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The magnetic compass in my ship-board museum always points to the engine room.


"Swift the spoils. Speedy the plunder."

  The Maher Shalal Hash Baz is a member of the Federation of Independent Space Travelers, an organization dedicated to adding exitement to the game of TBG through enhanced player interactions. As her captain, you can expect a direct communication from me should we ever meet. 

I will almost always make an offer or a request of some sort. It is important to reply quickly in order to ensure the most favorable outcome of our meeting. 

I recognize that deceit is an integral part of warfare (and I am at war with a small number of players), but I consider lying to be the least elegant method of misdirection. It is a practice which renders diplomacy impossible. Since diplomacy is a considerable part of my game, factual communication to be an imperative.
* You can trust my correspondence to be literally correct as my continued growth depends on players knowing that I will abide by the terms which we negotiate.

I am currently flying a form of the Jolly Roger which was flown by Richard Worley. The death's head is for SIR ships only, but I will add others if they prove as duplicitous as SIR members have been. I have no respect for the size of my adversaries. Since I command one of the fastest growing ships in the game, I fully expect to outpace my antagonists in the long run.

If player opinion is divided over whether I am a pirate, let it remain so. In the meantime, enjoy my story and write to me if you would like to establish diplomatic relations in advance of our meeting.

Maher Shalal Hash Baz | The Early Turns | Hamal: Gateway to Adventure

The Birth of FIST | What Now? | Obscure Links

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