The WOW Revolution [Episode 13]

In honor of this being the 13th episode of The WOW Revolution, something special will take place.

Setting: WWF SmackDown!, Tulsa, OK

We start off with a match.

"The Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer vs. Albert (w/X-Pac)

Lillian: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall."

(X-Factor's music plays)

Lillian: "Introducing first, being accompanied by the WWF Light Heavyweight Champion X-Pac, from Peabody, MA, weighing in at 380 lbs., Albert!"

Crowd boos and chant "X-Pac sucks, X-Pac sucks!"

("Man in the Box" plays)

Lillian: "And his opponent, from Yonkers, NY, weighing in at 245 lbs., 'The Innovator of Violence' Tommy Dreamer!"

Crowd cheers.

The match starts, as Tommy uses his brawling skills to counter Albert's lumbering power stuff. Albert dominates for a while, with X-Pac cheating freely. The ref gets bumped, and Albert tosses Tommy to the floor. X-Factor double teams Dreamer for a while until, to everyone's surprise, BAM BAM BIGELOW RUNS IN FROM OUT OF NOWHERE! Bigelow squashes X-Pac and wipes out Albert. Bigelow tosses Albert back into the ring, puts Tommy on top, and wakes up the ref so he can count the pin.

Lillian: "Here is your winner, 'The Innovator of Violence' Tommy Dreamer!"

We're not done with the surprises by a long shot. The lights go down, except some red lights which create an eerie look. Something happens, but the lights make it hard to see. Then, something else happens to surprise everyone.

(Gangrel's music plays)

Gangrel and Luna Vachon emerge from the floor and the ring of fire. Gangrel, Luna, Dreamer and Bigelow embrace. When the lights come back on, X-Pac and Albert are drenched in red. It was a bloodbath! Everyone is shocked to see Gangrel and Luna back in the WWF.

Luna: "WWF, you haven't seen anything yet. I know all of these wrestlers very well. You are going to see what they can do. Welcome to Luna's Asylum!"

[Author's note: David "Gangrel" Heath and Gertrude "Luna" Vachon are married in real life, and Luna has managed Gangrel as Vampire Warrior in various independents. Luna managed Bam Bam Bigelow from 93-94 in the WWF, and briefly managed Tommy Dreamer in ECW in 1995.]

Gangrel's music plays, and The Asylum (Gangrel, Luna, Dreamer and Bigelow) exit via the floor. JR and Cole are in shock and have no idea what to say.

Fast-forward to the WOW Tag Title match.

WOW World Tag Team Title: Caged Heat (c) vs. Harley's Angels (Charlie Davidson and EZ Rider, w/Thug)

Lillian: "The following tag team contest is for the WOW World Tag Team Championship and is scheduled for one fall."

("Born to Be Wild" plays)

LG: "Introducing first, the challengers. Being accompanied by Thug, and representing The WOW Revolution, from Anywhere The Road Takes Me, Charlie Davidson, and from Philadelphia, PA, EZ Ryder, Harley's Angels!"

Crowd boos, as HA have clearly defined themselves as heels.

HA do some of their usual mic work, until they hear...


Lillian: "And their opponents, representing The WOW Revolution, they are the WOW World Tag Team Champions, from the Nevada State Correctional Facility, LOCA AND DELTA LOTTA PAIN, CAGED HEAT!"

We go into a brawl right away, with everyone fighting all over the ring area. The fight settles down, and Loca and EZ start the match for real. Their usual combination of brawling and wrestling results, drawing good heat for both competitors. Loca takes over and tags in Delta. Delta dominates for a while, until cheating by the heels turns the tide. EZ tags in Charlie, and the bikers take over for a while. Delta comes back, but Thug tries to interfere. This draws the attention of the ref, so EZ and Charlie double team Delta behind his back. Loca runs in to break it up, but the ref sends her back to her corner. Finally, after an extended heel beatdown, Delta escapes and tags in Loca. Loca runs in and wipes out the heels, but Thug keeps interfering. Finally, Loca slips out of the ring, grabs a chair and blasts Thug with it. While Loca is busy with Thug, EZ grabs a chair of her own and hits Loca with it. Another brawl, and IT'S BREAKING OUT IN TULSA! Thug interferes again, and this time it's effective, as she trips up Delta before the somersault legdrop. Thug hits the Last Call on Delta, but she's not the legal woman, Loca still is. Loca DDT's Thug and tosses her, but the ref is out. Charlie and EZ double DDT Loca, toss Delta out, and wake up the ref. Charlie, who was still legal, pins Loca to win the belts. HUGE heel pop for that.

Lillian: "Here are your winners, and the NEW WOW World Tag Team Champions, Charlie Davidson and EZ Ryder, Harley's Angels!"

Thug gets up and grabs the mic.

Thug: "Now that we've got the belts, we're two-thirds of the way there. Riot, this Monday on RAW, I'm challenging you for the WWF Women's Title. We don't need The WOW Revolution anymore. Remember, you'd rather kiss a rattlesnake than to mess with Harley's Angels!"

EZ: "And we just made roadkill out of you!"

("Dragula" plays)

Riot runs out with her baseball bat and attacks Harley's Angels, getting in some good shots before the refs break up the fight.

End of show.