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 A great place to buy frogs that are healthy and at a good price. He deals with  the bigtime hobbyists and buys from the best. I highly recommend this site.  Thanx for the great service Philip!
 This site is good for supplies and getting it quickly.A few frogs for sale and  the site is constantly being updated. I believe this is where I got the leca balls  for under the substrate.
 This site has some nice pictures and a bit of information.
 This is an awesome site for pictures and such. I can't remember if there is any  actual info.
 Nice pictures, good shop, etc.
 Very helpful in the "care of" department. Although they don't sell to the  public I don't think. Very helpful though.
 A good place to check out some deals on frogs and to get someinfo.
 A pretty good place to get some info.