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Reality Vs Fantasy

A little boy was watching TV,

as he watched he seen a Hugh monster,

and ran hid under his bed.

He just knew this monster was going to get him.

As adults we know there is no monster going to get him


do we?

We come online to find a fantasy world.

We are hoping to find ideal romance

(love for most of us)

Something we can't find in our real lives.

We are escaping from reality and problems of life

in the hope for a true relationship?

Depending on the person, some are real players,

others that are good people and don't mean to hurt

anyone but can't separate fact from fiction,

and then ones who are lonely

and longing for the perfect relationship.

My point is WE are ALL players,

true some are good players

and some are bad


when we enter this realm like it or not

we become part of the game.

Elusive-One and Country love each other

with all their hearts in this fantasy world.

We make a perfect net relationship

We have been together online since November 17, 1998.

We spent hours together.

We have moved into real life.

I am a very strong, self protective individual,

I guard my heart with all it's worth,

I guard my private life.


let me tell you the move into real life

was a real wake up call for me.

I didn't even know what was going on

with all these emotions until the other day.

When I figured it out

I went, "OMG and I am a strong person."

What happens to someone that isn't?

Well look around suicide, broken hearts,

hurt feelings, getting hurt physically,

and labels given to others to list a few possibilities.


Because in our human longings

we need this perfect relationship

without the trails of life.

We can have it here. Even with hassles, fights,

and with people cheating it still works.

Face it ,no kids, no money worries,

no bosses to hassle us,

no bodies to be disappointed about,

no physical bars.

So how do we guard ourselves?

One way to check reality.

Pictures are good even those can be fake.

When we get so emotionally involved

we accept some things that we would not in real world.

The reality is some people are having wonderful

fantasies with someone they might not even go out with

in real life.

Also, remember you are that perfect person online,

so are they,

so take an realistic look

Check out what they are dealing with in their real lives?

People precieve things in there own perspective.

Two people could talk about a fantasy

and see it in totally different ways

The reason I am saying all this is because even

if you done everything you can to keep yourself

realistic the fact is you still carry parts

of this fantasy world with you no matter what you do.

Sure you learn things about each other and

even fall in love on the net. That is both good and bad.

Good! You have something you can work on.

Bad! Because you miss something special in the relationship.

Which is the easy part of love, the In love part.

The rest is work so you start out dealing the mistaken realities.

The fact is when you go off the net to be with a person

you are still strangers even if you know things about each

You don't jump in where you left off the net

or the chances of making it are slim.

Example of one of my experiences

about meeting people from the net:

I had met one nice guy who was a helicopter pilot for

the local hospital and we did have a nice dinner

together(nice date). So I was excited about meeting local people,

one night I meet someone I didn't check him out too much.

I was into Cowboys.

He had a great Cowboy av.

Well we had talked some and

he asked me out to dinner and a movie

He was 45 mins away.

I went before really checking out anything about him.

Well, I had said that I liked holding hands to him online.

I knew I made a big mistake right off.

He was NOT someone I would not want to go out with,

so I tried to be nice and get threw the date.

I made it to the movie then he grabbed my


I felt sick.

My car was left on the otherside of town.

I was also in a short skirt.

We went into the movie and sat down then he put his arm around me.

That did it!

I just could NOT do it.

I handed him his money for the date.

Told him good-bye.

He offer to take me back to the car but I just wanted OUT.

I walked down the street.

Totally pissed out at myself,

99 degrees, in a short skirt,

in a large town.

It took me 45 mins to walk to my car. It was awful,

but the fact is I was lucky,

I could have been hurt, or worse.

I have met several,

mostly people are nice.

Mostly just everyday people with normal everyday lives.

What about broken off relationships?

Name changers?

I have one question for you to think about?

Can you really be totally in love with someone on the net?

These questions deals with the reality of true love and being hurt.

I think you can feel true love and be broken hearted.

The thing is it not over a person.

It's over the fantasy of a person and your

fantasy relationship. You can feel REAL Heart broken Pain.

The thing is I want you to remember if you met them.

YOU PROBABLY won't even believe you could be in love with them.

So pick yourself up, realize it was fantasy,

if you can't deal with it you better get off the net.

If you can remember to keep it light hearted you will be better off.

Or you might be risking your heart for something that may

or may not be true in reality.

Do reality checks often.

I know it can hurt, I have been there many times in past few years.

But this is your choice and your GAME! What is your next move?

Does this sound like Russian Roulette?

It takes time to love someone,

For me and many others like me there has to be love in the relationship.

Sure if you are going to just to met

then you only need to worry about

physical protections such as a contact person,

condoms, sexual test (smartest),

and all the safety guides.

But face it most of us don't just want just sex.

Most want to submit and become part of their lives.

So if that is what your looking for..

This is for you, "REALITY CHECK."

A friend told me this: a mate is not someone your in love with,

it is someone you chose to love.

Real Life is working at a relationship, being honest,

and open.

It's a lot of damn hard work and takes time to make

just like any relationship.


P.S. I am not saying you can't fall in love on the net

or it's can't work but that you HAVE to becareful.

Take Care!

From someone that cares about her friends.