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The Fantastic Four

"One of four. That's why we're a team remember. We all possess skills and talents and powers that make us formidable on our own. But when we put them together, that's when the fun really begins".

-Sue Richards, Invisible Woman, "Down & Out in The Negative Zone" (Fantastic Four #19 Series 3)

The Invisible Woman; Considered by some as the most powerful of the team, Susan Richards possesses the ability to render herself and other objects invisible. Also Sue has learned to control her power to such a degree that she can use it to create impenetrable force fields, "walk on air" by constructing rising columns of invisible energy beneath her fee. She can even use this skill offensively, projecting solid forms at high velocity towards herr opponent. Sue balances her role as an adventurer with that of a working mother, as she has a young son, Franklin, and is responsible for the day-to-day running of the Fantastic Four's charitable foundation.

Susan Richards: The Invisible Woman

The Thing: Raising himself out of a childhood of street gangs and poverty, Ben Grimm went to college on a football scholarship. Upon graduating, Grimm went into the U.S. Airforce and became a highly skilled test pilot and astronaut. Piloting Reed Richards's experimental spacecraft, ben was bathedin cosmic radiation that transformed him into a hideous creature of craggy, orange stone! Relying on his hearty sense of humour to compensate for his tragic disfigurement, Ben uses the titanic strength with which he's been endowed for the good of the world as a member of the Fantastic Four.

Ben Grimm: The Thing

The Human Torch: Hot-headed and impetuous, Johnny Storm is the youngest member of the Fantastic Four. Johnny possesses the mental ability to control ambient heat energy and can transform his body into living flame upon command. In this state Johnny can fly and is also capable of expelling bolts of fire -- or even a nova-blast! Johnny's uniforms and clothing are treated with unstable molecules which enable him to flame on without harming them in any way. He is also a brilliant racing car driver and a superb mechanic.

Johnny Storm: The Human Torch