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The BIG Kahuna Restaurant on Marco Island Florida

The BIG Kahuna Restaurant on Marco Island Florida

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This Is What You'll See When You Walk In The BIG KAHUNA!     ***Don't Forget To Scroll Down***

Click Here To See Our Full Lunch And Dinner Menu! Click Here To See A Map That Will Show You How To Get To The Big Kahuna! Click Here To See Full Color Digital Images Of Our Most Popular Plates!

Click Here To Get Your Printable Coupon!

What is a Kahuna?

IN OLD HAWAI'I, the Kahuna studied long and practiced carefully to develop their healing powers, acquiring in the process an education similar in its rigors to the training of modern physicians.

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Please click here to fill out our questionaire.

***First click inside the game area, now press "S" to start!***

  • Arrow up or space - Fire
  • Arrow down or M - Fire a missile
  • P - Pause on/off
  • S - Start the game
  • Left arrow - Move spaceship to the left
  • Right arrow - Move spaceship to the right
  • Escape - End the game currently playing
  • If the attacking spaceships comes all the way down to your spaceship you lose two lifes
  • Bonus lifes every 10000 points
  • When the ufo passes - try to hit it, when you do you gain 1000 points and a new missile
  • 500 points for completing each level
  • The attacking spaceships may have one more bullet on the screen for each level, the game also moves faster
  • You may have 6 bullets on the screen at any time (and only one missile)
If you like Invaders you have got to try ASTEROIDS...It's just like the old arcade game, except no pumping quarters into the machine! Just click HERE to play!

Did you know it once snowed on Marco Island? Click HERE and we'll prove it!

Site last updated 03/12/00. All Rights Reserved-Web Design-PHB....Copyright: Big Kahuna Restaurant Marco Island Florida