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Hello my name is MheL..
Welcome to all who visit my garden!
Here you will get to know me.
As you can tell I love plants
and all types of flowers.
I also adore birds and butterflies,
You will be seeing some of them
flying around my pages.
I'm glad you stopped by.
I hope you enjoy my efforts in creating this page.
Please sit back and relax for a while.
This is my very first page,
so please bear with me :)
My pages are always under constructions... LoL..
accidentally deleted this arghhhhh!
So I had to re-create this again!
My love for flowers and nature
inspired me to create this page.
I hope you enjoy my colorful garden.
Please come back and visit me again....soon.
Take care and God Bless You!

Miss MRP
Behind our house in Bonaventure

Miss MRP

This is where you'll find me sitting and relaxing and admiring my fresh bloom flowers.
Would you like to join me for a cup of tea or coffee?

Miss MRP

Blue Jays

Bought this from Publix and replanted them :)

This is my bird named " Misty "

Miss MRP

"A Garden Lives"

A garden lives within our soul
A secret place so dear,
A quaint and lovely part of earth,

That brings us beauty here.
The tulips catch the morning sun,
The air is fresh and sweet

At eventide the shadows fall,
When day is then complete.
A garden is a golden spot,

Where comfort fills our heart,
A peaceful place where quiet dwells,
As each new day does start.

There's loveliness and tender faith,
As raindrops soflty fall,
To bless each wondrous growing thing,

As nature then stands tall,
A fragrance fills this quiet spot,
With peaceful, tender bliss,

Where God looks down on each small plant,
And sends an angel's kiss.
To walk and dream 'neath cotton clouds,

To feel the warmth of Spring,
And gently tuck the world away,
As robins nest and sing.

There's promise in the hope we find,
As seasons come and go,
The touch of Winter snow.

A miracle - a friendship real,
The smile that loving gives,
While every heart finds blessedness,
Because a garden lives.
- Garnett Ann Schultz -

Email Me

All Framed Graphics and sign buttons were created by me.

My real garden bench, I love to sit here with my coffee.

Updated Nov. 3, 2008
Created Jan. 2000
© All Rights Reserved.
Designed and Maintained by MheL*