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What Is SLE?

Howling Wolf
What is Lupus?      


The information on this website is meant to give you my aspect of SLE. It is not intended to take the place of a doctor's advice. 

    This is my experience with SLE.

    Many of you reading this may have different symptoms. It's not to often that you will find someone with exactly the same manifestations.

    Lupus is a very hard disease to understand for someone that hasn't had the experience of knowing someone with it. I was at a  total loss when I was diagnosed.

     One of the biggest problems I had after finding out I had it was to find doctors that understood it. A good rheumatologist is the beginning. You may have other symptoms that may have to be dealt with by other specialists. 

     Your not alone with SLE, though it may not be any consolation. There are approximately 2 million people in the United States with SLE. Out of that, about 10-15% are men. With the proper medical attention 85% of us will out a normal term life. 

     I read an article from John's Hopkins saying there were a few rare cases where SLE completely ceased in patients. If I can find the article I will display it on this site. 

   Anyone that wishes to send me comments or questions may do so at .


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