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Reavis Cooper County, Missouri


Frm Hx of Cooper county, Mo pub 1919 W. F. Johnson

Walter Wade/Weight Reavis is owner of a fine farm of 240 acres in Clarks Fork township. He was born on what is now the George A. Carpenter farm. Clark's Fork township, on August 1, 1867, son of Henry Joseph and Lucy A. (Gentry) Reavis, the former of whom was born on that same farm. Henry J. Reavis was born in 1839, his parents having been among the early residents of that part of Cooper County and continued to make his home on the farm on which he was born until 1872 when he moved to the Meyer place near the store at Clarks Fork. He later moved to what is the farm now owned by his son, Forest, and there died on Marcy 22, 1914. He is buried in the old family cemetery on the farm on which he was born. His widow is living with her son, the subject of this sketch. She was born in Madison County, Kentucky in 1849 and came with her parents to Missouri locating first in Howard County and in 1877 coming to Cooper County where at Bunceton on November 15, 1866 she was married to Henry J. Reavis. Her father died in this county and is buried at the Walnut Grove Cemetery. Her mother died in Howard County where she was born. To Henry J. and Lucy A. (Gentry) Reavis were born three children: Walter Ward; E. Forest Reavis who is living on his mother's farm in Clarks Fork township and Stella W. who died at the age of 10 years.

W.W. Reavis has followed farming all his life. He received his schooling in the Fairview, Jefferson and Ellis district schools and as a young man assisted his father on the farm. In time he became owner of the places on which he and his mother are now living. This farm was owned many years ago by Mrs. Fulkerson who with her husband is buried on the place. Abraham Weight later bought the place and he and his wife also are buried there. Among other graves in this plot is that of Daniel Davis a friend of Abraham Weight who died November 4, 1881. The headstone at Mrs. Fulerso's grave gives the date of her death as September 11, 1854. Abraham J. Weight's gravestone gives his date of birth as Nov. 27, 1822 and his death Feb 3, 1894. Julia A., his wife born Jan 25, 1834 and died on Feb. 1, 1906. Among the graves are those of an infant son and an infant daughter of the Weights.

Mr. Reavis is one of the best known huntsmen in cooper county and his home is adorned with numerous trophies of the chase, inccluding a half dozen handsomely mounted deer antlers. He has about 30 deer to his credit. The Reavis family tradition has it tht the Reavis' were ever great hunters and from the days of his boyhood this present representative of the family has found much pleasure with his dogs and guns. Mr. Reavis also has a valuable collection of Indian relics, arrow points and the like, as well as an interesting collection of pioneer relices, houshold articles, hunting paraphenalia and the like; formerly used by his grandfather, Henry Johnson Reavis.

Frm History of Cooper County, Missouri pub 1919 Johnson

pg. 219 Boonville Township evidently took its name from Boonville and Boonville was thus named in honor of the great huner, pioneer and Indian-fighter, Daniel Boone. When is acquired this name is not known, but it has been so-called from "time whereof the memory of man runneth nor to the contrary."

The pioneer business house was kept by a Frenchman by the name of a. Robideux. This was located in the flat of the Rupe branch. Robideux came from St. Louis and was doubtless an Indian trader before setting in Boonville. Soon after Robvideux commenced business, a man named Nolin opened a grocery near the mouth of Rupe Branch. It is said his store in trade consiksted mostly of whisky and tobacco. Their houses were long and pole cabins and were erected along about 1816-1817. During the same period, Mrs. Reavis (no first name) and William Bartlett kept boarding houses in the same locality and Thomas Rogers built a cabin at the corner of High and Second streets and used it as a residence, hotel and store.

pg.229 Kelly Townshp- is boounded on the north by Palestine and Clarks Fort on the east by Moniteau, on the west by Lebanon and on the south by Moniteau County. It is named in honor of John Kelly one its oldest and most respected citizens.

Joseph Reavis with his sons Lewis, William t., Jackson and Johnston settled in this township in 1823 and for many years were manufacturers of wagons at which trade they attained quite a good deal of prominence.

(*Note: Joseph's wife was Eleanor Kelly, whose father wasHenry Kelly; her siblings were: Sally, John, Elisha, Elijah, William and George).


Reavis, Andrew A. 80 a
orig patent David Reavis 300 acres
Reavis, Henry L. 16 a
Reavis, James 167 acres
orig patent Joseph A. Reavis
Reavis, James 20 acres
Reavis, Jonathon
Reavis, Joseph 160 acres
Reavis, Samuel D. 80 acres
orig patent Samuel D. Reavis 300 acres
Reavis, Sarah >br> Reavis, W.T. 80 acres

Hx Howard and Cooper Co Mo 1883

A.J. Reavis, farmer, fruit grower and stock raiser. His place contains 400 acres,...fields, meadows and pastures, apple orchard, bearing the best varieties of that class of fruit. Besides that he has a peach orchard of some two hundred trees. He also raises and feeds stock for the wholesale markets and grows large quanities of grain for shipment. He is a native of the county, and was born in Kelly township, October 11, 1838. His father, W.T. Reavis (Wm Taliaferro*), came to this county with his parents (Joseph Reavis and Kelly*) in 1821, when a lad ten years of age; he married Miss. Mary A. McCulloch, originally of Culpepper county, Virginia, who came here with her parents when about thirteen years of age. Having entered a body of 480 acres of land, W.T. Reavis improved a large farm, and there both parents lived until their deaths; she died January 13, 1877; he, November 18 of the same year. A.J. ....was married March 28, 1865, to Miss Lotta A., daughter of Abner Bailey, of Howard county. After is marriage he engaged in business at Tipton, and sold goods there about a year. During all this time he was a member of the firm of B.F. Reavis & Co., the former being his brother.

Cooper Co Mo Strays Book A & B

12 Feb 1824
Red cow and yearling taken up by David Reavis of Moniteau Twp
Feb 16, 1827
Testament by Samuel Reavis>br> 01 Feb 1829 Appraised by Joseph Reavis
09 July 1831 Bayhorse taken up by Samuel D.Reavis>br> 25 Feb 1832 Appraised by Samuel D. Reavis
31 May 1832 Roan Horse taken up by Samuel D Reavis

A Directory of Towns, Villages, and Hamlets of Mo

Pisgah is located in the southeast part of Cooper co about 17 miles frm Boonville. It is the oldest town in the county except Boonville. It was located about 1830 by the Hon. David Jones being the first settler. ....and wa laid out byy james A. Reavis, Jun 30 1836.
