The WOW Revolution [Episode 5]

Setting: WWF Smackdown, San Diego, CA

We are in Vince's dressing room, where he is discussing strategy with the usual suspects (Shane, Austin, Angle, Regal, with Debra looking on and doing nothing, as usual.) Oddly, Stephanie is not there.

[Knock on the door.]

Vince: "Who is it?"

Stephanie: "It's me, daddy. Can I come in?"

Vince: "Of course, come in Steph."

Steph enters, greets everyone, then confronts Vince.

Steph: "I didn't like how those WOW girls barged in and kicked Chyna out of the WWF. I want to confront them and show them that they can't go around making trouble for everyone."

Vince (unsure): "Do you think that's a good idea, Steph? I mean there's 17 of them and just one of you?"

Steph: "Of course it's a good idea. Remember, I'm The Billion-Dollar Princess. I'm just going to show them that I am the dominant female."

Regal: "Mr. McMahon, do you really want to put your daughter at risk like that? I mean, those WOW women are much bigger than she is. What if she gets hurt?"

Angle: "Don't worry Steph. I'll be right out there if there's any trouble."

Steph: "Thank you Kurt."

Fast-forward to the confrontation.

("My Time" plays)

Lilian Garcia: "Making her way to the ring, one of the owners of the World Wrestling Federation, 'The Billion-Dollar Princess,' Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley!"

Crowd boos.

Steph enters the ring and grabs the mic.

Steph: "Get out of the ring!"

Lillian leaves.

Steph: "Who do these WOW women think they are? For months nobody knows who they are and now they come in and one of them beats Chyna and kicks her out of the WWF? Where do they get off doing things like this? I've beaten Trish Stratus on Pay-Per-View, I'm the Billion-Dollar Princess, I'm a former WWF Women's Champion, I call the shots around here. I am the dominant female. So, if any of those WOW girls are back there, I'm calling you out now!"

(Rob Zombie's "Dragula" plays)

Crowd pops.

Riot: "Listen, what I did wasn't just for me or even for WOW. It was for serious women wrestlers everywhere. You got lucky in your match with Trish, since it was clearly done to cover your lack of talent. If you think you can beat me like you beat Trish, you're crazy. I am unbreakable, I am unbeatable and nothing can stop the Riot!"

Steph: "I don't care who you think you are. I will beat you because I'm Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley and I'm superior to any other female in this company, even my own mother. And if you think you're going to fight me, well you're going to have to wait. Because, tonight, in this very ring, you will put your WWF Women's Title on the line against (dramatic pause) Trish Stratus!"

At ringside, Michael Cole marks out (of course) and says something stupid (of course.)

Riot: "Say goodbye to your little friend, Stephanie."

Fast forward to the match.

WWF Women's Championship: "The Heavy Metal Maniac" Riot (c) vs. Trish Stratus

LG: "This match is for the WWF Women's Championship."

(Trish's music plays)

LG: "Introducing first, the challenger. From Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Trish Stratus!"

Trish is, of course, wearing a tight top and short shorts that show off her butt, drawing a good reaction.

("Dragula" plays)

LG: "Her opponent, from Chicago, IL, representing The WOW Revolution, she is the WWF Women's Champion, 'The Heavy Metal Maniac,' Riot!"

Big pops.

The match starts, and Trish stalls, a little unsure of what is about to happen. Riot unleashes some chops and clotheslines to start, and Trish bails. Riot follows her to the floor and throws her back in, where she continues the assault. Trish rakes Riot's eyes, and bails to a corner. Trish gets to her feet and hits a spear, which Riot, being a pro, sells. Trish hits some weak chops and punches, but Riot shoves her down and continues the ass-kicking. Trish bails again, but Riot pulls Trish back in and continues the beating. Somewhere in this, Trish's top gets ripped off, leaving her in her bra, which gets a HUGE face pop. In a desperate attempt to cover herself up, she runs the wrong way and Riot catches her, powerbombs her and pins her for the win.

LG: "Here is your winner, RIOT!"

Refs come out and cover up Trish and take her to the back, where Jonathan Coachman finds her.

Trish: "I don't have a problem with taking my clothes off in the ring. I just want it to be my idea and not in a context designed to humiliate me."

Trish leaves.

[Author's note: I have no doubt that the above statement is true.]