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Pai Lum Five Elements Meditation

    Function of this form

    Clear blockages of meridians (chi channels)
    Invigorate internal organs and constitution
    Harmonize with self and nature

  1. Relax

  2. Your Internal Salutation

  3. Inhale fully while assuming the "lotus" position

  4. Exhale with a "vibrating" breath

  5. Inhale while moving to the "water" posture--Exhale with a vibrating breath

  6. Inhale while moving to the "earth" posture--Exhale with a vibrating breath

  7. Inhale while moving to the "wood" posture---Exhale with a vibrating breath

  8. Inhale while moving to the "metal" posture--Exhale with a vibrating breath

  9. Inhale while moving to the "fire" posture---Exhale with a vibrating breath

  10. Inhale through Lotus, vibrating breath

  11. Colon cleansing (10 repititions) Inhale while lifting hands Exhale while slapping abdomen

  12. Inhale through Lotus, vibrating breath

  13. Chakra bounce (10 repititions) Inhale while raising heels Exhale while dropping heals

  14. Inhale through Lotus, vibrating breath

  15. Neck roll (1 repitition) close eyes, Inhale while rolling the neck clockwise, Exhale while rolling the neck counter-clockwise to center, open eyes

  16. Inhale through Lotus, vibrating breath

  17. Casting off (10 repititions) Inhale while slowly lifting hands Exhale while shaking arms loosely to sides

  18. Inhale through Lotus, vibrating breath

  19. bring palms to center and relax breathing

  20. Your Internal Salutation

  21. Relax

Above Postures

Lotus-The palms are facing up, held about shoulder height, arms out to the sides, elbows down and slightly bent. As if a human scale, feel the balance of your body and mind

Water-from the Lotus, raise the palm slightly overhead As if emerging from the ocean, feel water run down the arms Associated organs-Kidneys and bladder

Earth-the palms face forward as the thumbs and pointer fingers meet above the forehead, forming a flame or diamond shape Spleen and stomach

Wood-press the palms together,fingers pointing up, in front of the sternum Liver and gallbladder

Metal-palms pressed together, pointing forward and extend slightly Lungs and large intestine

Fire-palm face down and in over abdomen (similar to Earth, but facing down) Heart and intestine

The postures themselves are effective. To make the most of each position, use your mind and imagination to focus on the properties of each element.

To be fluid in our actions, like water. solid and centered, like the earth. Continually growing and adapting. like the plants on our planet.
Willfull and confident like skillfully forged metal. Driven by the burning desire of the fire within.

With practice and concentration, your own insights and interpretations can be a most valuable healing force. Listen to the body and listen to intuition. Listen to what the mind/body/spirit is saying to you when you practice Chi Kung.

Breathing: The vibrating breath that is used in this form is actually quite simple, it just takes a good deal of practice to get comfortable with. During the inhale it is important to focus on gathering up as much chi as possible and holding it in the Dantian. Let the Dantian expand in all directions while letting the air vibrate out, without effort. It may take practice before being able to feel the more subtle vibrations.

At first, students usually start by assisting the feeling by physically shaking the abdomen with the hands while exhaling. This later becomes unnecessary.

Visulization is an indispensable part of Chi Kung and should be used creatively, allowing the individual to find ways and methods to release that work for them.

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ANDREW SHUGYO BONNICI, PH. D.-Doctor of Meditation Psychology
