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Where did she come from..

She never knew who her real parents were, but was quite content with the elven family that raised her. Growing up, the only human in an elven village never seemed to bother her, on the contrary she held a great respect for their love of nature...a fascination with thier aging process....and a longing to have even the slightest bit of their natural powers.

The couple that raised her from the age of an infant, Kiersjyn Lee and Aurora Redfern-Lee, were very nurturing and caring parents. She never got an answer, though, on how they came about taking her in as their own child..and what had happened to her birth parents. For before she reached the age of curiosity, her parents were gone... lost in a quest. Kiera was then taken in by the High Council of the land. Where the High Priest took her under his wing and started teaching her magery...


She looks up from the body, holding up her bloody hands to the soldiers, as they lift her to her feet sternly. Tears stream down her cheeks and she glances back over the guards shoulder, to see the dead body of thier lands High Priest.

::darkness flashes::

She stands at the borders of her lands, with all the members of the High Council, turning their heads away from her and pointing their fingers to leave...forever. She runs off crying, turning to take one last look at what she has always known as home, then narrowing her eyes she wipes the tears away and sets off determined to start her life anew.

Her life now...
A young human in her twenties. Wanting to start a new life for herself after being exiled from her home lands of Merinesti. She wondered into Rhydin. After staying in Rhydin for awhile, she moved onto a nearby land called the New Silver Realms, where she became Second in Command of the BladeDancers, a guild within that realm. She soon moved up as the Guild Commander of it. Not much time passed before she decided to move the BladeDancers out of that realm and formed her own Forum out of the guild. Accomplishing what she set out to do, start a new life...She now, along with her partner Jersalyn, has her own Forum and Realm.

Her heart had belonged to Tolbin, an elf that she loved in Merinesti, but since exiled from there, she has not seen him, assumes him dead. A tattoo of her tears from the lost love, lay upon her cheek, under her left eye. Which are a piercing, unusual shade of green, they keep you captive in her smile. Long red lucious hair flowing around her body, showing the fire in her soul.

After everything that her and her business partner, Jersalyn have been through, they finally revealed their true feelings for one another...and they now have the elven bond, their hearts and minds belonging to each other totally.




Her partner of over a year had to step down from the position of leading the realm with her.

A young girl she remembered from her childhood. One who visited with her mothers sister all the time. She never understood why the girl looked human, just like herself. Looking back now, it's understood that the young girl was a cousin, who's father was human. They always had a special bond and when they came to visit her elven family, the two girls got along as close as sisters.

Years later, the woman she thought she'd never see again stepped back into her life, not only to stand by her as a friend and companion, but to be her partner in the realm she founded.


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She journeyed away from her home back to a place she hadn't thought of much until the last few weeks. Now that she was better skilled in magery, she had a plan of how to return to the land that had banished her, Merinesti.

As she neared the border of the lands, she magically disguised herself as a male elf journeyman. She had no problems walking through the small town. Looking around anxiously as she came upon a familiar hut. She entered and after five years of being gone, the loving face of her grandmother looked up kindly to the stranger. Letting her disguise fade, her grandmothers eyes brightened tremindously and immediatley opened her arms. After a long moment of hugging, Kiera sat back to start a long awaited conversation that had forever been kept from her. Her Grandmother Redferns kind voice poured out the words softly.

"Derrek Kyrska and Olivia Kyrska, that was their names. They were both skilled mages. They said that there was a war going on between the elves and humans where they were from, which was another realm I assume, since they arrived by a portal. They were titled traitors for trying to help the elves during this war. Their enemies wanted to hunt you down as the traitors child. Knowing of our small town here in Merinesti, they brought you in the hopes that the elves here wouldn't shun them away at first glimpse."

She paused a moment to rub her old hands together, and smiled to her with warm sparkling eyes. Kiera just sat trying to take everything in.

"When they arrived, the villagers welcomed them kindly, and the Kyrskas asked around for someone that might be willing to help them. Many turned them in the direction of the Lees home. Since they had never been blessed with a child and wanted for one so badly. So they brought you to the Lees and pleaded for them to save you by taking you in as their own. You were about 5 months old then. Of course the Lees welcomed you lovingly and watched sadly as the couple said their final farewells to you before leaving to go into hiding. So the Lees took you and raised you as their own, changing your name to Kiera." she leaned back in her rocker, smiling over to Kiera.

Kiera sat staring into her grandmothers loving face in silence as she took a deep breath.

"Do you remember what my name was?" she asked. Grandmother Redfern just nodded softly, as if she knew the question would be asked.

"Taleea Rose Kyrska."

After saying their goodbyes and promises to see each other once again soon. Kiera sat back out on her way home. Now realizing what her family sacrificed to save her, she found a respect and new love for the birth parents she never knew. She decided to take on their last name as her own again. And also for the respect of the wonderful family that raised her, she would take their last name and use as a second (middle) name.

~ Kiera Lee Kyrska ~


(Click here for more on the Story Line of Merinesti.)

Current Status:

It was happening all over again. Here she was leaving her home lands once again on the basis of disaster. Disaster by the same being once again. The same woman who had caused Kiera to be bannished from the place. Had reaked havoc and commited murder to many. Kiera's name had been cleared and the ban lifted when they realized the truth about this evil woman, Lanassa.

Kiera's cousin, Ahreanna had helped to restrain the dark woman with mental powers and through out the last couple years the town had lived peacefully while Lanassa laid captive in a comatose state.

The nursemaids that cared for Lanassa's resting place came to Kiera in a panic. "She has moved. Her fingers are twitching" "Yes, we fear she may somehow awaken soon" "We have already sent word to Ahreanna".

They learned that Lanassa's mind must somehow be adapting to the slumbering powers Rhee had placed over her. If this were so, her body and mind would soon become immune. They must find a stronger magic to keep Lanassa lost in her depths, before all chaos broke loose.

With Ahreanna gone ahead back to Realm of the Hidden Blade, to attend to things there, Kiera gave one last gander at the village of Merinesti before she set out on a journey again. To lands that may contain a stronger force, a magic that would keep her people safe once more.

Kiera now resides in a realm called Lands of the Rift. Living in a small cottage, surrounded by a rose garden as always. She defends the land as the Keeper of the Gate, the protector of the lands portal. And still she searches for a strong enough magic so that someday she can return to Merinesti and tame the evil there once again.


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Header Banner 'doll' used from this link also.
Character created January of 1999.