one that could do that," Murphy said. "But I guess over the past four years you've proven that you’re going to stick by her. And that's gotta count for something."

"Well thank you, Murphy. From you, that's a virtual admittance of approval." Remington smiled. "How are things down at the morgue these days, eh?"

"Yeah, yeah. Very funny. So what is it you want me to do, and what's with this monkey suit you have me wearing?"

"Well, strange as this may sound, Murphy, I was hoping that you might want to stand up with me as my best man. I couldn't think of anyone else I'd want there, and I'm sure it would be a wonderful surprise for Laura."

"What do you mean a surprise for Laura? She knows that I'm here, doesn't she? Isn't she the one that arranged for me to come here?"

"Not exactly. You see this is something of a surprise wedding. She didn't know anything about it until twenty minutes ago. I wanted her to have the wedding of her dreams, something she could remember. Not like the wedding we had in Los Angeles."

Remington stopped and stood quietly for a few moments remembering the fiasco that was their first "wedding." How could he have done that to her? What was he thinking?

"Wait a minute. You're telling me that you and Laura are already married and you had a wedding in LA? So what's all this for? Why did you insist I fly out here to Ireland, to be your best man, of all things?"

"Well our marriage wasn't exactly legal, and it was somewhat impromptu. Not really the wedding a girl dreams of. So I wanted to do it right for her. Beautiful wedding, friends, papers. I really do want to make her happy, Murphy."

Murphy looked at Reming-ton, as if he was trying to evaluate him. After a short time he shrugged his shoulders, smiled and put out his hand. "I don't know why I'm doing this, but okay."

Remington gripped Murphy’s hand enthusiastically.


Laura sat on the edge of the bed, wearing her wedding gown, staring off into space. Abigail was chattering on about something, and Frances was busy fixing her makeup.

Mildred entered the room. "Well, Miss Holt, everything's ready whenever you are." She smiled at Laura. "You look beautiful. You're going to knock the boss' socks off."

Laura pulled herself back to reality and looked around the room. "Mother, Frances, could I be alone with Mildred for a moment. I'll be ready soon, don't worry."

Abigail and Frances hesitated, but they picked up their things and left.

"Okay, Mildred, what's this all about?" Laura asked. "How long have you known about this? And why is he doing all this? I'm sure he couldn't have done it all by himself, so spill it."

"Miss Holt, you know why he's doing this. He loves you. He wants to make you happy."

"Yes, he did tell me he loved me, but exactly how much did you have to do with that?" Laura probed. "He told me that he heard us talking that other night, and that the two of you had a little ‘talk’ the other day. I don't want him doing all this because he feels he has to. I can't believe that he's doing this at all. Be honest with me, Mildred, how much of this was your idea?"

"I swear to you that this was all his doing," Mildred assured her. "He just told me what he needed me to do, and I did it. Sure, I helped a little and the staff helped out, but it was all his idea.

"I honestly thought he was crazy when he came to me with the idea. I told him it was impossible to get a wedding together in two days, but I gotta give him credit, he did it. He was determined that this was going to be the wedding of your dreams and he wasn't going to let anything get in the way of that. He loves you that much."

Laura watched Mildred for a few moments.

Could it really be true? Do I really mean that much to him that he would do all this just for me? Is it possible? If what Mildred is telling me is true, it must be.

Laura went to Mildred and hugged her. "Oh, Mildred, I'm so happy. Thank you so much, for everything. You had better go get my mother, she must be having a fit by now."


The great hall of the castle was decorated to the hilt for the wedding. A long runner flowed down the staircase, and cascades of flowers adorned the entire area.

A number of people were seated in chairs around the hall. At the end stood Remington, Murphy and a priest.

Abigail appeared at the top of the stairs and was escorted to her seat as the music began.

Frances was next down the stairs. She walked up the aisle to Remington. He flashed a quick smile at her as she took her place near the altar.

Mindy and Laurie Beth Piper came down next, scattering rose petals as they walked.

Laura and Donald were arm in arm as they stepped into the hallway. Laura was astounded by the sight of everything decorated so beautifully.

With a crooked smile, she looked to her brother-in-law. "Here goes everything."

Remington was overwhelmed when he saw Laura come out of the room and enter the hall. He knew she would be beautiful in the gown he had found, but he had no idea just how beautiful.

Her shoulders were peeking out from the top of the dress, and her hair was drawn up, with only a few vagrant strands curled about her bare shoulders.

She was stunning.

Remington couldn't take his eyes off of her. He found himself standing a little taller.

Laura caught a quick glimpse of Remington before the guests stood to watch her come down the aisle. He was smiling at her.

She noticed he had a peculiar look on his face and she wondered what he could be thinking. Then, all she could see was a sea of faces.

She came down the stairs walked with Donald to the end of the aisle. Donald took her hand and placed it in Remington’s.

Laura gave her brother-in-law a small kiss before he left to take his seat next to Mildred and his children.

Remington and Laura just stood there for what was probably only an instant, but seemed like an eternity.

Slowly, Remington moved his face close to hers and whispered, "You look even more beautiful now than you did earlier, and I didn't think it was possible."

He winked at her as they took the final few steps toward the altar together.

They turned to face each other, smiling, and joining hands.

fade to black.
